An unusual boy.
A beautiful face that hides a dark secret and an ugly past.
Sealed lips which hide wicked words and dangerous thoughts.
She would kill for him to love her.
He just wants to kill.
Maybe, if Emma Hartley prays hard enough, Church Logan can make both their wishes come true.
Fuse, meet match.
warning: if you have triggers - this story will touch on a lot of them. This book is a psychological thriller, 65,000+ words.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book officially messed me up!
I still don't know what to make of it. There were parts that I absolutely loved... and parts I absolutely hated. Sometimes I didn't know which way was up and the characters didn't help me with directions.

I'm still trying to figure things out.
I'm still trying to come to grips with what I just read. Was it romantic? Nope. If that's what you call romance, count me out. It was about a girl who became irrationally obsessed, possessed, and non-functional over her new step-brother. I mean this girl had no clue who she even was anymore. She lost her whole identity to this thing she called 'love'. She acted worse than a preteen over their celebrity crush.

Not. Cute.
Coming like Church had Emma speaking in tongues for real. POSSESSED!!
So here's the deal... Church was the hot boy that every girl wanted and every boy wanted to be. He barely spoke. Most people even forgot that he could speak. For some reason, he speaks to Emma. He's been diagnosed as a pseudo-sociopath with narcissistic tendencies (or at least he should have been). He's got a manipulative streak a mile long, he's something of a genius, and he believes that humans are beneath him. Oh and he dreams of killing. Mmmmm... yummy!
So what do a sociopath and a depressed psycho do together? Why they have conversations sprinkled with rough sex. But these conversations reveal nothing of Church and everything of Emma. She hands him the manual on how to get her to do anything he wants. And then he molds her into the monster he needs. Perfection!

So Joker and Harley... I mean... Church and Emma start plotting to carry out a murder he wants done. It draws them closer and drives Emma crazier. It creates a world of madness that no one, not even the characters themselves, were prepared for. It ends on a tragic note but the author gives us some hope (love that glimpse of the next book at the end). So will I be staying tuned for the continuation of this story? You freaking bet your azz I will!
Happy Reading! xo
Release: July 20, 2018 | Genre: Dark Romance/Thriller | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 2.5 | Book #1 - Church series | Publisher: BattleAxe Productions
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