No one needs that many hookups!
Not even soon to be major league pitcher, Theo Von Bremen.
So, I help him by routinely thinning out his contact list—because I’m the best roommate ever. And he’s optimal baby daddy material.
For me—not Amanda 1, 2, or 3.
But since the man can’t take a hint; I’ll continue to spray his sheets with my perfume and accidentally leave my panties in his laundry.
That has to be enough to break a man eventually. Right?
Not even soon to be major league pitcher, Theo Von Bremen.
So, I help him by routinely thinning out his contact list—because I’m the best roommate ever. And he’s optimal baby daddy material.
For me—not Amanda 1, 2, or 3.
But since the man can’t take a hint; I’ll continue to spray his sheets with my perfume and accidentally leave my panties in his laundry.
That has to be enough to break a man eventually. Right?
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Commander in Briefs #0.5
Release Date - June 20, 2019
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - none; sexual tension
Format - eARC provided by the author
I Wanna Have Theo's Babies
If you haven't met Theo Von Bremen yet, you have no idea what you're missing. He's an alphahole I can't help but salivate over. Whenever he's a jerk, my heart races with excitement. Whenever he sabotages every man's move towards Anniston, I'm not-so-secretly cheering him on. Hardcore. And whenever he acknowledges, at least to himself, just how much he loves his best friend and how desolate his life would be without her, my body get's all swoony. I could do without the pettiness these two wear as a second skin. I could also give a hard pass to the fun and games that are anything but fun. But I guess without the negative aspects, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the beauty of their imperfection. With this prequel, the author perfectly captured the sparks that started to fly between Anniston and Theo, changing their relationship forever, making them one of my favorite couples of all time.About the Author

After eight long years, she released her debut novel, Commander in Briefs. It was a long road, but she can honestly say, the road less traveled had the most beautiful sights.
The only thing Kristy Marie loves as much as reading and writing is sports! Especially those that require muscles and a nice ass. Her favorite is, and always will be, baseball. She's such a fan, that she even married her small town's high school's centerfielder where they still live with their three badass kids.
Commander in Briefs is her first series but definitely not her last.
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