Though it’s tearing him up, Reece Richards is determined to honor his woman’s wishes for some time alone in New York to work with the nonprofit organization she now leads—until a secret missive from the Consortium changes everything, forcing him to fly to the Big Apple in the name of protecting Emmalina Crist from those who wish to do her harm.
His plans on watching over her from afar are blown apart when her life is threatened—but even though he’s in exactly the right place at the right time, she’s not happy to see the man she left on the West Coast so she could get some clarity.
Now, her perspective is more jumbled than ever. She loves Reece, but doubts from her past and confusion about the present form a wall around her heart, making her wonder if she’s strong enough to be with a man—a superhero—like him on a long-term basis. Though their bodies burn for each other, is the bond of their souls just as formidable? Or is she the weak link in Reece’s armor that he can’t afford?
Goodreads | Amazon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Driven apart by fear… (thanks Emma) Reunited by danger… (thanks again, Emma)
Reece is still in California while Emma’s in New York, trying to get her head on straight (hopefully). She still hasn’t come clean about her issues or faced them so that she and Reece can move forward. And Reece may not be happy about their separation, but he’s willing to give his woman what she wants to make her happy. That is until he gets some valuable intel about The Consortium’s plans from his ex-girlfriend/pseudo-enemy/double agent, Angelique. Emma’s in danger and all of Reece’s good intentions are out the door. He’s got to get to NY and he’s got to get there NOW. No way is he going to let anything happen to his bunny. Nuh uh, not his precious velvet.
Dude was so conflicted. Stay and leave her in danger. Or go and make her mad.
Obviously he goes to save the day. How could he not? He’s Bolt! But there’s far more than meets the eye when it comes to The Consortium and their motives. One cannot predict what they’ll do next. Is Reece prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure Emma’s safety? And will Emma realize that her ‘issues’ are really dumb and that they have nothing to do with what she has with Reece? Will she finally accept that what she and Reece share is too rare to be treated lightly? These two continue to make my day and even while I’m anxious about what happens next, they light up the page with their antics, their banter, and their steam.
They are just as sweet…
And just as hot… Any surface or non-surface will do!
These dang cliffys are driving me nuts! I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the series. I have no clue who will be safe, if I’ll finally learn of The Consortium’s agenda, if I’ll get to see more of delicious Reece’s delicious friend, ‘Sally’, if Emma will grow up, if anything! Again, you need to read this series. If you like insanely hot romance stories, then this should definitely be on your radar!
My reviews of the previous books:
Bolt: Volume One (parts 1-3)
Ignite: 4 (Bolt Saga #4)
Release: 06.26.2018 | Genre: Erotic Superhero Romance | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 4.5 | Ignite: 5 - Bolt Saga #5 | Publisher: Waterhouse Press
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