"I thought you were hot as hell when we were lying on the floor of Walgreens... Would you like to be my lover?" - Sam to Hastings

Say It Ain't So by Lani Lynn Vale
He should’ve never left his house. He should’ve stayed at home. He has a legitimate excuse—he’s running a fever and he’s fairly sure he’s developing pneumonia. He should have called in sick…but he doesn’t.
He goes to work, because his team is relying on him.
First, he has to sign about eight thousand calendars—all from women who purchased said calendars to benefit the Fallen Officer fundraiser. And when he’s done with that, he has to endure a television interview along with the rest of the SWAT team seeing as they made national news with their ‘Hot SWAT’ calendar that’s sold a million copies to women all over the world.
Needless to say, when Samuel Adams walks into the pharmacy hours later, he only has one thing on his mind. Ibuprofen.
Sadly, he never gets to the Ibuprofen. Mostly because before he gets there, he finds a junkie waving a gun around threatening to kill anybody that moves.
He’s running a fever. That has to be the reason that the girl in the corner begins cursing up a storm and drawing the junkie’s attention. Has to be.
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Samuel Adams... his name is so cool. It took me a while to truly understand that he was a member of the Spurlock family, which was also cool. Anyway, let's talk about this story... Sammy was sick. So sick that there was no doubt he had the flu. But he had to work, right? When he finally got the chance to get some medicine, he became a victim/hero of an armed robbery, which was when he met the beautiful heroine of the story, Hastings. This was one of the most unique meet-cutes I've ever read!
There was so much to love about this story!
✔ the author created unique people to learn about, especially with the way she characterized Hastings. She had Tourette's, she was an MC Romance author, and she was amazing! I loved how once she got past her initial awkwardness and miscommunication with Sammy, she opened herself right up for some proper loving.
✔ Sammy was an insanely sweet and charming and yet strangely alpha hero. He respected Hastings and himself and he seemed to be all in right from the jump. I loved his relationship with his friends and family and how willing he was to be vulnerable to the woman he was starting to deeply care for.
✔ the banter, the fun, the sexy times, the intimacy, the bonds, the little details that the author included all made this an unputdownable read!
✔ even my heart breaking made me happy because one thing you can always rely on from LLV is a story full of heart.
The suspense element of this story kind of wrapped up a dangling subplot that many characters had to deal with. It was horrific and it had deadly consequences and my heart broke. I'm not okay and I don't know what to do about it. My heart feels like it was ripped out, which made me only enjoy this story more because it hit me so deep in my feelings. SAY IT AIN'T SO is a story I have no problem recommending!
Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.
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