May 2023 Bookish Recap

June 04, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

While April wasn't the greatest month for me, May has definitely seen me make somewhat of a comeback. I'm still not reading as much, but my mind is in a better place. I'm crotcheting again and am finding a peace I haven't known in a long time.

I've been using my downtime (some of it at least) to come up with new ideas for this blog. Activities that will keep me (and therefore you) engaged with it. So look out for my Throwback Thursday posts and I'll be doing sale posts again so we can all grab up those cheap AF kindle reads!

So my May reading was as follows...


Total Books Read: 9
Total Pages Read: 3227
Genres: Contemporary (2), Dark Romance (3), Fantasy (1), Paranormal (3)
From my TBR: 1
Avg. Rating: 3.89

All the Books

There was a big standout this month: The Ember Glen Trilogy

I happened across a review of this trilogy by Jessica @Chatterbooks Book Blog and it drew me to one-click. I figured I couldn't go wrong because it was free with Kindle Unlimited. It was so much better than I expected and I recommend it to anyone who loves dystopian romance and darkness.

The other books I read and would recommend were:

Edin by Lily Mayne
Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale
Secrets of Shooting Star Lake by Susanna Strom

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

I bought nothing. Aside from the few books I borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library, I've kept my wallet closed. I hope I can continue this trend for the foreseeable future.

I hope we find only the best reads in June!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie


  1. I'm listening to Fourth Wing right now and enjoying it. I hope you love it!

  2. I'm glad May was a good month for you. I'm seeing Fourth Wing everywhere!

  3. Many people seem to be loving Fourth Wing so I am curious how you will react to it. I am pretty sure it won't be for me though so skipping it. Glad you were able to pick up some solid reads this May. Hope June is a comeback month for you.

    1. I'm hoping Fourth Wing isn't a DNF for me. I find that most hyped books end up being pretty meh to me. Fingers crossed that this time is different lol
      Thanks so much honey!! xoox

  4. I'm glad to read May was a better month for you. Fourth Wing is definitely on my TBR. I've been reading so many great things about it.. I'm almost afraid to read it myself. :D

    1. Same Maureen! I'm really hoping the experience is as amazing as it appears to be :)


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