In a different world, we were meant for each other.
This is not that world.
Note: For optimal enjoyment, it’s recommended you read the Twist Me trilogy prior to starting this book.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I don’t think you know how excited I was to get my hands on this book. Peter!! That’s really all that needs to be said. I knew I was going to be in for one heck of a ride and Anna Zaires did not disappoint.

I feel like I only read about half of this book. In all honesty, I barely skimmed Sara’s parts. Once again, she angered me to no end. I know, I know, it’s me. I just can’t wrap my head around her character. I just can’t and I’ve decided that that’s okay. In the grand scheme of things, despite the fact that this is her story too, she’s irrelevant to me. Peter alone was the driving force of this book. He alone kept me captivated by this tale. As the many times before, he was and is the ONLY reason I’m loving this series.
I’m as obsessed with him as he is with me.
… as wrong as it is, I belong to him, mind, body and heart.
Now can someone please tell how she can say things like that and STILL act the way she does?

We stand like that, holding each other without words, and it feels so right, in all its wrongness.
It feels like we belong like this, like we were meant to be.
Then why do you carry on the way you do all the time? It wasn’t until I got to the end that she finally started to make some sense. And it wasn’t even her who explained it for me. Once again, it was Peter, in all his awesomeness, who provided some much needed clarity. Now I get it! She wants to feel forced, like she has no choice, in order to be okay with loving him. I call bullshit, but that’s just me. Maybe. I’m sure there’s gotta be someone else who feels the way I do. I couldn’t care less about this woman, however, for Peter’s sake, I wish her well.

This book had so many moving parts and some interesting guest appearances of characters from previous books. That’s about as spoiler-ish as I’m going to get. Hope that whets your appetite and you decide to one-click this series of dark deliciousness for yourself!
My reviews of the previous books of the series:
Release: July 3, 2018 | Genre: Dark Romance/Romantic Suspense | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 3.5 | Tormentor Mine #3 | Publisher: Mozaika Publications
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