Release: October 31, 2016
Length: 330 pages
Charlotte Banks (Charlie) is newly graduated from college and working in public relations.
She is given a case that is just a bit too close to the heart. Joey Carino is a rock god, but now with his life spinning out of control, it's up to Charlie to try and save his reputation with his record label and his fans.
However, dealing with Joey means dealing with Matthew Johns, Joey's best friend and Charlie's worst nightmare.
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In my opinion, the story was about Charlotte "Charlie" Banks trying to prove something. To her father. To her peers. To herself. She works in PR at her father's company when he finally gives her her own file to handle. It's for a famous rockstar bad boy, Joey Carino, who happens to be her ex. They didn't end on a high note and his bestfriend, Matthew Johns, didn't help matters. Now she's got to try to bury the hatchet in order to salvage Joey's reputation.Charlie is ambitious, prideful, stubborn and determined. I honestly didn't like her all that much because of the many times I glimpsed not only her condescension, but she really had a superiority complex. She constantly talked about being good at her job, when this was her first solo gig. Please! She reminded me of those people you tell a story to and they always find a way to relate it back to them. EVERYTHING ISN'T ALWAYS ABOUT YOU! And as the book was told from her POV, it was difficult to connect to it. I really enjoyed her interactions with Matthew because he seemed to bring out a different side to her. I side I could get on board with. A softer side. A side I wished to see more of.
Everyone was concerned with Joey and what his life had become was simply tragic. The author did a great job of blending the romance with realism. A relationship between Charlie and Matthew was unavoidable (because they had tons of great chemistry), but so was Joey's pain. The choices they all made helped to shape their reality. And some choices are simply out of our hands.
As far as introductions go, this was a good one!
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