Showing posts with label Millionaire / Billionaire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Millionaire / Billionaire. Show all posts

Please Note: I read this series back in 2016 and it's a dual perspective contemporary romance. Take my reviews with a grain of salt.
About the series:
Becka Jasper is a graduate student on the fast track to a successful career as a researcher. Oliver Weeks is the CEO of a major food research corporation - a powerful and handsome alpha male, that not only knows what he wants, but also gets what he wants.And soon enough, he wants Becka.
Brought together when Becka sits in on one of Oliver’s guest teaching lectures, they connect and discover a chemistry neither is prepared for. Becka soon finds herself wanting more from Oliver than just the internship she originally envisioned, but, almost from the start, she sees signs that Oliver may not be exactly what he seems to be.

Passionate Weeks
Well I liked it. I think I was a bit surprised that there was so much packed into such a short book/novella. I'm intrigued by both Becka and Dr. Oliver Weeks. I got a lot of information but I'm left with questions, which is a good thing because that's what will keep me coming back for more. I want to know what his side business is. And if the story of his background that he told Becka is a lie, what's the truth? Now that they've consummated their 'relationship' (although Oliver keeps saying he's not looking for one), what does this mean for Becka's possible internship at his company?
Four stars.

Lovely Weeks
I really like the writing of this author. She's made a sucker out of me because I'm completely sucked in the plot! Her characters, Becka and Oliver, are extremely sweet together and apart. The slow build of their relationship makes it realistic. And they are both so intelligent, which is a definite plus in my book. This is not a fast-paced series and I think the pacing is perfect. I'm really interested in reading further because I need to know what secrets Oliver is keeping. I hope they're not too bad. This couple belongs together!
Four stars.

Exciting Weeks
Another 'exciting' installment to this series. I had a couple of problems with it though.
1. The fact that Becka had a full blown attraction to her student, Ethan, while involved with Oliver. So not cool!
2. The fact that Becka is sneaking around behind Oliver's back, researching animal testing, and keeping secrets. They're both keeping secrets and it's annoying me lol! I want answers!!
3. If Becka finds out that Oliver is involved with animal testing, then what?
Four stars.

Crazy Weeks
Still good but I'm officially confused. Mild spoilers ahead and I'm sorry for that. OK, when Ethan is first introduced, he's a 21yo student in Becka's class. But in this book, he's much older, filthy rich, and oh yeah, he was Oliver's best friend and business partner once upon a time. WTH?! Did I miss something??? And damn Becka for betraying her relationship to Oliver in this book. There's no real cheating but she went too far. So I liked everyone but her in this one.
Four stars.

Ecstatic Weeks
Wow. The author got me to hate Becka within 37 pages. Quite a feat. For the entire book, my right hand kept itching to give this girl (cuz a woman she definitely ain't) a pimp slap. What the heck is going on??? Why did you change this character so dramatically??? Now she's a slut? Willing to sleep with all hot guys she sees? Thank you for not actually letting her sleep with them, but my sympathies to Oliver. He caught himself an undercover ho-bag! I kept trying to make excuses for her, like she's very young. But no. Excuses just won't fly. She can't decide between the man she's been involved with since book one and his brother??? Then she wants to sleep with a random dude to get both men out of her system??? Then... then... then the loser decides she wants Oliver after all!!! I hope he finds someone new cuz this chick is a waffler and has no clue who she truly is or what she wants.
Because of this rant, and I could continue but I've decided to spare you, I could only give this book 2 stars. And those stars are for Oliver alone!!
Two stars.

Fearful Weeks
Ya, I didn't think it was possible, but it's a new record. My hate has been escalated within 28 pages. I hate you Becka. I really do. And any girl in real life who resembles her, I hate you too. I'm just saying. This chick went from hero to zero real quick. How the heck do you suspect something happened to your man by the hands of his brother, but then somehow convince yourself that sleeping with broski is OK? On what planet is this normal? Your man is freaking missing!! Wth is wrong with this character? And shame on you Ms. Brooks for giving Ethan a POV.
One star

Dangerous Weeks
The author's writing is still great and thankfully she chose to redeem Becka (slightly) in this book. There are still 3 more books in the series so who knows. Oliver disappeared then reappeared (Polkaroo) and Ethan and his lies/deceptions/secrets are still annoying. At least Oliver finally revealed the truth to Becka (and me most importantly) so hopefully this is a sign that the series will progress in a more positive fashion.
Three stars.

Wild Weeks
I'm staying neutral when it comes to Becka. I have no feelings. However, I think it's pretty hilarious that her friend has to explain the reasons why she should stay true to her man. Why is that? Because Becka, for as smart as this series wants to make her out to be, is an idiot. Even Ethan stated she should use her scientific mind. Ha ha ha, where did that mind go again? Chick misplaced it. And she's too busy making paranoid assumptions and accusations, and having fantasies about other men, to look for it. I'm still Team Oliver. Becka can kick rocks.
Three stars.

Thrilling Weeks
I hate that I'm not a quitter, cuz if I was, I would have left this series a few books ago. I feel like all I'm getting is filler, no substance. It's all nonsense this and nonsense that. But nothing is really happening. Oliver has a 'plan' and then takes Becka to Paris. There they share I love yous with NO fanfare!! I didn't believe it, did you? And still the story isn't really moving along, except now there are two lines on a pregnancy test. It's like things are thrown together to give us, the readers, something while giving us nothing at all.
Three stars.

Dramatic Weeks
Well that's the end. Wrapped up with a shiny bow. Becka is pregnant, Oliver remains by her side, Lisa is traumatized, and crazy Ethan got his just dessert. I can't say I'm satisfied with this conclusion, but I am proud of myself for finishing it. So that's something. I will say that I will give this author another chance sometime in the near future because she writes amazingly well and can only improve with time and practice.
Three stars.

Please Note:
The Billionaire's Rules by Kelly Favor is a 16-book series and I stopped reading at #13. I read this back in 2015 so keep that in mind.About the Book:
Twenty-one-year-old Ivy Spellman has always played by the rules – get good grades, stay out of trouble, and avoid bad boys at all costs.But when she takes a temp assignment at a multi-billion dollar drug company, she can’t help but become intrigued with the sexy and ultra-demanding CEO, Cullen Sharpe.
Cullen Sharpe is used to getting what he wants, and his dark and damaged desires are locked on Ivy. Her good girl innocent routine is enough to drive him over the edge, and after Ivy makes a mistake at work, he senses an opening to teach the shy temp the pleasures and seductions of being bad...
…as well as the punishment that goes along with it.
Soon the two of them are locked in a game of mystery, seduction, and raging desire that knows no bounds. But as Ivy is pushed beyond her sexual limits, she begins to crave more from the dark billionaire.
However, Cullen guards his secrets and his heart for reasons that run deep. And if those reasons were to ever be revealed, it just might destroy them both.

