Showing posts with label J.T. Geissinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J.T. Geissinger. Show all posts

Shadow's Edge by J.T. Geissinger // Review

March 13, 2021

Shadow's Edge by J.T. Geissinger

A book lay on her bedside table. He flipped it open with one finger, read a single paragraph.

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.

Leander's lips curled into an amused smile. Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Ah, the exquisite irony.

Shadow's Edge by J.T. Geissinger

Shadow's Edge by J.T. Geissinger

Standalone - Night Prowler #1
Release - June 12, 2012
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/a few scenes
Format/Source - ebook borrowed through KU
Length - 383 pages
Publisher - Montlake Romance

Blurb from Amazon:
Deep within the primeval forests of southern England, a race of beautiful, savage shape-shifters lives hidden from the everyday world. Bound together by ancient bloodlines and a ruthless code of secrecy that punishes traitors with death, the Ikati send their leader Leander on a mission to capture one raised outside the tribe before she can expose their secret. When Leander tracks the unsuspecting outsider to Southern California, the hardened warrior is prepared for a fight—but not for the effect the sensual young beauty has on his heart.

Jenna spent her childhood in hiding, on the run from someone—or something—her parents refused to discuss. She trusts no one, not since her father’s mysterious disappearance, not since her mother’s sudden death, and definitely not since she began exhibiting strange, superhuman abilities. When handsome, enigmatic Leander appears, promising answers to the mysteries that shroud her past, she knows she shouldn’t trust him either. But their connection is undeniable, and as powerful as the enemy hell-bent on destroying every one of their kind...

When I asked for paranormal romance recommendations (and I'm always asking for them), Shadow's Edge came up a few times so I knew I had to add it to my list. I am so glad I finally got the chance to read it!

This book had so much of what I look for in a great story:
🐾 intense and dynamic characters — and I mean ALL of them!
🐾 compelling plot — I love when I can't predict exactly where the story is going to go. Who's friend and who is foe?
🐾 insane chemistry — I'm telling you, the tension that burned between Leander and Jenna was immense. It practically leaped off of the pages!
🐾 no unnecessary drama — only necessary dramatics, although the heroine came this close to getting on my nerves
🐾 a happy for now ending — the underlying plot isn't over so I'm sure more of this couple will be shown as the series goes (hopefully)

Leander was the brooding, gorgeous and fierce Alpha of the Ikati. He ruled, protected, and carried the heaviest of burdens. When it becomes clear that a half blood is approaching their 25th birthday, a day when their gifts either present themselves or don't, it's up to him to impose punishment. In his world, half breeds are an abomination and should be put to death. Will he be able to carry out this judgment?

Never calling any one place 'home', Jenna has become accustomed to spending her whole life bouncing from one place to the next, never understanding why she and her family couldn't stay still. She always knew she was different and after her father's mysterious disappearance, she was told to hide how special she was. She only knew that if 'they' found her, she was to disappear. However, when Leander comes into her life, she has to choose between fight or flight. Does she continue to hide or does she find the courage to face what she's unknowingly avoided her whole life?

I enjoyed the push and pull of the relationship that developed between Leander and Jenna. There was no easy road for them, but the author didn't make it impossible. Instead, we were given strong people who had to learn to adapt - to a new world, to a new truth, to each other. It was obvious that they were meant to be... the author just made them work for it. I could have easily done without Christian's feelings, which took away from how much I enjoyed getting to know his character, but I'm guessing this is something that will get worked out in another book. Overall, a solid and well-written read and I will definitely be checking out the next book of the series.

You can find your own copy of this book on Amazon:
Note that it is FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited

Shadow's Edge by J.T. Geissinger

“Don’t put yourself in danger like that again. Please. I can’t take it. It’s important to me that you’re safe, Jenna.” His arms tightened around her, hard, and his voice dropped to a whisper. “It’s more than important. It’s everything. I would give everything I have to make sure nothing hurts you.”

You’re the one that can hurt me,” she protested, hating how weak it sounded. Ambivalence and euphoria were doing battle within her, and euphoria was quickly winning. She shook her head, trying to clear it. “I know you think you can keep me here—but I won’t be locked in a cage, Leander. I won’t be your prisoner.”

He dragged his lips over her neck, down to her collarbone. His teeth pressed against the tender flesh there so hard it stung.

“I can’t deny I want to keep you with me. And I want you to want to stay. But...I would do anything to make you happy. Even if it means letting you go, if that’s what you want. Even if it means breaking every Law there is. I’ll do anything, Jenna. I’ll do anything.”

Though his voice was hushed, muffled against her skin, she recognized the truth in it, the raw emotion, and she started with the abrupt realization that he would put himself in danger for her.

He was willing to release her, protect her, and take the consequences, with nothing in it for himself except pleasing her and inciting the rage of all those snarling dark beasts.

It pierced her in the center of her chest, an unfamiliar sweetness that brought a prick of tears to her eyes. She had forgotten sweetness, had forgotten what it was like to be touched and held and cherished, and it opened something in her, it melted her like sunlight on snow. When she next exhaled, all her fears and hesitation sifted away with her breath, leaving only warmth and certainty behind.

J.T. Geissinger is a #1 internationally bestselling author of twenty-six novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense, edgy suspense, her books have sold over four million copies and been translated into more than a dozen languages.

She is a three-time nominee in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book and the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy.

She’s a Southern California native currently living in Nevada with her husband and rescue kitty, Zoe.

For more about this author and her books, check out her website: