Showing posts with label Captive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captive. Show all posts

Avaritia by Colette Rhodes

October 12, 2024

Avaritia by Colette Rhodes

I was all in on Theon, Duke of Lindow. We were going to make each other very f*cking happy for the rest of our days, and no one was going to get in the way of that.

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Avaritia by Colette Rhodes

Avaritia by Colette Rhodes

Rating -
Book 4 of the Shades of Sin series
Release - March 30, 2024
Genre - paranormal romance / captive
POV - dual 1st person
Heat - explicit
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 270 pages

If there’s one thing Verity will consistently do, it’s spontaneously make terrible decisions. Sometimes they work out well—so far, smuggling her rescue cat into the shadow realm has been a great success—but more often than not, she ends up with a bigger mess to clean up than she started with.

If there’s one thing Theon will consistently do, it’s plot his brother’s demise after losing his spot in the line of succession to King Allerick. It has yet to work out well for him, but there’s a first time for everything, right?

Especially now that Theon has got himself an ex-Hunter of his own to feed from, and he’s stronger than ever.

But Verity isn’t going to let Theon get away with his treasonous ways, not when he has so much to offer the shadow realm. For the first time, someone believes that Theon has the capacity to do good in the world.

If only he believed her.

If I were to get on TikTok right now (finally) to promote a book, it would be this one. I freaking loved it!!

I didn't much like Verity going into this book and I didn't like her in the beginning of it. But then something happened... the way she interacted with Theon made me see another side to her. Actually, several sides and I realized that I was oblivious to the nuance of her character and then I fell in love. Was she still a silly, vapid, superficial woman? Yes, yes she was. But she also had so much depth to her, especially when it came to bringing out the best in Theon and allowing him to bring out the best in her.

I found I had a ton of sympathy for Theon and I wished that he had a better relationship with his brothers. Hopefully with the way things unfolded in this story, their relationship will become stronger than ever. Honestly, the way Verity constantly came to his defense made me smile so big. A male who never had a defender suddenly had the staunchest of supporters.

Go Team!

Seriously, this story ended up being one of my favorites of the series and now I'm even more excited to read the next one.

Avaritia by Colette Rhodes

Colette Rhodes is a huge fan of paranormal romance and reverse harem books. They're what she loves to read and what she loves to write. #WhyChoose, right?

Colette studied both History and Ancient History at university and loves including both historical facts and ancient mythology in her work.

When she's not writing, you'll find her spending time with her husband and daughter in beautiful New Zealand.

Visit for more information

His Agenda by Dori Lavelle

August 26, 2024

His Agenda by Dori Lavelle

I'm back with a series of books that I read a long time ago (2016), but I remember enjoying them.
His Agenda is a captive romance series with a naive heroine and a slightly unredeemable hero.
Hopefully my reviews inspire someone to give this series a chance.

**WARNING: Due to sexual situations and dark adult content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18, and anyone who is unable to read books containing the following issues: kidnapping, murder, rape, and extreme abuse.**

Veiled Obsession

I cry for the man I used to know, the man I used to love...until his love killed mine.

My name is Haley Macknight, and I'm dying inside. From the outside my life is every woman's dream. I'm married to Jude Macknight, a sexy multimillionaire who loves me...too much.

Once upon a time, I loved him. But that love is dead. Unwilling to let me go, I've become his obsession. He will stop at nothing to make sure I remain in a marriage I no longer want, inside my gilded cage.

Each day I pull away from Jude, I watch him transform into a monster. Before my eyes, he becomes a man I don't recognize, a dangerous man. He makes it clear that I belong to him, that my life is no longer my own. If I leave, he'll kill me. But if I stay, I'll die a slow death.

Rating -

This book popped up as one of those Goodreads recommendations based on what I've read recently. When I saw the rave reviews I thought that this book would definitely feed my dark appetite. Not so much. For me, this book was... meh... really. I read those reviews and assumed that I would be getting something gritty, dark and twisted. What I got was a woman who seemed more like a girl and a bully.