The Billionaire's Rules #1
Wasn't sure how to rate this.
It was over pretty quickly. I am, however, interested enough to read the next book.
Ummmm... Does Cullen have OCD? Is he a germaphobe?
I understood by the end (though I guessed from the start) that Ivy was a virgin, but that doesn't mean she has to act like a nitwit. I hope she develops a damn spine in this series.
I gave this TWO STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #2
Not sure what to make of this one. At least Cullen finally touched Ivy, no matter how briefly. The scene wasn't hot per se. But it was something. What I wouldn't give to read his POV. Ivy is annoying me :(
I know nothing of this man other than that he's the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, has a lot of money, is crazy hot, likes to be called sir or Mister Sharpe, and likes to dole out consequences. Ok ya but who is he?? These facts were enough to decide to give up your virginity Daisy? Seriously? You've known dude for a day.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #3
Still don't know who Cullen is but he seems just as obsessed as Daisy. She's just weird. I'm glad to see she's capable of independent thought but it's still not enough to win me over.
I shouldn't really categorize this as sexy because the one sex scene just wasn't. Which woman ever lost her virginity and thought "ooh that felt soooooo good?" Ummmmmm hell to the naw. That just isn't realistic. And dude knew she was a virgin. Where the hell was the prep??? Dude doesn't know about friggin foreplay??? I would not be giving up my hymen to someone who doesn't put in work. Shoot, she didn't even get a date. Well at least he gives her a paycheque.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #4
Ridiculous. The first clue we have as to who Cullen is comes from his rival Xavier (Dude was a neurosurgeon for 10 years?! How OLD is he???)
Do not get me started on the coffee shop scene. Ivy goes from klutzy, naive, hapless virgin one day to BJ lessons on a washroom floor? I'm not new to the sex game, but there is absolutely no way I would be servicing some guy on my knees in a random washroom. Especially for the first time!! There was no mention of this washroom being sterilized. WTH?!
That Lucas co-worker has seemed suspect from book 1. I want to see how he plays into the secrets surrounding Cullen. I wish Daisy luck in the upcoming books because she seems to be really falling for this man, albeit a little bit too quickly. How do these heroines fall in love with men they don't know?
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #5
Ok now we're getting somewhere. I'm still on the hunt to discover the secrets about Cullen.
OMG did anyone else think Lucas was capable??? I just thought he was a lam-o. I knew he was up to something, but not that.
It seems Cullen is truly developing feelings for Ivy so I've decided to cut her some slack. I truly hope she catches a break in the next book.
That ending? Does this mean we may get Cullen's POV? Here's to wishful thinking!
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #6
Well it seems we are finally getting to know more about Cullen.
He's finally opening up to Ivy, but holy crap she has to go through some ish to get it.
He's really rude and I just don't understand how she continues to put up with him.
I don't care how fine a man is. You disrespect and I'm out.
Fish in the sea and so on.
Maybe she's got some real strong self-esteem issues.
I guess we'll learn more about him in the next book. I wonder how his suggestion on how they can stay together is going to go over. I'm just glad she doesn't have to lie anymore.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #7
Wow. I didn't expect that to be Cullen's secret. Good to know he's devoted and loyal to someone. Guess he's not an android after all.
I'm just as confused as Ivy as to Cullen's motives to marry her. I was quite surprised at the arrangements he made to make her happy. It was sweet but I feel like it was all part of his manipulation.
I think there are obviously more secrets to be told.
That ending said it all lol.
As for Lucas... He's just evil.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #8
Wow... Looks like Ivy grew some balls in this one. She's not taking any bull from anyone. Good for her. I actually liked her in this one!
I'm trying to figure out if Xavier really likes Ivy or if he sees her as a weapon against Cullen. He's described as a good guy but something is off.
And I knew Cullen was crazy but damn! He beat up a car! I'm starting to see his possessiveness as a display of affection. I guess he truly cares for Ivy.
In a totally wrong way, but still.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #9
Dammit Ivy's backbone keeps disappearing. And Cullen is just getting ruder.
Did I miss the part where it said he was crazy?
Like seriously crazy.
Mad. Sick.
And her mom did what any good mom would do. If one of my daughters called me up with Ivy's story, you better believe I'm rushing to her side and defending her the best way I know how. That's what her mom did. Maybe she didn't know all the facts, but she saw her baby girl hurting. What else was she supposed to do?
Whatever, his ass belongs in jail. He may not abuse her physically, but he does abuse her.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #10
Well I wonder if we'll see Cullen perform surgery ever again.
I wonder what his dad's role will be in his and Ivy's future.
I wonder if Cullen truly loves her.
Or is he still trying to manipulate and control her through her emotions.
I wonder if Ivy will be stronger in the end.
I wonder if there will be a HEA.
I wonder if they deserve one.
I wonder if there will be a semblance of closure for all parties involved.
That's why I'm still reading this series.
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #11
I think this was the best one yet.
Finally I can feel the love (ok not really but at least Ivy says she does).
So much happened here.
So much drama.
A life hangs in the balance and only Dr. Cullen Sharpe can save it.
I wonder what Cullen's dad needed $2.6 million for.
Will Ivy forgive her mom?
And will Cullen have to face a trial and/or subsequent prison sentence?
Will it a all be revealed in the next book?
Well I'm gonna read to find out.
I gave this FOUR STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #12
I don't even know where to start.
This is the last book to tell Cullen and Ivy's story and it gave me NO satisfying conclusion.
Those who should be in trouble aren't.
The relationship still doesn't make any sense.
And I just read 12 books to get this?
I gave this THREE STARS.

