Grip #2
Release - September 24, 2017
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Trope - brother's best friend
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Length - 390 pages
Review of the prequel, Flow
Review of book 1, Grip
I'll be there.
Through thick and thin.
Ride or die.
You can count on me.
The promises people make. The vows we take.
Assumptions of the heart.
Emotion tells us how we feel, but life... life has a way of plunging us in boiling water, burning away our illusions, testing our faith, trying our convictions.
Love floating is a butterfly, but love tested is an anchor.
For Grip and Bristol
Love started at the top of the world
On a Ferris wheel under the stars
But when that love is tested, will they fly or fall?
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Always… evermore… even after… still
Initially I imagined writing a review that was both lyrical and magical to do this story justice. However, I realized that there was no way I could come up with something as poetic and impassioned as this book. Once again, the author plucked out issues that are still oppressing many in our society today, whether it be racism, general bigotry, or injustice. If you thought Grip was passionate before, you ain’t seen nothing yet. In Still, Grip really comes into his own. With Bristol by his side, they could conquer anything. Negative thoughts, negative words, and negative people don’t stand a chance against the ferocity and certainty of their love.
It’s not to say that everything was sunshine and rainbows for this couple. They stood up against those who had nothing nice to say about their relationship. Those that viewed it as unnatural (it’s so sad that there are people who still think like this) and those who tried to force them apart. They withstood loss and the grief that goes along with that. They even continued to fight for each other, which I thought was the most beautiful thing about this couple. In their hearts, there was never any doubt that they belonged together. Never any doubt that they would love each other forever.
Always… evermore… even after… still
Dwell in possibility.
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