Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale

September 03, 2024

Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale

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Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale

Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale

Rating - 1/2
Book 5 of Carter Brothers
Release - September 10, 2024
Genre - Contemporary Romance / enemies to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - explicit
Source - eARC provided by GIVE ME BOOKS PR
Length - 259 pages

Fuck me for choosing the wrong sister.

Atlas Carter was a protector. He was a police officer, had spent years in the Air Force, spent his entire teen years as a volunteer firefighter.

Being a protector was in his blood.

It was his dream.

So when a woman was in a dangerous situation, it was his every instinct to protect her. To shield her. To watch over her.
Only, that woman had played him.

She’d set him up.

She’d made sure that he only saw her.

Then, when the real woman who should hold his heart, the sister, comes into his life, he doesn’t see past the hatred of her to know that she’s only trying to protect him in return.

He spends the next year terrorizing the woman who’s supposed to be his. When the dust finally settles, and he can see clearly once again, she’s no longer there waiting for him.

Previous books in the series:
No Cap * I Can't Even * Thirst Trap * Clap Back

Pepper was misunderstood and Atlas was an oblivious fool. He remains that way for much of this story, but there was no denying the chemistry between these characters. And when he finally woke up, he dove right in and I became his number one cheerleader!

I loved Pepper immediately and wanted her to only have great things. She had to put up with a lot and I kept thinking there were better ways to live, but my solutions wouldn't have helped this story and I get that. How her sister became a police officer, I'll never know, but it made me laugh uncontrollably.

Seriously? Did the police department not have a competent psych eval? Were the people of their community not discerning or skeptical?

I enjoyed this story so much, even the drama-filled bits that made me chuckle. The feelings were what mattered most and there was no doubt that Atlas and Pepper had those in abundance.

Rent Free by Lani Lynn Vale

Lani Lynn Vale is an American author of humorous romantic suspense novels. Born in the Great State of Texas, she has lived the majority of her adult life in East Texas where most of her novels are based. She’s married to her high school sweetheart whom her readers refer to as “LLV’s Bearded Half.” She published her first novel, Boomtown. in the summer of 2013 after the birth of her third child. She’s gone on to publish over 100 novels, with most of them going on to become USA Today bestsellers.

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