Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter

June 05, 2024

Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter

He was breathtakingly cocky, with his leading man face and broad shoulders, but she'd never been so absorbed by a male. Not a real one, anyway.
Broken-doll Daniela... wanted. Him. A vampire.

In Untouchable, Kresley Cole delivers a breathtaking tale of a brutal vampire soldier about to know love for the first time...and a Valkyrie aching to be touched.

In Tempt Me Eternally, Gena Showalter puts a daring spin on a tale of huntress and hunted...and concocts a sensual chemistry that is positively explosive.

Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter

Deep Kiss of Winter includes:

Untouchable by Kresley Cole

Murdoch Wroth will stop at nothing to claim Daniela the Ice Maiden -- the delicate Valkyrie who makes his heart beat for the first time in three hundred years. Yet the exquisite Danii is part ice fey, and her freezing skin can't be touched by anyone but her own kind without inflicting pain beyond measure. Soon desperate for closeness, in an agony of frustration, Murdoch and Danii will do anything to have each other. Together, can they find the key that will finally allow them to slake the overwhelming desire burning between them?

Tempt Me Eternally by Gena Showalter

Aleaha Love can be anyone -- literally. With only skin-to-skin contact, she can change her appearance, assume any identity. Her newest identity switch has made her an AIR (alien investigation and removal) agent and sends her on a mission to capture a group of otherworldly warriors. Only she becomes the captured. Breean, a golden-skinned commander known for his iron will who is at once dangerous and soul-shatteringly seductive, threatens her new life. Because for the first time, Aleaha only wants to be herself.

For Untouchable:

Rating -
Standalone - Immortals After Dark #7
Genre - Paranormal Romance / fated mates
POV - dual 3rd person
Heat - explicit
Length - 270 pages

Part Valkyrie part Fey, she couldn't be touched without being burned, she couldn't touch someone without freezing them, and she had blooded a vampire, making her his Bride. How was this going to work?

Well, for most of the book, Murdoch was a jerk. He was deliberately obtuse and made me laugh. Daniela was a fool and it was a lot of fun watching these two fall all over themselves in an effort to avoid falling for each other. They were doomed from the start!

When they finally let each other in, it was quick and dirty and so sweet. With each other, they had finally found their missing piece and I was actually really happy about that.

Is there a story for the other Estonians, such as Rurik? If I'm going to have to wait forever and a day for Nix's book, I'm hoping to get stories about characters I care about and Rurik seemed like a loyal, worthwhile and damaged fellow.

For Tempt Me Eternally

Rating -
Standalone - Alien Huntress #3.5
Genre - Paranormal Romance / enemies to lovers
POV - dual 3rd person
Heat - explicit
Length - 161 pages

Annnnnddd... once again, here I am, picking up a book several books into a series. To sum it up, this story gave me enough to spark my curiosity for the rest of the series. I adored Breean, sorta liked Aleaha, and enjoyed pretty much everything that happened here. I only wish I knew more about the world these characters inhabit. There are aliens, creatures, humans, etc. I need more info so I will keep reading.

Btw, I loved seeing the quick reference to Kresley Cole's Immortals series. Hey there Nix!

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