Love is not unconditional. And it never should be. Everyone should know that there is only so much they can get away with before you wash your hands of their shit.

I was just supposed to be laying low, keeping my head down, staying out of trouble.
And "trouble" was exactly what Shane freaking Mallick was. Knee-cap breaker, loan shark enforcer, panty-dropper. Trouble with a capital T.
And the absolute last thing I needed in my life...
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And "trouble" was exactly what Shane freaking Mallick was. Knee-cap breaker, loan shark enforcer, panty-dropper. Trouble with a capital T.
And the absolute last thing I needed in my life...
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-- My Two Cents --
It's been a while since I've read a book from this author and I've gotta say... it's good to be back!
Shane gave me:
✓ an uber-delicious alpha hero
✓ an amazing cast of supportive characters
✓ an intricate web of organized crime in Navesink
Shane's father is a loanshark and he and his brothers are enforcers. They have a system that's worked all of their lives and business is fantastic. Life is good. And when Lea shows up in their lives, she fits in like she's always been there. But there's something Lea is hiding - a past that is very much present. In the end, Shane proves just what he's willing to do to make sure his woman is safe.
“Whose opinion could possibly matter more than my own? If you try to bend yourself to fit other peoples’ molds, you realize real fast that it’s not possible to please everyone. So I do what I want; I talk how I want; I live how I want.
✓ loved loved loved loved loved Shane
✓ didn't much care for Lea
✓ I can't wait to find out more about the brothers
✓ their parents are amazing
I've learned that there's a reading order to this Navesink world (thanks Paulette ❤) and while I'd love to do this properly, I'm already set to read Ryan. I guess I'll just read the books in order of series, not world. Who knows? If you love stories full of suspense and romance and great characters and family, you'll love this one!
Shane is FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited!
-- About Jessica Gadziala --
Jessica Gadziala is a full-time writer, parrot enthusiast, and coffee drinker. She enjoys short rides to the book store, sad songs, coffee in Big Gulp-sized cups, and cold weather, and has recently developed an unhealthy obsession with acquiring houseplants. She lives in New Jersey with seven parrots and six dogs.
She is a big believer in snark, strong secondary characters, and bada$$ women.
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