The Billionaire's Rules #13
I am disappointed.
I was glad to see another book, but I didn't get what I wanted from it.
I don't think enough time was spent on closing out the story of Cullen and Ivy before we were introduced to Brayden and Lanie.
I didn't care for it. At all.
I'm actually quite pissed.
I feel like I was pressured to finish the first part of the series.
It just didn't work for me.
Yes, the bathtub scene with Lanie was hilarious. But it could have been included in its own book.
I would have rather have read more about Cullen and Ivy and finished their story in a more satisfying way.
At least they got their HEA.
I guess that's what's important.
I gave this THREE STARS.

But I just call him “boss.”
Thomas Goldstone.
A man of billion dollar deals in custom-tailored suits, he demands more than your best.
He’s scary. Driven. Haunted by inner demons that have taken him to the brink.
But beneath the arrogant, controlling façade lies a heart of gold.
It makes me want to solve him one growly, messy piece at a time.
To be the only one who sees the truth of the man.
But I’m . . . me.
A pink-haired, anime-loving, data-crunching geek with an office in the basement of Goldstone HQ.
My chances with the big boss? Statistically insignificant.
His burning gaze and clenched jaw say otherwise though. Gives me hope and ignites a flame so hot my glasses fog up.
I shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.
Shouldn’t tempt the beast upstairs.
Shouldn't keep wondering . . .
Do fairy tales really come true?

Their pasts dictate the men they are, but their present shapes their future.
What happens when these men meet the one person they are destined to be with? Can they fight their feelings and walk away? Or will they each succumb and learn the sweet agony of love?
The leader of the group. He is uptight, formal, and cold. Rigid and set in his ways, always following the same path. Until the day, he stumbles upon her.
She brings with her spontaneity and light. The world she lives in is so different from his, yet he cannot control the draw to her. Nor can he explain the way she makes him feel.
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I've spent my whole life working toward my goals, being the best I can be at my job. Arrogant, persistent, pain in the skirt billionaire Colin Huntley isn't going to change that, even if he is the hottest man I've ever had the pleasure of working with. And pleasure is definitely something the man can deliver, without question. Our single, mind blowing night together was a mistake, though. A one-night stand brought on by a lapse in judgment. One I won't make again, so long as I stay strong as he starts his chase. Because when Colin decides he wants something, he gets it. And he's decided he wants me.
He always gets what he wants.
Sloane McLaren may be the best VP I’ve ever had, but she taunts me every day in her tight little skirts and her librarian-fantasy glasses. Especially since that night. The one when I had her in my bed, in my shower, bent over my kitchen counter. I thought we were finally on the same page...until I woke up to cold sheets and an empty bed. She may assume it’s business as usual in the office, but I didn’t build my billion-dollar company on assumptions. I want her back in my bed, and I’m willing to play dirty to get her there.

Only, when she steps foot into Raphael North’s luxurious penthouse, the rulebook goes flying out of the floor-to-ceiling windows. North is beautiful and damaged—a terrible temptation—and he has his sights set on winning Beth over. He’s just a job, though. A job Beth needs in order to make ends meet. If she plans on making her life in New York work, she needs to keep her eye on the prize. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, however, and it isn’t long before Beth finds herself entangled in Raphael’s world of dark desire.
Beth should run from the devastatingly attractive blue-eyed devil, but Mr North has other ideas…and he’s about to make his next move.
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Standalone - The Royals Collection #2
Release - February 13, 2017
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat - 3.5 out of 5
Length - 318 pages
I’ve made every one of my billions of dollars myself—I’m calculating, astute and the best at what I do. It takes drive and dedication to build what I have. And it leaves no time for love or girlfriends or relationships.
But don’t get me wrong, I’m not a monk.
I understand the attention and focus it takes to seduce a beautiful woman. They’re the same skills I use to close business deals. But one night is where it begins and ends. I’m not the guy who sends flowers. I’m not the guy who calls the next day.
Or so I thought before an impatient, smart-talking, beyond beautiful heiress bursts into my world.
When Grace Astor rolls her eyes at me—I want to hold her against me and show her what she’s been missing.
When she makes a joke at my expense—I want to silence her sassy mouth with my tongue.
And when she leaves straight after we f*ck with barely a goodbye—it makes me want to pin her down and remind her of the three orgasms she just had.
She might be a princess but I’m going to show her who rules in this Park Avenue bedroom.

