Fate gave them love... then tore them apart.
-- Descended from the gods --
This book was hella intense... hella sexy... hella interesting... and hella fun!When Rykr was 15 and Lucy was almost 20, they already knew they were destined to be mates. However, Lucy, being the eldest, thought she knew best and thought that before being tied to her forever, Rykr should have the chance to live with some freedom. She thought he should have the opportunity to experience life before settling down. She was reasonable, thoughtful and considerate. She broke both their hearts doing it but forbade him from claiming her for ten years!
Fast forward and we're almost at the deadline. The love that Rykr and Lucy shared never dulled but he seems to be in no hurry to claim her. Little does she know that Rykr has been tormented all these years and despite his desperation to be with her, he refuses to expose her to the agony he has had to face. These two constantly thought they knew what was best for the other and Lucy was over it. If he won't come to her, she's going to him and she won't be walking away without her man.
Destined to Crave gave me the chance to fall in love with these characters, the world they live in, the magic of this story, and the incredible heat. Erotic is an understatement. I'm so in love that I'm going back to the beginning. I've already one-clicked Ecstasy Unbound to meet everyone properly and become slightly obsessed with the series. I've found a new PNR author to stalk!
-- About the Book --

Lucy is a born protector, a trait of her Guardian lineage. When her greatest gift was torn from her, leaving a gaping hole in her soul, she refuses to allow a young Rykr, her known mate, to suffer the same dire consequences. Her fear forces her to make a haunting decision and with a grave threat, she crushes him, demanding they part for a decade. Yet, as the years pass she can feel him watching her from the shadows, conjuring wild fantasies that make her ache for him to finally end their torment.
As time ticks toward the decade mark, dark forces rush to descend. Will Rykr’s secret and relentless need to protect Lucy condemn them to a hopeless destiny of constant craving? Or will Lucy bind them for all eternity, no matter the violent threat to her very soul?
Warning: This title contains dirty talk, bad language and erotically charged scenes meant to scorch your eReader.
Find your copy of Destined to Crave here:
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-- About Setta Jay --

An avid reader her entire life, her love of romance started at a far too early age with the bodice rippers she stole from her older sister. Along with reading, she loves animals, brunch dates, coffee that is really more French vanilla creamer, questionable reality television, English murder mysteries, and has dreams of traveling the world.
Born a California girl, she currently resides in Las Vegas with her husband of nearly two decades.
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