Some people measure life in hours. Days. Weeks. I measure mine in kills. A covert military mission gone wrong robbed me of my memory and any link to my past. This is my existence now. I execute and survive. Nothing more, nothing less. I was ready to write Isabel Foster’s name in my ledger of unfortunate souls until she uttered the one word that could stop the bullet meant for her. My name.
She knows my face. She knows me. She’s the key to the memories I’m not sure I want back. Now nothing is simple. I still have a job to do, and my soul isn’t worth saving. I’m not the man she thinks I am. I can’t love her. And sparing her life puts us both in the crosshairs.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm loving this series. Tristan's story broke my heart and even though he's supposed to be cold and untouchable, he's quickly found a way to gain my favor. This man can do no wrong. Isabel, for the most part, was an amazing heroine, but she did find ways to irk me from time to time. It feels like their story has only just begun and yet so much has happened. I can't wait to continue with them and find out if they get their long deserved happy ending.
My full reviews can be found here:
The Red Ledger Part 1
The Red Ledger Part 2
The Red Ledger Part 3
Release: August 7, 2018 | Genre: Romantic Suspense | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 3 | Books 1-3 - The Red Ledger series
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