It's You #2
Release - January 17, 2017
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat - 2 out of 5
Length - 253 pages
Review of book 1, It's You
To some, they’re just words signifying a fairytale ending.
For me, Jack Beauloup, they represent an unyielding desire:
Forever with Darcy Turner, the unexpected love of my life.
A love that has placed her human life in danger.
According to Pack Law, my binding is an abomination that must be severed.
It’s ignited a fiery hatred that I must confront and control.
But what is bound cannot be broken.
I will keep Darcy safe.
Even if it means giving up on my dreams.
Even if it means giving up my life.
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This was an intense conclusion to the duet. While many parts were predictable, it was no less of a delight to read through! It was beautiful, lovely, whimsical, erotic and indubitably romantic!I have to be a bit nit-picky though. For about 75% of this book, I was baffled by Darcy's small-minded behaviour. I was absolutely disgusted and I couldn't get past it. It was extremely hard to root for the couple when I was so angry with the heroine. I couldn't understand her selfishness. In her desire to have Jack conform into who she wanted him to be, she hurt him: physically and emotionally. My heart broke for poor Jack. Like many a minority, he had convinced himself that his only shot at happiness required him to drastically change who he was in order to fit in. I found this completely unfair and impatiently waited for SOMEONE to call Darcy out on her bigotry! I kept asking myself if this was really love. True love. Because this love came with conditions on Darcy's part. If only Jack didn't require blood. If only he didn't have to change at the full moon. If only Jack weren't Jack. I wanted her love to be as unconditional as his was for her.
I enjoyed the romance, but only from Jack's perspective. He was truly a romantic and his love was limitless. Any woman would be grateful to be loved the way he loved Darcy.
I'm not going to reveal anything else of the plot. It really was an incredible story. Beautifully written. A stunning second chance romance (or third chance?). A story where you'll find hope, love and forever!
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