Standalone - The Bachelors of Arizona #1
Release: October 4, 2016
Length: 353 pages
Cinderella never had to deal with this crap.
Jane isn't entirely sure that Cinderella got such a raw deal. Sure, she had a rough start, but didn't she eventually land a prince and a happily-ever-after? Meanwhile, Jane is busy waiting on her demanding, entitled sisters, running her cleaning business, and . . . yep, not a prince in sight. Until a party and a broken shoe incident leave Jane wondering if princes---or at least, a certain deliciously hunky billionaire---maybe do exist.
Except Brock Wellington isn't anyone's dream guy. Hell, a prince would never agree to be auctioned off in marriage to the highest bidder. Or act like an arrogant jerk---even if it was just a façade. Now, as Brock is waiting for the auction chopping block, he figures it's karmic retribution that he's tempted by a sexy, sassy woman he can't have. But while they can't have a fairy-tale ending, maybe they can indulge in a little bit of fantasy . .
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My Review
One line drew me to requesting this book: "Cinderella never had to deal with this crap."Yes! This was a humorous and modern retelling of the classic fairy tale, Cinderella. And I loved it!! Rachel Van Dyken injected this story with her own brand of laughs, feel good moments, and love. She took the classic and twisted it, flipped it on its head, and made it work. Not every remix will be golden, but this one sure was.
Aside from Jane's two sisters, who provide ALL of the angst in this story, I loved everyone in this book. Obviously the main characters, Jane and Brock, but also his twin brothers, Bentley and Brant. I even loved their grandfather Wellington and found him delightful (you little manipulator you).
Oh and I LURVED every reference to the word "cock" in this book. There were so many (52 to be exact) and each one well placed and relevant lol.
"It irritates the hell out of me that 'Brock' rhymes with 'cock.' Just laying it all out there so you know." - Brock to Jane
Jane and Brock were both without their parents and trying to hold their families together. By doing so, they have lost their ability to say 'no'. Their right of refusal has taken a seat. Kinda indefinitely. In Jane's case, her sisters have used and abused her love and her kindness. As for Brock, he shouldered ALL of the responsibility of his family, something his family wants him to STOP doing.
This story was about these characters each facing their pain, loss and grief, finding their voices, finding a beautiful love with one another, and finally going after what matters most, which is what they both needed and deserved.
I must admit, there was one part that drew a tear from my eye. One tear, but it's worth mentioning because I'm NOT a crier.
"And us mothers, grandmothers - we're all given that same gene from God. The one that allows us to inflict fear into the most wicked of toddlers, gives us the ability to multi-task and still enjoy life, the ability to love through the mud, sweat, tears, the strength to wake up every day and breathe life into the world, to make it a better place - so know when I say this, I do not say this lightly. I say this with the utmost wisdom from years of being a woman." She paused. "Your mother would be so proud, baby girl." Nadine Titus to Jane
I can't wait to see what Van Dyken is going to do with Bentley and Brant. It was quite obvious towards the end that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to these two men.
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