Books That Didn't Make the Cut Pt.26

June 11, 2024

Hello hello! I'm back with some more books that didn't really work for me, but might be winners for you.

Let me know if you've read any of these or plan to. I'd love to know your thoughts :)

Master of Salt & Bones by Keri Lake

dual POV, dark romance

When I was a little girl, I dreamed a handsome knight would come and rescue me from my wretched mother. He'd ride up on his white steed and break the curse I've been fated to carry since the day I was born.

Funny how things changed over time. How the fairy tale twisted into something far more crooked, darker than I ever imagined.

In reality, my knight is scarred and broken, living alone in a castle of bones that overlooks the sea. He isn’t searching for me. He never was.

Lucian Blackthorne is as cursed as I am, and equally shunned by the locals, the fishers of men, who believe him to be the devil in the flesh.

Perhaps he is, with the way his amber eyes draw me in, ignite me like an infernal blaze. And the sins he whispers in my ear are as wickedly intoxicating as the man himself.

Yet, his touch is heaven and his will is my weakness.

He calls us forbidden, an unsalvageable tragedy, with no happy end. Maybe we are. But in this story, he’s the one who needs saving.

My Rating -

I've loved everything else I've read from this author and assumed that I'd love this book. It sounds so good, but actually being in it, I wasn't feeling it. Honestly, I wasn't feeling much of anything. I didn't care about anything, which is the strangest thing because I've got tons of books on my shelves, some even signed, by this author. Ah well, not every book will be a winner right? I'll try something else by her for sure.

Second Chance Baby by Natasha L. Black

In walks my past, hotter than ever.
I never could tell her no.

If Ava thinks she can walk back into my life
Thinks I’ll help her out when she’s desperate for a job,
If she thinks I’m going to lay awake wanting her back…
She’s right.

My first love, my first heartbreak, and now she needs me.
I’m not the kind of man who would walk away from her.
Loyal to the core, running my family’s bar and working sixteen hour days.

The next thing I know I’m working long nights with Ava
Feels like old times, and an old flame that never stopped burning
Is about to become an inferno.

All that desire, all those years apart
How could we make the same mistake again?
The one that cost us everything all those years ago
When we couldn’t get past what we’d lost.

Can we survive it this time, older, wiser, more in love than ever?
Or will it tear us apart just like it did back then?

My Rating -

This story was pretty basic, but sometimes you need some basic in your life. You know?

So I gave it a chance.

The heroine: boring
The hero: boring
The story: boring

But that's ok.

Until it wasn't.

I DNF'd at chapter 38 because I was too tired of the heroine's antics. She's pregnant, a man knocked her to the ground, the hero had just lost his dad and that anger fueled him in punching dude a bit, and she basically tells the hero no. Then yes. Then no. Then yes.

I couldn't even bring myself to read the remaining two chapters.

Fable of Happiness: Book One by Pepper Winters

A house hidden in the middle of nowhere.
A man who’s lived alone for a decade.
A woman who trespasses on his solitude.
A love full of hate as well as hunger.

The thing about my life is... I was never in control of it.
I just I thought I was.
I thought I had everything figured out—a good career, fun hobbies, a bright future, but everything changed when I found an ivy-cloaked house, tucked in a forgotten valley, hiding the man who would corrupt my world forever.
I thought I was successful, until he showed me fortune and happiness could be snatched away in an instant.
I believed I was blessed, but really, I was cursed.
Cursed to become a plaything for a monster.
Cursed to become a prisoner just because I trespassed.
Now, I know nothing.
I am nothing.
I’m just his.

My Rating -

I can't believe I'm doing this.
I love PW. Seriously lurve her work.
Her books line my shelves -- signed, sealed, delivered

So why did I have such a hard time with this book? Why did I not fall in love with its depravity?

I didn't care about Gemma AT ALL and Kassen didn't have strong enough appeal to keep me going.

Every book can't be a winner, right?

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