From the moment he was old enough to walk on his own two feet, he’s been looking for trouble.
Trouble comes in many forms…quite a few of those forms being the female persuasion.
Tyler knows what girls want—a bad boy. And he has the bad boy image down pat.
Hot cop—double check.
A bike between his legs and a devil may care attitude—oh, yeah.
All the girls want him, yet none of them will have him—at least not all of him, anyway. A certain appendage they can have all they want. His heart, however, is not up for grabs. The useless organ inside his chest was broken and battered, mutilated by the one woman he thought would keep it safe.
Spoiler alert: she ripped it to shreds and set fire to the pieces.
To protect himself, Tyler keeps everyone at arm’s length, and never lets anyone get too close.
Then Reagan Rose Alvarez barrels into his life, and trespasses on not only his property, but straight into his abused heart. One glance is all it takes, and he’s suddenly thinking about things he hasn’t thought for quite some time—thoughts that a man like him should never have about a woman like her.
One moment of weakness is all it takes, and suddenly he has no other choice but to go on the offensive.
Keeping her is the only other option now.
Turns out, his heart isn’t as broken as he thought it was.
The only problem is, now the little she-devil holds it in the palm of her hands, and she has no clue just how much power she holds.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been pretty excited to read Tyler Cree's book. He sounded pretty hot and I knew that his story would be amazing. I'm glad to say that I was not disappointed.
Tyler's heart was broken twice over. Once for the woman he cared about and once from the person he trusted more than any other. His best friend. His brother from another mother. So trusting people doesn't come easy for him. He still suffers from the hurt that came knocking on his door four years ago, but he's living.
I loved Tyler, but then again, there was so much about him to love.
Former military? ✔
Chief of Police? ✔
Got a motorcycle? ✔
Tatted? ✔
Knows his way between a woman's legs? ✔
Basically hot AF? ✔
He didn't have any intentions of getting involved with Reagan. None. However, this woman wasn't going away. And as he has a huge problem with seeing and not touching, her constant presence was causing a problem... for him and his resistance. Their age difference and the fact that he counted her father as a friend weren't going to be enough to keep his hands off of her.

I loved these two characters so much. Their push and pull made what wasn't a slow burn romance still exciting to witness. With touches of suspense and the usual smattering of interesting side characters, this story was a thrill to read for all of the right reasons. Lani Lynn Vale never fails!!
Release: August 7, 2018 | Genre: Contemporary Romance/RomCom/Suspense | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 4 | Standalone - Simple Man #5
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