He had no clue that with each flick of a smile. Each absent itch of his fingers across his abs. Every little slide of his tongue along that full bottom lip. He was slowly driving me absolutely insane.
I wanted him. So. Bad.
I wanted him. So. Bad.

Nobody Knows by Lani Lynn Vale
Standalone: SWAT Generation 2.0 #11
Release: November 10, 2020
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dual POV: 1st person - Malachi Gabriel Gnocchi (used to be Stokes) & Sierra (sister to Samuel Adams from Say It Ain't So)
Heat: 4 (one scene)
Format/Source: eARC provided by the author
Length: 204 pages
All he ever wanted was to matter to someone.
What he didn’t know was that he did matter to someone.
Someone that worried about him every single day that he was gone.
Malachi Gabriel Gnocchi was missing for two years. Thanks to a mission gone wrong, not only had he been captured, but his best friend along with his fellow teammates had been taken, too.
He spent two years in hell, hoping and praying that one day he’d get to go home.
And one day he does. Only, he isn’t the same person that left. Every single thing that made him Malachi is no more.
Sierra started writing to soldiers overseas through the soldier pen pal program when she was in high school. Years later, she had no idea that the one soldier that she’d been paired up with in the very beginning would be the one man that would change her world eight years down the road.
When the letters from her soldier stopped, she knew that something bad had happened.
When they started back up again two years after the last letter, she thought that someone was playing a joke on her.
Only, that joke wasn’t a joke at all.
The man on the other end of those letters is a man that’s dying slowly from the inside out.
He’s a living, breathing, mess and there’s only one thing she can do to help him.
Write him back and hope that she can bring him back from the edge.

Sierra and Malachi knew each other for years. It all started with a pen pal assignment in her English class. A voice from home that reached out to connect with a soldier. They got each other through the worst of times. They saw each other through the best of times. They were closer than most people could be despite never meeting each other. And when Sierra graduated from high school, those letters didn't stop. Until one day they did and she knew something horrible had to have happened to her best friend...
I loved these two for each other. Their letters gave such intriguing glimpses into the connection that grew so strong between them. I just wish that more time was spent on them as a couple. They were each in the other's life, even in a peripheral way, without knowing the importance of the other. And every instance in which they should have known the truth... they were oblivious. And I get that I'm in the audience so that what is obvious to me isn't obvious to the characters, but it bordered on ridiculous. So if I had a complaint, it would be this.
One of the things I happen to love about LLV books are her chosen epigraphs...
They are always hilarious and true!If a girl says she'll be ready in five minutes, there's no reason to remind her every fifteen minutes of it. - Sierra to Malachi
The suspense of this novel bordered on tragic. It was horrific and I actually gasped a couple of times while reading it. Mild spoiler but another potential favorite character's life is now uncertain because of a just action and I need to know what's going to happen there.
I'm incredibly happy with the happy ending Malachi and Sierra got. Seriously, the man who had everything and yet nothing at all now has EVERYTHING he could possibly hope for and I couldn't be more thrilled!!
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