First grade teacher Emily Towson always does the right thing. The sensible thing. But in her dreams, she does bad, bad things with the town’s baddest boy: Tanner O’Connor. But when he sells her grandmother a Harley, fantasy is about to meet a dose of reality.
And then he goes and calls her “sensible”...
Tanner can’t believe sweet Emily is standing in his shop. Yelling and waving her hands and looking so god damn sexy he’s having trouble focusing. He’d spent two hard years in prison, with only the thought of this “good girl” to keep him sane.
He really should send her away...
Before either one thinks though, they’re naked and making memories on his tool bench with apparently the oldest condom in history. Now Tanner’s managed to knock-up the town’s “good girl” and she’s going to lose her job over some stupid “morality clause” if he doesn’t step up.
But can this bad boy teach his good girl they’re perfect for each other in time?
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Tanner O'Connor was one of the towns bad boys. Time spent in prison for a crime he didn't commit only hardened his shell. But beneath it all beat a heart that loved the town of people who judged him cruelly without knowing him. He was a man who portrayed someone who could care less while he was a man who perhaps cared too much. He wasn't good enough for the town's goody-two-shoes, but he couldn't help but crave her all the same.
Emily Towson lived a sensible life as a sensible teacher in a town of people who tried to be sensible. And she was tired of it. For years she yearned for the town bad boy but she knew that he couldn't possibly want her because she was too... sensible. But what happens when the sensible girl chooses to break out of the shackles of society's expectations?
This was a generally enjoyable story. I loved so many elements of it. The characters for the most part were likeable, aside from Tanner's never-ending self-deprecating thoughts and Emily's limited attempts to not come off as judgemental and failing horribly. I especially enjoyed the side story of Emily's grandmother and her burgeoning relationship with Josh. Honestly, I think that was the best part of the story. And I cannot forget to mention Tanner's brothers. Their relationship was so genuine and loving and funny. Handle With Care was a small-town romance full of depth, warmth and feels.
Release: July 30, 2018 | Genre: Contemporary Romance | Multiple POV - 3rd person | Heat: 2.5 | Standalone - Saddlers Cove #1
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