Traded, Lost, and Royal Savage

October 23, 2024

Hello and Happy Wednesday. I hope your week is off to a great start!
I'm sharing three books I read and quite enjoyed and maybe you'll find something here to read too!

Traded by Rebecca Brooke

dual pov, contemporary, abuse trigger

I’m a pawn, a piece of chattel, a toy--used and forgotten.

When you’re done with me, you can walk away with no regrets. That’s how my husband sees me. I try to be the best wife possible for him. After all, he took me on when no one else would. Now--he’s in debt and owes more money to the loan shark than we can possibly repay.

But, don’t worry, he’s come up with a solution, it’s just not one I was expecting.

...I’ve been TRADED.

Rating -

I liked this book. I did. Any time a broken woman can rise above and triumph, I applaud. However, I wasn't quite sold by this story.

Elena was verbally and emotionally abused by her husband for the entire 5 years of their marriage. How she allowed herself to be convinced by him that she was worthless is neither here nor there because this does happen. How she believed that through it all he really loved her was beside the point. What frustrated me was how fast she got past this (not even a month bro!)

She went from meek and submissive to sassy and borderline rude in a hot minute. I get that this is fiction but there was no real internal struggle.

She kept mentioning how serious she took those wedding vows. That when she said them she meant them. Ummmmmm... weren't you blackout drunk during your wedding in Vegas and didn't even know you were married until you woke up with a ring on your finger???

Then she kept saying that for 5 years she tried to be a good wife. But yet she grew up with both of her parents, who were still happily married it seemed. She already had an example of a good wife and it seemed nothing like the subservient slave she turned herself into. Her abuse was unfortunate, yes, but not completely understood by me.

This book annoyed me as well because it failed to fact check its info. Isn't Off Broadway the term used for a small theater in New York? Then how was Elena in an Off Broadway production in Colorado? Was this a travelling Broadway?

The only saving grace for this story was Ashton. I love an Alpha thug in glasses!! I loved how he quickly saw her situation and made moves to help her escape it. The way he helped her break out of her shell and become her own person was a beautiful thing. I really liked how he loved her.

The ending was pretty abrupt but some people like short and sweet HFN's I guess. Aside from some editing mishaps, the story was well written.

If you like a book that speaks on overcoming and moving past abuse and opening your heart to try again, this book might be right up your alley.

Lost by Ker Dukey

dark romance, multiple pov

We came from nothing and were given a second chance at life, and life was pretty good until it tipped on its axis and my world came tumbling down around me.

My Baby Sister is missing…

I’ve never felt this helpless before now, the vacant hole inside me expanding with each passing second of not knowing where she is.
What’s she going through?
Is she hurt?

The more I learn of her disappearance the more fear implants itself inside my heart, hardening - darkening.
The world is a depraved place, full of evil lurking behind normality.
Behind smiles.
Behind deception and facades.

She needs me and I will do whatever it takes to find her.

Rating -

For the first time ever, I struggled with a Ker Dukey story :(

Winter's little sister, Summer, is missing. There's a serial killer who targets teenage girls on the loose. Winter is taking courses at school to become a cop and believes she's equipped to handle the case all on her own, despite the man she loves, a high-ranking detective, working it already. Sounds like magic in the making, right?

I'm always pissed when the heroine thinks she's too big for her britches. Having a hard-knock life doesn't mean you're prepared to take on serial killers, pedophiles, virgin auctioneers, slave traders, etc. And when the cops are already on it, you're just getting in the way.

The entire story is Winter rushing headlong into danger and Cole coming to the rescue. Winter waving a gun around and being overcome. Winter constantly putting herself in dangerous situations and wondering how she got there. Winter just never used her damn head.

I'm sad because this story had so much potential. Unfortunately the little glimmers that shone weren't enough for me to fall in love with it. Will it stop me from trying again? Absolutely not!

Royal Savage by Victoria Ashley

dual pov, contemporary romance, abuse trigger

I CAN’T CLOSE MY EYES… I refuse to. Every time I do, all I see is blood, death, and pain. I can feel it - almost taste it, bringing me back to that night.

It doesn't matter that I'm still breathing; I no longer need it, I no longer want it. I despise it along with everything else around me.
The only thing I long for is to fucking fade away. I've given up. Until her at least…


She comes into my world, knocking me on my ass.

It turns me on to have her around me. Makes me want to wrap my hand around her tight little throat and fuck her until she feels my pain, feels the monster in me, but also makes me want to protect her from the very thing that she should be afraid of... me.

Once she sees the damage that I’m capable of; she’ll look at me like everyone else around me does: with fear.


HIS EYES... THE DARKNESS IN them draws me to him, making me want to taste him, feel him… and save him. I shouldn't have gotten on the back of his motorcycle that day. I know that now. Colton warned me. I was told it was dangerous. I was told that nothing would be the same. He was right.

ROYAL is dangerous, dark, and seductive; the very thing that keeps me hanging on, willing to give my last breath just to touch him… breathe him in.

He’s savage, inked, and highly captivating. So different from his brother…

He's hazardous to my health, mind, and body, yet the only thing that I crave. I want to free him. I want to change his mind, but I'm afraid that he’s already too faded…

Rating -

Even the blurb is a hot mess.

This wasn't the greatest book of all time, but it was entertaining.

Royal was crazy hot. Emphasis on crazy. He was a tortured hero. He was seen as a bad guy (by the small-minded people in his small town), but he wasn't a criminal. He was protective and loyal to a fault. Tragic circumstances changed his perspective on life and it took the love of a good woman, enter Avalon, to help him find a glimmer of light in the darkness.

The story was a bit rushed and I found that details were given sparingly. Random characters were introduced with no explanation. Examples include Cole, who was the brother of another random character named Riley, and Baxton, who was someone Royal grew up with. No history was really given of Royal other than the tragedy that took place almost two years ago. So while that incident helped to shape his character and give it some much needed depth, both he and Avalon came off as one-dimensional people.

Overall, a fast and intense read.

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