Stranded on an ice planet full of aliens looking to breed... What's a human girl to do?
Twelve humans are left stranded on a wintry alien planet. I’m one of them. Yay, me.
In order to survive, we have to take on a symbiont that wants to rewire our bodies to live in this brutal place. I like to call it a cootie. And my cootie’s a jerk, because it also thinks I’m the mate to the biggest, surliest alien of the group.
I'm loving these big, blue aliens and how freak nasty they are! Going into this book, I knew that Raahosh had resonated for Liz, but seeing as how I didn't really like her, I didn't think I'd be interested in reading their story. However, I'm glad I took the time to do so because I can't regret getting to know her mate. Living a lifetime of solitude, wishing for what he could never have, Raahosh couldn't believe his luck when his tribe found the human women. And to have found a resonation with one of them was a blessing. If only she didn't look at him with such hate.
She will be my first everything. My first mate. My first lover. The mother of my children.
As much as I enjoyed this book... as much as I welcomed the turning of Liz's feelings for Raahosh, I couldn't quite fall in love with this story. It's just that Liz hit him one too many times. I can't stand the fact that if he had put his fist to her face, everyone would be screaming with vitriol and charged with vengeance, but when she does it to him, it's supposed to be okay because she's reasonably upset. Nope. I don't swing that way. I firmly believe that NO ONE has the right to put their hands on another person. I don't care if those hands belong to a woman. And here's the kicker to my logic... if a woman hits a man, she should expect (and be prepared) for him to hit her back. So anything that happened after the hit upon hit upon hit lost its luster. Nothing was able to compel me to overlook her violence towards him. I could get past her nasty words and her disgusting attitude, but I couldn't get past that. All three of the stars I've rated this book with belong to Raahosh and honestly, I would give him all of the stars if it wouldn't go against my code. Overall, it was a decent story that could have been a great one and I'm still going to continue with this series because I'm hoping this was an isolated incident.
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About the Author

Ruby Dixon is the secret penname of a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author. As Ruby, she writes sexy barbarian aliens, grumpy shifters, and domineering bikers.
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