The Stolen Duet #2
Release - May 3, 2017
Genre - Dark Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - 3.5 out of 5
Length - 302 pages
Review of book 1, The Bandit
Little Mian Ross and the big, bad Knight didn't find their fairytale ending. Together they found war.
The Parties:
Angeles Knight
Mian Ross
The Order:
Angeles Knight orders the liberation of Mian Ross.
He’ll tear down their enemies, forsake his throne, and give his life to keep her safe.
All Mian must do is forgive his betrayal and put her heart on the line.
The Debt:
His legacy.
The Bandit:
The Sixth Knight
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Picking up pretty much where The Bandit left off, THE KNIGHT was the thrilling conclusion to Angel and Mian's story. Or was it? Because my thoughts and emotions were all over the place while reading this, I'm finding it a little difficult to give a structured review. So here's a list of my thoughts, both positive and negative, in no particular order, and I wish you luck in understanding my meaning in the end.♞ Mian was still a spoiled brat. She still lacked logic, reasoning and maturity, but somehow earned some of my respect. Go figure. I like people who don't know how to stay down when they get knocked down and she was definitely one of those people. I especially liked the way that Angel saw her, which was so different than the way I did.
♞ Angel was still my boo. I didn't like how soft he was when it came to Mian because in my opinion she didn't deserve so much of his mercy, but I guess I can't dictate how he expressed his love for her.
♞ I'm not sure if it's just my copy, but it felt like I was missing out on entire scenes. Characters were introduced and events occurred that didn't completely make sense and I got kind of lost. It was entertaining but I had a few "huh?" moments.
♞ Huge chunks of time passed with no real insight on what happened during that time. I'm talking like 3 years and then another year. I get the story has to end somewhere, and maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but the end didn't really feel like an ending. I felt that the characters, especially Angel, deserved more of a conclusion to his story. So much happened in this duet and I feel let down that the end was rushed and glossed over. I even understand that there's room for a spin-off or something but I don't think Angel got the happy ending I was hoping for and there were still so many unanswered questions.
Or... maybe I'm just selfish and wanted more time with the amazing character I fell in love with. See you later, Angel, my sweet! Yes, I'm a little obsessed with him and my fingers and toes are crossed hoping I'll see him again!!!
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