Haley turned thirty at some time in this book and to say I was surprised would be an understatement. She in no way, shape, or form acted like a mature adult. Not in her words, her thoughts, or her actions. I can't say I didn't like her but I can say that she seemed pretty one-dimensional to me. As for Jude, the whole situation is just unrealistic to me. What grown woman comes to depend on a complete stranger to these depths??? His 180 in personality was NOT a surprise! C'mon what did she expect?! He didn't want her to work, didn't encourage her socially, didn't talk or treat her with respect... the signs were there!

I'm just not wowed by this story. It is not scintillating, thought-provoking, or extremely interesting. But I'm again, not a quitter so I guess we'll see if my opinion changes with book 2.

Dangerous Intentions

My name is Haley Macknight, and I've finally escaped my marriage from hell. But my husband, Jude Macknight, has murder on his mind. He will stop at nothing to get me back. Even from a distance, he's controlling the course of my life. It's only a matter of time before he finds me. Before he kills me.

Rating -

The fact that there is a book 3 tells me that we're in for some more twists! If you like to read about psycho anti-heroes, then this book may be for you.

I actually liked this book. I liked being in Jude's head. He was so cray cray but it worked. I was in constant anticipation of what he would do next. His complex and warped thought process was pretty funny and I was on my toes wondering what kind of evil deed he would concoct.

Haley still annoyed me. Her thought process was less than intelligent. She kept talking about getting back her life. Ummmmm. What life?! She had no real plan and that irked me. And instead of making real use of her support network, she kept screaming for independence. TSTL-syndrome in full effect.

I'm about to start book 3 and I'm busy trying to figure out exactly what the twist will be. I think I have an idea Jude lives! and a huge part of me hopes I'm right! Thank you Kindle Unlimited for providing me with the opportunity to read this series!

Broken Illusions

Jude Macknight is gone forever, and I can finally start my new life with Dustin Brannon. But it's not so easy to move on.

When I close my eyes at night, I still see Jude's face. And sometimes, I swear I feel his presence. When will he stop haunting me? And when will I stop waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Rating -

This was the "startling" conclusion to the series. However, I wasn't startled. My prediction was accurate. Hooray... Actually, when my guess came to fruition was the first time in the book that my interest was truly piqued. Until then, I was bored. I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, as Haley would say.

Jude... Jude... Jude... or should I call you Terrence? You wonderful psycho you. I loved everything you did bro. Your motivations were completely all over the place, but I still had mad love for you homie. I really felt the love you had for Haley. Deep in the bones kind of love. I get you. You killed all those women as symbols of that love. Warped love. Obsessed love. Crazy love. Drunken love perhaps? Regardless, you were a freaking fantastic character to read. I wish the entire book was in your pov. Honestly dude. Your passion burst through those pages. Not sparklers. Not even fireworks. Dynamite amigo. Dyna-freaking-mite!!

I could write odes about Jude. Sonnets even. He was the only person that sparked any interest in me. Haley once again gave a lackluster performance that only gained positive momentum because of Jude. His effervescence makes everyone around him shine lol. I like what Dustin represented, but told through Haley's eyes, unfortunately I didn't get a real chance to delve into his character and connect with him.

I'm not going to read the prequel. I'm going to keep my fond memories of Jude just the way they are as I say farewell to him at the end of this series.

Series Review // Ransom by A.T. Douglas

February 05, 2024

Hello and Happy Monday!

Sorry I disappeared for a few days and not sharing my regular posts. However, I did make an effort to appear on pages and blogs to read your posts and leave comments if I could. My anxiety got really bad and when I feel overwhelmed like that, I step away from everything I can to give myself a chance to sort of reboot. I only needed a week this time, but I'm back!

