Kaden Hades couldn’t handle touring with his rock band and a relationship— until he discovered Sadie, the love of his life. But when tragedy struck with his teenage daughter, Kaden broke off the engagement, swearing to put his kids first.
Then he gets the phone call. Sadie’s been in a car accident.
By the time he reaches her side, she is critical.
With Sadie in a coma, memories flood Kaden’s mind. Her kisses. And all the wonderful experiences they shared. The day it all went wrong…and Kaden made the biggest mistake of his life. Now, as her last line of defense against those who've given up hope, he'll move heaven and earth to protect her.
Because she’s always had his heart—but if he loses her, his world will come apart.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Kaden was a rock god! He had an irrational ex-wife, two teenaged daughters, and he was head over heels in love with Sadie. Unfortunately, he was the only one. When tragedy strikes, he has to make a choice and he breaks both of their hearts in the process. Separated from the love of his life, his existence is lackluster and he's suffering. But so is Sadie. After months apart, Kaden gets a call that turns his life upside down - Sadie's in the hospital in critical condition. He drops everything to remain at her side and if she makes it back to him, he's intent on never letting her go again.
Claudia Burgoa always finds a way to wrap my whole heart in her stories. They touch some part of me that makes me feel vulnerable (something I hate), yet powerful at the same time. This story was full of drama, angst, music, high emotions, heartache, and so much love. The road to forever for Kaden and Sadie wasn't easy. Their path to forever was hard-fought for and beautifully won.
Release: 05.03.2018 | Contemporary Second Chance Romance | Dual POV - 1st POV | Heat: 3.5 | Standalone
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