Born to a family of outlaws, I was destined to ride with the Satan’s Knights MC. With mayhem and havoc in my blood and chaos living deep in my soul, I learned the Devil don’t sleep. You never hear him creeping and he often comes disguised as everything you ever wanted.
I was just teenager when he first showed, masquerading as the girl of my dreams. A whiskey shootin’ spitfire who knocked me on my ass and helped me turn the town upside down. The girl who stole my heart with her smile and never gave it back. The same bitch who ruined me and turned my blood to ice.
It’s been six years since I turned my back on Mac, my family and my club. I’ve pushed her to the back of my head, wrote everyone off and damned the Kentucky charter to hell. But, where God built a church, the Devil built a chapel.
Now, her life is on the line and its clear I’m still a sucker for her gorgeous chaos because I’m the one riding to her rescue.
I often dreamed what it would be like to stare into Bas’s blue eyes again. To hear his raspy voice whisper his love for me and feel his strong arms around me. After all, it’s always been in his embrace that I felt the safest.
In my dreams, he abolishes my sins and forgives me for breaking both our hearts.
But this is no dream.
I’m running from a nightmare and the one running with me, looks at me with enough anger to burn the world to ash.
Once upon a time, we were in love.
Once upon a time, it was us against the world.
Once upon a time, he didn’t look at me and see the Devil.
If only he knew the truth.
If only he knew the Devil was a broken angel with tattered wings.
An angel who sacrificed her heart and soul for him.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
At one time, Bas and Mac were two peas in a pod. You couldn’t see one without the other because they were virtually attached at the hip. They were so in love that they never envisioned a future that didn’t include the other, but hidden agendas and spiteful machinations tear this couple apart. Fast forward some years, Mac’s life is in danger and Bas feels responsible for her safety. But he’s now part of the Satan’s Knights and getting their help with her protection means laying claim to the woman who broke his heart. Luckily for Mac, Bas is willing to lay down his life for the only woman who has owned him, the only woman he has ever loved.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get over her.
If I’ll ever stop running after her, to her or from her.
If I’ll ever stop giving a damn. - Bas
There was so much to love about this book, such as Bas. Man, I felt so bad for him. That prologue really set the tone of the book and had my heart breaking all over the place. And then it only made me hate Mac for pretty much the whole book. I was yelling at her, hating on her, and generally sending her bad vibes for most of this story. She’d say some ish to make herself out to be a victim and I’d scream.
All these years, I tried not to think about where he was or what he was doing. If he was happy or if he had met someone. As selfish as it sounds, I didn’t want to think of him with another woman. The idea of him settling down with someone else and possibly having a family with that person, devastated me. - Mac
When I read this, I couldn’t help but think… is she for real??? You had a baby with his brother while he was locked up and longing for you!!! See why I hated her for so much of this book? She was walking around with a chip on her shoulder and when Bas called her out on it and basically told her that he didn’t owe her anything (which was the TRUTH), she was the one acting like she was hurt. HE was the one who was betrayed. HE was the one whose heart was broken callously. HE was the one whose hopes and dreams were turned to dust. And then when her motives all those years ago were revealed, when she finally unleashed the truth, unfortunately it was too late for her to gain even an ounce of my heart. I wasn’t her friend. I wasn’t on her side and I didn’t care. Bas got all of my attention and my affection. He deserved it and kept right on earning his place.
I can’t forget about Ryder. I have such a weak spot for children in books, especially when done right and Ryder was impeccable. There wasn’t a thing about this child I would change. He was so sweet it was ridiculous. And when paired with Bas… these two owned me! I really wish there was more to this ending. It was over so abruptly, which is unusual for this author and I’m wondering if there will be more to their story at a future date. I’d like to see them with plans for their future aside from just loving each other and hoping for the best. Ah well, it was wonderful to be back in this world again and I was thankful once again for Jack. I can’t get enough of that man and can’t wait to see more of him and watch his story evolve. #PropertyOfParrish
Release: June 28, 2018 | Genre: MC Romance | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 3.5 | Standalone - character crossover of Satan’s Knights MC
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