He’s a retired army drill sergeant, so he is more than used to getting his way.
And if he can’t have it his way? Well, let’s just say that’s never happened before…
At least not until Cora Maldonado walks into his life, demanding he fall in line, or she’ll find a way to make his life hell.
He finds out fast that Cora marches to the beat of her own drum, and a lot of times that drum takes her farther away rather than closer to where he feels she needs to be.
He can’t stand it.
He wants her, and he has to have her.
It doesn’t matter that she’s twenty years younger than him, and has a father that would rather see him dead than have his baby girl anywhere near him. Nor does it matter that his ex-wife is highly offended that she’s been replaced with a much younger woman.
Despite the odds stacking against them, he’ll fight for what he wants.
His ex-wife, her father, and their age difference be damned.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Meeting Coke in Get You Some was such a tease. I already loved him through the brief glimpses I got to see the type of man he was. He hired June, who was the town outcast, without judgment, without any sort of negativity, he defended her, he encouraged her, and he gave her her first taste of normalcy in a very long time. So I just knew when I got his story in Ain’t Doin’ It that I would only love him more. Gosh, I love when my predictions are right on!
Coke was married to a harpy named Beatrice. He stayed with her for almost 17 years, trying to give his daughter a chance at a ‘home’. BIG MISTAKE!! When he finally finds the nerve to leave his wife, he decides that he doesn’t want to go through the whole shebang again. He just wants to find some peace in his ‘old age’. The harpy still won’t leave him alone, even though they’ve been divorced for a LONG while, and he just can’t be bothered. But when his sexy little neighbor draws his attention, all of his previous intentions go flying out the door. Because as much as he tries to convince himself that she’s better off without him, that he can’t possibly give her what she needs, she makes darn sure to let him know that he’s the only man for her. And pretty soon, he realizes that he can’t live without his Cora.
Again, I loved these characters. Coke was a real stand up guy and Cora, despite her statements to the contrary, was an extraordinary girl. They hit it off instantly and although their relationship developed as a slow burn, once the spark was lit, they were incendiary. I’m still not sure why there was such a big deal made about their age difference or why Coke was made to seem older than he was. It really bothered me because he was only 35 and that makes him younger than me and I in no way, shape or form feel or act or think I’m old. So what if there’s almost 10 years between them? It’s not like he could be her daddy! And there would be nothing wrong with that even if he were old enough to be. He was hot and sexy and amazing to Cora and really that’s all that matters.
As always, there was some suspense with this one. It was ridiculous and funny and incredibly insane and I enjoyed the heck out of it. There isn’t a moment in this story where I wasn’t entertained. From the tidbits the author always has as her chapter headers to the banter of the characters to the drivebys of characters from other books to the love that virtually leaked from the pages, I couldn’t find fault in anything. Not that I was really looking because… #fandom.
Release: July 6, 2018 | Genre: Contemporary Romance | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 4 | Standalone - Simple Man #4 with character crossover | Trope: age gap
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