August 2023 Bookish Recap

September 07, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

For the first half, August was a great reading month for me. However, somewhere in the middle of the month, life got super hectic and I couldn't find time to get online. Can you imagine not touching the internet for WEEKS??? Well, that was me and I'm so sorry for disappearing like that.

Anyway, I'm back.

Here's how August treated me...


Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages Read: 2624
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal
Tropes: Assassin, Apocalypse, Forbidden, Instalove
From my TBR: 0
Avg. Rating: 4.3 stars

All the Books

Woo hoo!! I found a few five-star worthy reads! These stories were truly something special :)

The other books I read and would recommend were:

The Wicked in Me by Suzanne Wright
Unhinged by Onley James

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

Aside from books I borrowed from both the library and Kindle Unlimited, I've bought nothing!! I'm doing so well with this DON'T YOU DARE BUY ANY MORE BOOKS, NATALIE goal I've set for myself :)

I hope we find only the best reads in August!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie


  1. The end of August was crazy. I'm glad you're back, though. And I'm excited for you to read Good Boy.

  2. What a great month you have had there! I am sorry to hear August was such a great month for you. Hopefully September is a more relaxing one for you. I am so happy to see you have Onley James and Good Boy on your TBR there. I hope you love both.


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