Revenant by Larissa Ione

July 26, 2024

Revenant by Larissa Ione

“Moonbeams and sunshine, the clouds and the seas, all part of the many worlds I want you to see. Fear not the unknown, nor the depths of the night, for nothing can harm you when I hold you tight.” — the only kindness Revenant had ever known

Revenant by Larissa Ione

Revenant by Larissa Ione

Standalone - Lords of Deliverance #6 / Demonica #11
Rating - 1/2
Genre - Paranormal Romance / instant connection
POV - primarily dual 3rd person
Heat - descriptive
Source - library ebook
Length - 368 pages


For five thousand years, Revenant believed he was alone in the world, a fallen angel beyond any redemption. Now he finds he has a twin brother who had all the light and love Revenant was denied. Caught in a tug of war between Heaven and Hell, he must weigh his thirst for revenge against his desire for a mysterious female named Blaspheme—a female whose very origins could deliver him into salvation . . . or destruction.


Blaspheme has a deadly secret: she's the forbidden offspring of an angel and a fallen angel. Hunted by both heavenly and satanic forces, she has survived only by laying low and trusting no one. When Revenant claims he can save them both, how can she possibly believe him? But the powerful angel is persistence incarnate and for Blaspheme, there's no place she can hide in Heaven or Hell where he won't find her.

Revenant by Larissa Ione

This beautiful male just about broke my heart. For thousands of years, Revenant believed the worst about himself. When the truth of who he really is, that he's an actual heavenly angel, is revealed to both him and Reaver, he finds himself in crisis—about his identity, his past, and his future. The author did an incredible job of showing his inner conflict and getting me to fall in love with a bad guy who really ain't that bad.

Blaspheme was a mystery and it was fun trying to figure out the truth. I knew she was hiding behind the False Angel identity, but was she truly an abomination? And what would happen when Rev finally learned her truth?

What I loved the most about this story was how these two defended each other. They made mistakes, tons of them, but they were willing to fall on a sword to save the other.

I only wish that parts of this story weren't so vague. Was that intentional? Well, we've got one thousand years to figure out how to truly defeat Satan and I'm excited to see what the author will do with that.

Air Force veteran Larissa Ione traded in a career in meteorology to pursue her passion of writing. She has since published dozens of books, hit several bestseller lists, including the New York Times and USA Today, and has been nominated for a RITA award.

She now spends her days in pajamas with her computer, strong coffee, and supernatural worlds. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case.

She lives in Wisconsin with her retired U.S. Coast Guard husband, her son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhounds, a King Shepherd named Hexe and a Belgian Malinois named Duvel.

Visit for more information.


  1. That is one hot cover. Unfortunately not really my genre of choice though.


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