The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater - King #5
Release: October 25, 2016
Length: 300 pages
You thought Preppy was dead...you thought wrong.
Samuel Clearwater, A.K.A Preppy, likes bowties, pancakes, suspenders, good friends, good times, good drugs, and a good f*ck.
He s worked his way out from beneath a hellish childhood and is living the life he s always imagined for himself. When he meets a girl, a junkie on the verge of ending it all, he s torn between his feelings for her and the crippling fear that she could be the one to end the life he loves.
Andrea Dre Capulet is strung out and tired.
Tired of living for her next fix. Tired of doing things that make her stomach turn. Tired of looking in the mirror at the reflection of the person she s become. Just when she decides to end it all, she meets a man who will change the course of both their lives forever.
And their deaths.
For most people, death is the end of their story.
For Preppy and Dre, death was only the beginning."
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My Review
T.M. Frazier... I want to thank you for creating this book. I want to thank you for gifting me an early copy of this book because release day wasn't soon enough for me (I've got a copy on pre-order to add to my Frazierland collection). You have the incredible knack of creating lovable bastards and bishes. Thank you for breathing life back into my most beloved character, Preppy. I love all of the men, but with Preppy... my heart has been broken through too many books. When Doe/Ray read his letter and obituary aloud, it lightened the pain (because of the laughs), but this book (and the one to come) removed it. THANK YOU!!There was everything to love about this book. Preppy. Andrea (Dre). Pancakes. Preppy's sarcasm. His mind. His quirks. His sweetness. His scariness. His pain and his triumphs. This book was full of many small, wonderful moments that amounted to a beautiful story.
There are times when I've dived into a much loved series where I was disappointed. NOT HERE! I really wasn't sure what to expect. Was it going to be Preppy's POV of what already took place? Or would it be something new, fresh and unique? Obviously I went into this blind. I didn't want to spoil my experience with what was being said on social media. The author gave me what I was looking for and I'm extremely grateful. I got Preppy aka BADA** MOFO and I couldn't be happier!
Told through flashbacks and in real time, the reader sees the little and big picture. We fall in love with Dre, a junkie trying to clean up her act, but Preppy definitely stole the show. His character in this book stayed true to who we all know and love. #Bowtie til I die for real.
There's the requisite killing and angst and intensely hot sex. Who knew how incredibly hot (sexually) Preppy was??? Well, I know now. So freaking hot!!
But I digress.
This book was about so much more than that. It was about life and death, desperation, hopelessness, grief, guilt, finding redemption, and falling unexpectedly in love. We get a real look into what makes Preppy tick. Although we got some of his background through King, the picture is much clearer when received through Preppy.
Honestly, this book made me even more of a Preppy fan girl. Not sure how that's even possible because I was already a tad bit obsessive. Anyone who knows me can tell you that he's always been my fave. Yes, I do love them all, but he has determinedly found a way to stand out. It's the personality that this character embodies. The sarcasm and the quick wit mixed with the charming and the psycho. The same reason I love Sterling Archer and the Ryan Reynold's Deadpool portrayal. Freaking bloody and fantastic! I love my men dark and twisted with a sense of humour and a dash of the debonair.
This book barely satisfied me because I need more!! Dammit it's like feeding an obese man some salad. GIMME MEAT!! Preppy Part II cannot come fast enough for me. Nuff said!
ARC kindly and generously given in exchange for an honest review
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