Review // Reasonable Doubt Series by Whitney G.

February 18, 2023

Casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
That line wasn't there for decoration.

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Reasonable Doubt: Volume 1

Reasonable Doubt #1
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 78 pages

My cock has an appetite.

A huge and very particular appetite: Blonde, curvy, and preferably not a fucking liar... (Although, that's a story for another day.)

As a high profile lawyer, I don't have time to waste on relationships, so I fulfill my needs by anonymously chatting and sleeping with women I meet online.

My rules are simple: One dinner. One night. No repeats.

This is only casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.

At least it was , until "Alyssa"...

She was supposed to be a 27 year old lawyer, a book hoarder, and completely unattractive. She was supposed to be someone I shared law advice with late at night, someone I could trust with details of my weekly escapades.

But then she came into my firm for an interview—a college-intern interview, and everything fucking changed...

Reasonable Doubt: Volume 2

Reasonable Doubt #2
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 67 pages

She lied to me...
She betrayed the one rule that I'm most adamant about: Honesty. Complete and utter fucking honesty.
I really wish she was someone else—someone who didn't have the ability to make me feel, someone I could easily discard like the hundreds of women before her.
She isn't.
I'm drawn to her like I've never been drawn to a woman before—completely captivated by the very sight of her. But unfortunately, with my past slowly re-surfacing for all of the world to see, I'll have to find a way to let her go.
She can never be mine.

Reasonable Doubt: Volume 3

Reasonable Doubt #3
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - 4 out of 5
Format - ebook
Length - 183 pages

I hate him…

I hate that I fell in love with him, I hate that he didn’t love me back, and I hate the fact that I just made a life-altering decision just so I could get the hell away from him.

He’d always said that he was unchangeable, heartless, and cold…

I really should’ve believed him…

My Review ~ 4 stars

I originally read this series years ago, and what I've realized... Andrew is still the same dick I remember.

Reasonable Doubt is a series that had me questioning my own stance of what’s good for me. From the start, we know that Andrew has been through something. Something that causes him nightmares. Something that has him reluctant to form connections. Something that prompted him to create the whole ‘One dinner. One night. No repeats’ mandate he follows. Aubrey is the woman who changes it all. There are lies. There are secrets. Hot sex on top of hot sex on top of hot sex. There’s also doubts and insecurities and flaws and fights. Andrew and Aubrey were vulnerable humans. They hurt. They felt deeply. They made dumb mistakes.

They also grew. Together and apart, they learned from their silly errors. They became better people for each other.

I only wish there was more to them as a couple. The truth comes out, there's a five second conversation, and there's an epilogue. Ah well, at least they ended up happy together.


  1. I totally agree with this review! I loved this series when I read it. I usually love Whitney G's books. I do remember wishing there had been more before that epilogue. Great review!

    1. Thanks hon! 🖤
      I remember hearing there was a companion novella released, but I can't find it :(

  2. Fabulous reviews on this series here! I remember when these books were released. I think I still have them on my kindle haha I do love the duologies and trilogies featuring one couple to see the relationship growth, so definitely going to pick these up soon!

    1. I hope you do eventually read this trilogy. It's sexy and dramatic lol
      Thanks luv! 🖤

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