They told them they were evil.
They told them they were possessed by demons.
They told them that darkness ran in their veins.
Holy Innocents Home for Children is a haven for orphaned boys who have nothing and no one. The priests watch over them, educate them, raise them in the family of the church.
Except for some.
Seven of the orphans are no ordinary boys. They attract the attention of the priests for their acts of violence, of bloodlust. The priests realize these boys are drawn to the darkness.
And the priests are no ordinary priests. They are the Brethren, a secret sect who believe themselves on a divine mission to seek out evil in the boys in their care. Seek it out, and then drive it out.
The seven have fallen from God’s grace. And the Brethren will cleanse their blackened souls…
Dark Contemporary Romance novella. Contains sexual situations, violence, sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language and topics some may find triggering. Recommended for age 18 years and up.
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Deadly Virtues 0.5 - prequel
Release Date - May 28, 2019
Genre - Thriller
Male POV - 3rd person
Format - eARC provided by Ardent Prose
My Chaste Thoughts
That. Was. INCREDIBLE!! With this prequel, Tillie Cole not only took my mind down a dark and painful road, but my heart was along for the ride. I read this entire book with my heart constantly in my throat, not knowing what to expect next, and completely devoted to its characters.Holy Innocents was the home to orphaned children. A residence of the Catholic Church, the priests were their mentors and children were being led down a righteous path. Most turned to the church and became priests themselves. Others... well, let's just say that they weren't full of righteousness. But Holy Innocents holds secrets, ones that can tear a young boy apart, things that can cause disillusionment, and ways that could derail even the most pious of souls. What do you do when all that is good becomes bad?
I loved everything about this story, from the introduction of the seven angels who will be featured in the books to come, the history of the Brethren, and the convoluted motives of the characters. The author did a brilliant job of illustrating the torment these boys suffered through while they took turns twisting my emotions. I don't know what it is about their proclivities that makes them so attractive, but I'm here to learn everything there is to know about them. I'm not sure if happy endings are in the future, but I can't wait to discover where these stories will lead.
About the Author

Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish, which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.
Having been born and raised as a Teesside Smoggie, Tillie, at age nineteen, moved thirty miles north to the 'Toon', Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where she attended University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts honours degree in Religious Studies. She returned two years later to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching High School Social Studies. She regards Newcastle to be a home from home and enjoyed the Newcastle Geordie way of life for seven 'proper mint', 'lush' years.
Tillie, from a very young age has been part of the theatre community and loves nothing more than to entertain through the mediums of cheerleading, dance, drama and singing (sometimes in the rain). She can also be found in nightclubs around the world imitating her favourite artists alongside her crazy BFF's - The Teesside Massive - or, sat on the front row at the theatre bopping along to her favourite musical, 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show ', clad in a only a maids outfit, clutching a bag of rice and sporting a vibrant shade of red lipstick.
One summers day, after finishing reading her thousandth book on Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband and declared, "D'you know, I have a great idea for a story. I could write a book." Several months later, repeating the same tired line, she was scolded by her husband to shut up talking about writing a novel and 'just bloody do it!' Immediately she set off on a crazy journey, delving deep into her fertile imagination. Tillie, ever since, has written from the heart. She combines her passion for anything camp and glittery with her love of humour and dark brooding men (most often muscled and tattooed - they're her weakness!).
After years of teaching high school Social Studies and following her Professional Rugby Player husband around Europe, they have settled in Calgary, Alberta where Tillie spends most of her days (and many a late night) lost in a writing euphoria or in her dream of pursuing a dazzling career as a barrel-racing, tasselled-chap, Stetson-wearing cowgirl... Ye-haw!
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