Tough? Damn right.
Smart? Don’t let the hockey uniform fool you.
Large and in charge? Honey, I’m the biggest, baddest, mother pucking-est machine to ever own the ice. I shoot. I score. In and out of the rink. I don’t come early, but I come often, if you know what I mean. And I always leave the ladies wanting more.
Until that chick last night.
I’m no one-thrust wonder, and you’re damn right I’m going to prove to her I can do better. But every time I think I’m finally on my way back into her pants, she one-ups and out-balls me.
I should cut my losses, lick my wounds, and walk away.
But Zeus Berger doesn’t walk away from anything.
Especially when she's the only woman in the world who might be able to handle me.
The Pilot and the Puck-Up is a standalone romantic comedy featuring a hockey player whose ego is the only thing bigger than his shoe size, the most badass woman to ever fly a plane, rubber chockey (don't ask), and no cheating or cliffhangers.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2HkGZD9
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The way the author described Zeus, and I mean physically, I was on the hunt to find a man like him to visually fantasize about on Google. I found tons!! Way to many to share. Just go look for yourself. Well, do that after you read what Pippa Grant has to say about Zeus. Then you’ll know why Zeus really got my juices flowing ;)
Zeus and Joey Fireball, a female pilot he met at a party when he was dressed as a female hooker troll (don’t ask… READ THE BOOK!!), were on the one-night stand that could. They kept trying… well, he kept trying and I admired this man’s refusal to call it quits. His determination to win over the stubborn and fierce woman of his dreams was something to be admired. And every time he broke the fourth wall had me cracking the hell up!
Seriously, Zeus alone should make you want to read this book. He was a giant hockey player, intimidating on and off the ice, who had such a gentle heart and soul. I loved everything about him. Even when it got to Joey’s POV, I couldn’t help but zip through them so I could get back to my beloved Zeus. Now I can’t wait for his twin brother, Ares, to get a happy ending of his very own.
Release: Feb. 16, 2018 | Genre: Romantic Comedy | POV: Dual - 1st person | Heat: 4 out of 5 | Standalone - character crossover
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