And when she returns to him it’s like a dream come true. He’ll never let her go.
She’s his beginning. She’s his end. She’s his now, and his forever. Then how did he let it come to this? How did he lose Eva?
He’s got to find her. He’s got to bring Eva back… or go where she’s gone.
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In Light of Shadows #3
Release - October 30, 2018
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat - 2.5 out of 5
Format - ebook provided by the author
Length - 297 pages
Conquering Fear
Can you imagine living through a traumatic event and then living your life plagued by that fear? That was Eva. She survived almost drowning only to find herself in dangerous situations, time and time again. If coming face-to-face with the informant wasn't enough, danger was still lurking around the corner, coming from the most unlikely source. And guess what? I was right! I guessed who was the mastermind behind all of the threats and I was spot on. I love being right. Being right made me love this story even more! 😈😈In this final instalment of the series, the author efficiently brought this story to a close. Eva and Clive are closer than ever, wedding plans are under way, and they're just about to figure out who has been trying to manipulate them all along. To find out exactly what happens, read it for yourself. Killing Eva ended up being sweet and tender with just the right amount of suspense to keep things interesting. For a debut series, the author has created something that will stand the test of time and she's found a fan in me. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!
Previous books in the series:
About the Author

In real life, I’m a techie turned author of romance. I live in California and have the best husband in the world. Together, we travel, we read, we binge watch anything suspense, sci-fi, crime, or soccer, we eat ramen, drink red wine and devour chocolate truffles.
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