Standalone - Belial's Disciples #1
Release: December 16, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat: Only one descriptive scene
Length: 375 pages
Fracas Macintyre has been in and out of trouble all her life but this time it’s worse than ever. In debt to a loan shark, she’s caught up in a war between the Alistairs, nicknamed The Irish Mob, and Belial’s Disciples, England’s nastiest MC. Kidnapped and at the mercy of Caden Winslow, Fracas is convinced that life is going to get very nasty indeed.
Caden Winslow is an ex soldier used to taking care of business. When an Alistair henchman steals his beloved Busa, he simply takes one of theirs hostage and expects a simple trade will solve the problem. However, Caden is about to be pulled into a war.
Warning: This book is a dark romance. It contains explicit scenes of dubious consent, graphic violence and sex. It is for adults only.
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A.J. Adams has officially been added to my must-read list. She took a story that was dark, twisted and heartbreaking and infused it with enough laughs, optimism, heroics, and hope to make it heartwarming.Likes:
✿ Fracas: she was dealt a shitty hand, was labeled and persecuted for what was done to her, and was still able to hold onto hope. No one heard her. No one really saw her. No one helped. She was called horrible names, she was treated with disgust, but her heart was still open enough to give and receive love with Caden.
✿ Caden: my favorite character! He was a military hero with a strong code of honor, ethics, right and wrong. He recognized that the system didn't always get it right and aimed to mete out justice as he saw fit. He was fair. He was kind. He was extremely intelligent. He carried around a lot of guilt for many things that were beyond his control. He had no problem admitting when he was wrong. He also had a huge heart and soon came to realize that he and Fracas, though they led vastly different lives, were kindred spirits. His love for her knew no bounds.
✿ the side characters, especially Rex and Crush. I liked how the MC club was shown under a different light, with intelligent men at the helm running legitimate (and illegitimate) businesses.
✿ the British slang. Fracas and Crush taught me many new words with their potty mouths.
✿ the plot: it was an intriguing whodunit chock full of rape, murder and mayhem. Don't worry, the acts themselves weren't explicit, but they were discussed and they weren't pretty.
✿ the ending. I was greedy and wanted more of an epilogue :D
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