Today's flashback is the Ransom series by A.T. Douglas. I read and reviewed these books back in 2015, in my early romance reading days, and I remember enjoying it. It's dark with a captive/captor theme, so if that's not your type of read, this won't be a recommendation for you. If it is your jam, have you given these books a try?

1. Beyond Ransom

My body is broken.

My life is shattered.

Everything I've ever known is gone from me, yet I've discovered something beautiful.

I didn't expect to be taken. I never dreamed that love would find me while my life was slowly stripped away. With him something new and alive stirs within me, and I am completely changed.

Though battered and broken-down, I'm not alone. The most unlikely man protects me and gives me strength.

I will survive this for him. I will find a way to save us both.

While they hold me, he holds my heart, and I'm not willing to pay the price to get it back.

Rating -

After reading the blurb, I honestly thought this book/series would be great. Not so much. The plot was hella interesting, but there was a real disconnect between logic and reality.

What I liked:
- Mark. Yeah, he's the bad guy. But he was the most consistent person in the book. He was also the most interesting. I really wanted to get to know him, especially after he revealed his motives for kidnapping Morgan
- The concept. I always find time to read a good dark book and it doesn't get darker than a captive book (i.e. Captive in the Dark -- so good!)
- Leo. His story is going to be amazing I'm sure, considering the big reveal of Mark's behind the death of his family

What I didn't like:
- Morgan. This chick was TSTL!! Usually I chalk it up to the fact of young age (her being 18 and all), but unfortunately, in her case, I can't. She's the daughter of a famous police detective. She's shown evidence (many times) that her father taught her well (she seems to know guns inside and out). She reminds of almost every other teenager out there who wants to grow up before it's time and plays grown up. Without any real concept of what being an adult really means. So I conclude that she's an idiot. My proof? You need more??? Well, at the 86% mark, she gives a lengthy monologue of how proud of herself she is to be a valuable member of Mark's crew. How everyone respects her for the great job she's doing. Am I the only one that could see that her "job" was as a distracting bimbo? Qualifications: empty space in your head. Skills: pretty to look at, ability to fill out hooker dress, know how to twirl hair around finger, be able to hold an empty stare, etc. This girl is a freaking idiot and there is not one quality of hers that is redeeming. She is unlikable, unappealing, and absolutely nothing she did was endearing. I have no connection to her and actually felt vindicated every time Mark roughed her up. I'm just saying *shrugs*

- time passes but there really isn't anything to show for it. It's casually mentioned, almost as an afterthought
- how unrealistic this story is. Let's be honest here. If this were "life-like", Morgan would have been brutally raped and/or murdered already. She has no means of escape. None. This has been established. But then she provokes the one person who holds her life in his hands??? More proof of how TSTL she really is. Oh, and then she trusts and immediately falls in love with one of her captors. I'm not saying Leo's not a great guy, but when given the chance to save herself from Mark's clutches, she chooses to stay for Leo. I know that choice needed to be made to even have a story, but it wasn't reasonable. Who would choose uncertain death and certain pain over family and safety???

So overall, a decent story, and because I want to see more of Leo and Mark, I will be reading book 2.

2. Beyond Revenge

We made a decision.

We had a plan.

We were so close to having it all, then it was snatched away before our eyes.

Our bodies and minds are pushed to the brink of destruction. We wither away into darkness with more to lose than ever, but we are strengthened by our love and hold on to hope. It’s all we have left in the devastating chasm between us.

We keep reaching and holding on, striving to overcome the power of vengeance.

We will find a way.

Rating -

Well I'm glad that evil didn't prosper in this book. That would have been terrible. But I must say that Mark gave me a lot of interesting parts to read. Again, he was the most interesting character. Leo made a wonderful appearance as well and I'm glad the author chose to change this into a dual pov installment. I don't know if I would have enjoyed it quite as much if it weren't for Leo's perspective. Why? Because I still just couldn't find a reason to like Morgan. I was so tired of seeing her, hearing her, reading her, etc. Truth be told, she's the reason this book lost two stars.

