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Love and hate and all the things
CD Reiss has given another reason for why I can’t resist her books! Iron Crowne was the epitome of what an enemies-to-lovers romance should be. Right from the start, the characters exploded with such potent amounts of hate and uncontrollable lust, this story was so hot that the words felt like they were being seared into my brain. The warped and nasty relationship that Olivia and Byron shared did absolutely nothing to make me like them (especially Olivia), but I couldn’t look away. He towered over the men he spoke with, commanding and confident, copper-highlighted brown hair flicking in the breeze. He was thirty-five, six-three, and broad-shouldered with green eyes that seemed slightly larger than expected. They gave the illusion of sincerity and trustworthiness contrasted by the snide curve of his mouth. He was a mixed message. A loophole in a rock-solid contract. The coexistence of lies and truths.
Olivia is thirty-two and she wants a baby. Treatment after treatment has led to disappointment and Byron, the man she can’t stand, the man she can’t resist, may be just the answer she’s been hoping for. His heart is untouchable; so is hers. He doesn’t want a commitment; neither does she. Iron Crowne is the story of two people who couldn’t be more right for each other and couldn’t see the truth of their perfection if it smacked them upside the head.
I didn’t understand him and I never would, but he was a complex taste I needed on my tongue again before it faded away. There was more to him than one mouthful could savor.
Everything that happened was either insane or ridiculous and I had a freaking blast reading it! I'm crossing my fingers that this won't be the last time I read about the amazing Crowne family!!
So why didn’t I like Olivia? There were actually many reasons, but the one that stands out, the one that really put a knife in my heart is this: she put up way too many roadblocks, stumbling blocks, barriers and walls and expected Byron to be an acrobat, ninja, and mercenary to get through her labyrinth of obstacles. And in the end, it was Byron who had to do all of the heavy lifting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ALL for a good grovel, but not when there’s no reason for the grovel. And I couldn’t find a real reason for why this man had to jump through so many hoops in the first place. Enemies-to-lovers aside, no one should have to work so damn hard for it. Kudos to the guy for sticking it through.
Also, she’s on fertility drugs, has sex with the guy, orders he wear a condom, and when the condom breaks (as they sometimes do), she jumps all over him with accusations and ugliness. Did she never hear of a backup? Why is he the only one to blame? Did he prick a hole? No. Did he deliberately sabotage the condom is some other way? No. So yeah, not a fan.

I detest him.
I can't resist him.
He’s awakened desires I didn’t know I had.
When he touches me, I need to fight him . . . and I need him to win.
Our one night stand bruises my skin and leaves dents in the walls, but the sheets aren't the only thing we shred that night.
And suddenly, the stakes are higher than ever.
Olivia Monroe lights a fire in me that died a long time ago.
I’m a different man when I’m with her. I need to own her, take her, mark her as mine.
Everything changes when she might be pregnant and for the first time in my life…I’m powerless against this stubborn, untamable woman.
She’s the one in control and I have an impossible job:
Prove I’m worthy to be a father.
About CD Reiss

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.
She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping a single cord of wood.
If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.
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