Soon, I’ll have to send him out into society. The cruel machine that gnashes innocence and spits out the hollowed remains of a child’s imagination. It’s a place I know all too well, considering my past. I’ve worked hard to separate myself from it, but it looms in the back of my mind—waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
My son, Logan, wants to have birthday parties, make friends, play at the park—all the normal things that seven-year olds want to do. All the things I want to do with him.
I’ve put up walls around our life to shield us from danger. Giant barriers to ward off possible threats.
Cora Chapman crashes through them like a wrecking ball. She’s intelligent and hilarious with soft curves and a spark that ignites a flame deep inside of me.
There’s only one problem—she’s Logan’s teacher.
When my past wraps its tentacles around my throat and threatens to strangle the breath from my lungs, I’m given an option—fight for my family’s freedom, or die as they’re stripped away from me.
I can’t lose. I won’t lose.
My name is Landon Lane and I am a warrior.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm gonna apologize right now for this vague review. It's just that the hero, Landon, was so complex and I love him so much, that I don't want to spoil anything about this story for you. Just know that Landon was everything. EVERYTHING!! Oh yeah, I don't want to forget the awesomeness of Logan or Joe. Yup, Joe was a very close runner-up for my affections ;)
Bad Dadwas the complete opposite from what I was expecting and I loved it!! Seriously, this was nothing like what I’ve become used to from Sloane Howell. I’ve read his sports romance, his suspense, even his erotica, but this was on a whole other level.
Immolation. That’s what his stare did to me. It set me aflame from the inside.
That right there spoke to the intense relationship that developed between Landon and Cora. Ahhhh… Landon was so surreal. I loved everything about this man. He was most definitely alpha strong, but he was fiercely loyal, dedicated, honorable, sexy, and one heck of a dad. I think his relationship with his son was the most beautiful thing about this story. Their every interaction was tinged with life lessons and so much affection that it turned me into a virtual sap. I loved how the author captured Logan’s almost hero-worship of his father. Every father-son relationship should be like theirs. It was awesome!!
"I’m a warrior for my family." - Logan
I really would have been happy with just Landon’s thoughts alone. I know that Cora’s perspective had to be introduced to give this story depth, but I didn’t love her like I loved him. As much as I loved how Landon loved her, I didn’t. Which was okay because I don’t think I was supposed to for the most part. Her reasons for her actions (wishy-washy) were immature and she lacked a certain something. I just didn’t think that what she was offering was good enough for my boy Landon. He deserved everything. I unfortunately have this terrible habit of loving the hero and not the heroine, or vice versa, but in this instance, I at least came to like her in the end.
"We do not run! Not this family! Not from anything! NOTHING!" - Landon
This story was about love and family. About freedom and redemption. About standing tall and standing firm, especially in the face of adversity. There was plenty of action, drama, romance, and steamy times to keep the juices flowing. If you’re looking for a fluffy piece of literature, you’re in the wrong place. This story has a lot of heart and the journey to happily ever after for this couple was difficult, almost futile, and most definitely passionate.
Release Date: December 27, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 4 out of 5
Type: Standalone
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