I must admit to a bit of confusion on my part. The book ends without any update on what's going on with Morgan's father. Am I really supposed to be invested in their HFN with this unresolved? They seemed a bit too carefree in the end, she keeps saying "We're free", but her dad was locked up last I heard. And you're living in hiding. Who the freak is free???

Now, maybe I'm a bit too optimistic, but I hope the confusion is cleared up with the next installment. Although, with the blurb and reviews I've seen, it doesn't seem that promising :(

3. Beyond Resistance

My family has suffered and sacrificed for me my entire life.

It's time for me to give back to them.

Over twenty years have passed since the events that both created and almost destroyed my family. We've been in hiding, secluded from the world for all these years, but that's about to change.

It's time to emerge and bring the rest of my family back to us after being separated for so long. It’s time for me to step beyond what’s safe to find something worth living for.

Or someone.

The danger we face is worth it. We'll risk everything to be together, because it's impossible to resist the power of family and love.

Rating -

I tried. I honestly really tried. I tried to give this book a chance. A real and fair chance. I just couldn't. I'm going to be honest even further and tell you that I skimmed through this sucker like crazy. Why? Because nothing, and I mean nothing, about it grabbed my attention long enough for me to actually pay attention. I get it. Dante is a big boy now, wanting to reunite his family. Mission accomplished. But the family is still in hiding. Maybe not on the run, but they have aliases. That is NOT living free people!

Here's why I can't complete connect with this story: why, of all the crimes and criminals in the United States of America, were these people the most notorious? A lot of serial killers don't even get that much attention. So again, what about them was supposed to convince me that the entire nation was on the lookout? What about them would have the entire nation in an uproar? I'm just not buying it and therefore I couldn't even believe in the unbelievable, because it was too unbelievable.

Again, keep in mind I read this years ago and gave each book 3 stars.
After re-reading my reviews, I'm not entirely sure why, but I trust 2015 Natalie enough to go with it.

Series Review // The Beast by Jaden Wilkes

January 15, 2024

The Beast series by Jaden Wilkes

Today's flashback is The Beast series by Jaden Wilkes. I read these books many years ago and each book made the series better and better. Per the author: This is not a fairy tale, this is what happens when the music ends and life goes on after the credits roll. This is about simply existing until you find yourself and write your own happily ever after, no matter what form it takes.

1. The Beast

Dimitri Sokolov is a man scarred, physically and emotionally. From the rough streets of Moscow to the highest ranks in the Solntsevskaya Bratva, he has seen it all.

An attack four years ago left him disfigured and in seclusion, hiding from reactions to his appearance and in safety from those who failed to kill him the first time.

Comfortable in his penthouse, managing his billion dollar businesses, he's resigned himself to be alone, simply called The Beast among those who've dealt with him in the past.

Columbia Grey is a pseudo-activist trying to save her neighbourhood from a developer intent on levelling it to build apartment towers. She goes along with a plan to confront the CEO of the company on his own turf, to force him to listen to her demands...all in a pathetic attempt to impress a man she barely likes.

Little does she know, she's taken herself into the mouth of the beast, a man familiar with death and destruction, sex and seduction, a man used to getting exactly what he wants and a man with nothing left to lose.

She's a beauty, but will that be enough to tame the beast and save her life?

Rating -

This is the first book I've read from Jaden Wilkes and I thoroughly enjoyed it's dark and twisted theme. She surely drew my mind into a nightmare. This book does touch on some BDSM but more on the S & M side.

Unfortunately I suffered a disconnect from the characters. I'm not sure what I was looking for but by the end I hadn't found it. It was hard to like Columbia. I couldn't really get into her head although half the story is told from her POV. And she truly pissed me off at one point. When Dimitri was trying to get her to submit she kept begging to go home. Internally she wanted to get back to her life. What life? Wasn't she molested by her dad/step-dad for over a decade? I get she wanted to protect her sister, but when Dimitri offered to kill him, she wasn't exactly screaming "YES PLEASE!!" So yeah, she didn't exactly float my boat. I'm hoping for better from her in the next book, especially because of that epilogue.