Careless Whispers #3
Release: January 9, 2017
Length: 321 pages
Review of book 1, Denial
Review of book 2, Demand
Passion burns fiercely hot between Ella Ferguson and Kayden Wilkens, the man who held secrets and lies in his hands, and then allowed them to fall into hers. But even though he has become her anchor—helping her recover from amnesia after finding her unconscious in an alley, and allowing her into his secret world—all is not what it seems. Kayden still has secrets, and pieces of Ella's past are still shrouded in the darkness of her mind, while the powerful man who hunts her will not stop until she is his. In this final, explosive novel in the Careless Whispers series, Ella discovers that while her life with Kayden didn't begin in that dark could easily end there.
Chris and Sara from Inside Out return in the explosive finale to Ella's story from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones with the third book in the sexy, suspenseful Careless Whispers series.
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Release: January 10, 2017
Genre: Dark Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat: 4 out of 5
Length: 302 pages
Fifty million dollars for three weeks of your life in the hands of a total stranger. Would you do it?
When Naomi Lee finds herself out of a job and out of the money she needs to pay her father’s medical bills, she receives an anonymous letter, containing an offer she can’t refuse.
Max Marino, a wealthy businessman, wants her and he’ll pay any price.
Three weeks of her time, no-holds-barred, in exchange for fifty million dollars.
With no other means to pay her bills, Naomi has no choice but to accept.
However, Naomi isn’t the only one who signs the contract.
And Max isn’t alone in his deal.
Three brothers …
Nine girls …
All competing for the ultimate prize … marriage.
Let the games begin.
WARNING: Contains disturbing content some readers may find offensive. Includes scenes involving multiple men & women being dirty together. Every boundary is crossed. Read at your own risk.

Standalone - Bad Boys After Dark #2
Release: December 21, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Length: 300 pages
Everything's naughtier after dark...
Sinfully sexy bar owner Dylan Bad has a thing for needy women. He’s a savior, a knight in shining armor, and his mighty talented sword has no trouble bringing damsels in distress to their knees. Enter Tiffany Winters, a gorgeous cutthroat sports agent who looks like sex on legs, f**ks like she’s passion personified, and wouldn’t let a man help her if she were dangling from a ledge and he was her only hope. One night and too much tequila might change their lives forever. The question is, will either one survive?
The Bad Billionaires After Dark are a series of stand-alone romances that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom series.
Indulge your inner vixen with these sexy billionaires!
Meet the Bad Boys... Four fiercely loyal, sinfully sexy, uber alpha brothers, about to fall head over heels for their leading ladies.
Find it here:
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Standalone - Alpha Men #2
Release: December 6, 2016
Length: 233 pages
I dug too deep. Now, I'm buried in the truth.
Recent high school graduate and computer genius, Sophie Hanson wants nothing more than to be part of an online hacker group. Spending her life behind a computer screen or with her nose in a book hasn't been all that thrilling. Sophie's ready for some excitement.
But how far will she go to get what she wants?
When the irresistible and mysterious billionaire, Preston Phillips finally relents and welcomes the young virgin into his prestigious hacker group, things take a dangerous turn. Selling her soul—and giving her body—to the devil wasn't in her plans. Suddenly, Sophie is a pawn in Preston's perilous and erotic games—with no escape in sight.
Dirty Hacker is a full length steamy standalone romance novel for mature audiences only. There are NO cliffhangers. NO cheating. Be prepared for a wild ride of self-discovery and not just your traditional girl meets boy love story.
Find it here:
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The Story Series #5
Release: August 30, 2016
Length: 118 pages
Review of book 1, Tell Me a Story
Review of book 2, Tell Me a Desire
Review of book 3, Tell Me a Lie
Review of book 4, Tell Me a Secret
A flirtatious reading of erotica blossoms into something deep and tender in the steamy Florida heat...
TELL ME A TRUTH: Emma and Caleb's journey continues in this passionate conclusion to The Story Series.
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This was my favorite episode of the series. I think it's because this was the book that offered the most depth. Although I admired Emma's perseverance, she lost points because she seemed to lack understanding or patience with Caleb's illness. It was all about her and her needs and her timetable. Thankfully Caleb evened out the scale with his compassion and willingness to try. The ending was too abrupt for my liking but overall it was a fine conclusion to the series.
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