War & Peace #4
Release: October 25, 2016
Length: 253 pages
I was a pawn.
Weak and someone easily manipulated.
To be played with as he saw fit.
Until YOU.
YOU shone light in my now dark world.
It was YOU who made me smile.
For the first time in this game, I had hope.
All because of YOU.
The more powerful pieces on the board, however, were a threat to YOU and me.
They would win at any cost.
Two kings ruling with an iron fist.
Allies or opponents, it was hard to tell.
YOU promised to save me.
Told me we would win.
But then I was on the wrong side of the board.
This isn't YOU, baby.
And I don't know what to do.
The game is almost over and I'm counting on YOU.
Tick, tock...
This Isn’t You, Baby is a dark romance. Strong sexual themes, excessive drug use, and violence, which could trigger emotional distress, are found in this story. If you are sensitive to dark themes, then this story is not for YOU.
This story will make YOU smile.
This story will make YOU angry.
This story will make YOU crazy.
I hope YOU love it, baby.
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My Review
With this book, I took a trip to Crazy Town and I'm not sure how to get home!!Part One was loco. There were so many key players involved and quite frankly I was lost as to who to root for. Ren? Brie? Duvan? Oscar? Vee? As sweet and innocent as Brie was supposed to be portrayed, I wasn't convinced. It just didn't ring true for me. Add to that the fact that EVERY man seemed to want her and only her, my feelings for her didn't warm up. And Gabe was suddenly sane??? How did Webster get me to feel bad for him???
Part Two was insane. I fell hard for Duvan. Can't lie. And I absolutely abhorred Esteban. He was filth personified and there were so many examples of his evil. But Brie, once again, came off as a bloody fool. Her being only 18 wasn't a good enough excuse for her stupidity. She made dumb decisions and suffered horrific consequences for them. Thankfully Duvan was there to pick up the pieces. Who expected him to be so freaking amazing???
Part Three was devastating. It ends on a cliffy and the events that lead up to it are horrifying. I don't even want to say any more about it.
So why does this book deserve 5 stars??? Because when you're looking for something dark and suspenseful, you should look no further than K. Webster. She ALWAYS delivers!!
An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review
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