I actually really liked Dimitri. He's the sole reason this book gets 3 stars. He was dark, twisted, disfigured, vengeful, a killer, a wee bit insane, etc. Everything I want in a dark hero. He's not a good guy and he's not sorry about it. However, I do think he's the perfect match for Columbia. What he's gone through is excruciating, from childhood to now, and I like that he's finally able to grab a slice of happy with her.

I'm off to read book 2 and hopefully find what was missing in this one.

2. Perfectly Normal

Take a girl like Columbia, put her in a vastly different life with a man unlike anyone she's ever known. Throw in Dimitri's nightmares, the Concierge's disdain for Dimitri's new house guest and a few hundred people looking high and low for the both of them...and it makes for a very interesting read.

Picking up at the end of the last chapter, this novel covers the time until the two leave Hong Kong, before the epilogue of the first bestselling novel in this series, The Beast.

Two twisted and imperfect beings must adjust to their new lives together while avoiding detection from authorities and an international crime ring.

Rating -

I just love when the heroine of the story gets a backbone. In this installment, Columbia is determined to learn what it takes to be a part of Dimitri's life, including how to kill.

This book had all the excitement and action I was missing in the first one. I really liked it. I got a little bothered by how lovey dovey Dimi and Col were, but it was still sweet lol. Dimitri is still my favourite character, however, Columbia has definitely come into her own and has endeared herself to me. I'm not quite as annoyed by her as I was in the previous book. Nico's new role, or rather no longer hidden role, was intriguing, however, I'm not a fan of threesomes. I am a firm believer in one man for one woman and vice versa. It may be old fashioned but I am crazy possessive and have no intention of sharing or being shared. Maybe it's part of my older sibling syndrome. Who knows. But that was the only big issue I had with this book. It was hot as f*ck but not my cup of tea. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book, so that's a plus. And I'm still interested in finding out more about the mysterious Nico.

I'm really curious about who this Ioana character is and how she ties in with Columbia and Dimitri. I'm sure it's going to be one fun adventure in book 3.

3. Little Dove

How can you ever hope to find normal when your life is anything but?

Determined to make amends for his past, and show Columbia he truly is a changed man, Dimitri sets out to right wrongs and decimate those who bring nothing but sorrow to the world.

Something goes wrong and Columbia is taken, spirited away into the underground world of sex trafficking and international crime syndicates.

Dimitri must fight his way across the Europe to find her and bring her home. He would rather see the world burn than live without her in it.

He will tear the world apart looking for his little dove.

This is a tragic story exploring the consequences of daring to love in the midst of chaos and terror.

Rating -

HOLY FREAKING SH*T!! This was the BEST book out of the entire series!!

This book had everything I was looking for from the previous books. EVERYTHING!!

Torture. Killing. Fighting. Dubious consent (although there was absolutely no doubt that most people would not be consenting to the madness!). Love. Devotion. Loyalty. More killing. More torture. Mercenaries. New alliances. Rocket launchers. New friendships. Just wonderful wonderful wonderful things.

I actually loved Columbia (finally!) in this book. She was freaking amazing. Girl could hold her own in a male dominated ?industry? Not sure what you would call it, but she did her thang. She still got a little too stuck in her head, but overall her character was stellar!

Dimitri. Dimi. Frig I loved this dude. All things Dimi were amazing as usual. His madness. His torture schemes. His freaking love, loyalty and devotion were off the freaking charts. This man could do absolutely no wrong in my eyes. I want a Dimitri in my life too dammit!

Honestly, I could list point for point why this book was incredible but I'm not going to ruin the plot for anyone. And I'm not going to take away from Jaden Wilkes' profits. She did an awesome job with writing this story and you need to do yourself a favour and freaking read it!