One boy.
The boy.
The boy who offered me safe touches and heart-stopping smiles - smiles he shared with his son.
We filled our days with porch-step kisses,
filled our ears with laughter,
filled our hearts with love.
Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.
But love is misleading.
It's an invisible, fleeting moment.
Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire.
It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it,
who know better than to expect it.
Love is relentless.
Even when that love turns to hate, turns to loathing,
turns to pain.
Love should heal you.
But it can also break you.
Believe me, I know...
Because I'm Becca Owens - a broken girl...
...And he's Josh Warden - the boy who broke me.
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Kick Push #2
Release - June 7, 2016
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - 3.5 out of 5
Format - ebook borrowed from KU
Length - 488 pages
Josh & Tommy are EVERYTHING! ❤❤
With Coast, Jay McLean not only delivered an emotionally satisfying conclusion to the Kick Push duet, she got me to forgive Becca. I know right? Who woulda thunk?! But it happened. I actually fought tears this time and the fact that Becca was able to draw ANY emotion from me, AT ALL, is just a testament to not only how incredibly talented this author is, but to the beauty of this story.If I am the land, and Josh is the sea, Tommy is the shore that completes us.
Obviously Josh and Tommy stole the show for me, once again. Josh as a man alone... incredible. With his son... phenomenal. Together, they made my heart sing! For most of this duet, I just wanted Josh to move on. I wanted him to stop being pathetic over Becca. She continued to give him nothing, everyone blamed him for her mental instability (like c'mon, are you serious?), and she made him feel bad. No one puts Josh in the corner! But I got it. She owned him. So I ended up begging this messed up character named Becca to get her ish together. To stop making me hate her guts. Stop torturing the best thing that ever happened to her. And stop making this amazing man feel unworthy when you're the one not truly worthy of him. There! I said it! And when it finally happened... bliss.
I will always be a fan of this author. The fact that she took me through the emotional wringer with the angst of this story only makes me adore her all the more.
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★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩Okay, I finally DIDN'T hate Becca at like 60% in. It was so hard to give this chick a chance. The struggle was so freaking real. Now don't get crazy... I still don't love her and NEVER will, but at least I'm not spitting venom every time I see her name in print.
Rob shakes his head. "Don't be an asshole, okay? You're not the only one who went through what you guys did. In fact, she had it worse. Have you even stopped to think how brave it is for her to be here right now? She's come back to a place that's caused her pain and grief and enough suffering to last a lifetime. Maybe try not making it about you this time and -"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
He raises his hands in surrender. "I didn't mean it like that. I just..." He sighs. "I like Becca. She's a good girl. And she was good to you and she loved Tommy -"
"Don't," I cut in, my tone flat.
And THIS is why I hate Becca and EVERYONE who defends her shit. WTF?! SHE suffered? What about Josh??? And why does Josh just accept this shit? Please let him find a girl after this bitch flaunted her new man in his face MULTIPLE times. Please get over her. Please find someone worthy of you. Because SHE is not!!
About the Author

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in her dream home where music is loud and laughter is louder.
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