Showing posts with label Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. Show all posts

My Rating: 3.5 stars
Goodreads Link: The Mermen Trilogy
MERMEN: Book 1
These Mermen Don’t Have Tails, They’re Deadly as Hell, and They’ve Got Something He Wants…
INFAMOUS BACHELOR and SELF-MADE BILLIONAIRE ROEN DORAN IS A BASTARD. Yes, he knows it. And no, he doesn’t care. He’s got money and power, and he depends on no one. But when his estranged father dies, willing him a secret island, Roen will come face to face with an even bigger secret: its occupants. And these savage, sea-obsessed warriors are quick to make their position clear: Leave now or die.
There’s only one problem. Nobody tells Roen what to do. Ever. Oh, and one other thing. He’s just met the island’s other new “guest” and something about her brings out his possessive side.
SOLE SHIPWRECK SURVIVOR LIV STRATTON had been adrift at sea for ten grueling days when salvation miraculously appeared: an uncharted island. Only, the deceivingly beautiful men who live there aren’t interested in saving her. No, not at all. Because they somehow believe she is their property, a gift from the ocean to do with as they please. This is not good.
Her only hope? Billionaire Roen Doran, of all people. A man who’s said to care for nothing and no one. But if he’s so heartless, then why is he about to risk everything to help her?
EVERYTHING ABOUT THE ISLAND OF EL CORAZÓN IS WRONG. The men are ruthless warriors who call themselves mermen but don't have any fish parts, the island isn't exactly an island, and the women...well, let's just say their story isn't pretty. More like a nightmare. Which is exactly why billionaire Roen Doran will do anything to protect the woman he can't live without from that violent place. Including becoming the island's leader and giving her up forever.
WHEN LIV STRATTON ESCAPED THAT TERRIFYING ISLAND in the North Pacific after being shipwrecked, she didn't just leave behind the horror, she left behind Roen Doran. A man she didn't know, but who risked everything to save her. And now her heart can't seem to move on. So part of her wonders if it's somehow her fault she's been taken against her will and locked inside a ship bound for El Corazón. But an even bigger part wonders if Roen will lift a finger to save her this time. After all, now he's one of them...
Liv Stratton has had enough of evil mermen and the psychotic living island they call home. She’s been kidnapped, caged, attacked by sea creatures, and nearly drowned. A nice small-town girl can only take so much.
But after beating the impossible odds, Liv is finally safe at home in Alaska, only to realize that everything she holds dearest in this world is still back on that crazy island. Possibly dead. And if she wants to know what has become of the man she loves and her sister, she’ll have to return and confront the one thing she’s been trying to get away from: the island herself.
Only this time, Liv isn’t the same frightened human she once was. This time, they’ve messed with the wrong girl.
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat - practically non-existent / they had sex one and a half times (maybe), however, there is plenty of sexy talk
Format/Source - ebook purchases from Amazon
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat - practically non-existent / they had sex one and a half times (maybe), however, there is plenty of sexy talk
Format/Source - ebook purchases from Amazon
I don't know if you know anything about the men that MJP creates, but they are usually delicious and ridiculous. Roen was absolutely no different!
In book one, we're introduced to Liv, who's shipwrecked and left drifting in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. A man in said ocean brings her to shore on an island that appeared out of nowhere. Here she finds a world of hotness... men who defy belief, who are living their own definition of reality. They believe they're mermen on legs, that the island is alive, and that Liv is meant to be claimed.
Roen was one of the richest men in the world, owning a successful shipping conglomerate. A note from his dead father has him sailing into the middle of nowhere. He finds the vanishing island... and Liv.
It's lust at first sight and yet they can't stand each other. Or can they? It's them against an island full of mad mermen and when Roen starts acting like them, he does everything in his power to protect Liv. Even if it means sacrificing his own happiness with her.
By the end of the third book, these characters really became beloved people to me and I was a bit sad to see them go. The island was a real piece of work, the author did an incredible job of bringing the weirdness to life. I was amazed at the parallels that were drawn between this and reality. It was so surreal and wildly entertaining.
And don't even get me started on the note the author left at the end. I couldn't agree more with everything she said and I'm grateful she included these words.
After a long and horrific journey, Liv and Roen do get to enjoy a happy ending and honestly, I couldn't be happier for them.
He's too perfect.
There wasn't a fake, overly done thing about him.
One hundred percent man.
One hundred percent ripped.
One hundred percent naturally gorgeous.
There wasn't a fake, overly done thing about him.
One hundred percent man.
One hundred percent ripped.
One hundred percent naturally gorgeous.
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God of Wine by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Standalone - Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. #3
Release - November 24, 2016
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5 / tons of lol moments, but only one real scene
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 232 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - November 24, 2016
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5 / tons of lol moments, but only one real scene
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 232 pages
Publisher - Indie
Reckless and wild, the God of Wine has been partying for over ten thousand years. And New Year's Eve, when humans around the world succumb to his naturally occurring spike in powers, is his biggest night. Only this year, things are a bit different.
A plague is sweeping the immortal community, and he's turning downright evil. All those New Year's bashes will turn into bloodbaths if he doesn't stop the transformation. Sadly, the only known cure is finding a mate. Not so easy for a rude, beer-bellied mess who's definitely not husband material.
But can a little gym time and help from the pros at Immortal Matchmakers, Inc., turn him into a divine sex machine? Absolutely!
So watch out, ladies! The God of Wine is lookin' for love. And he has absolutely no clue what he's doing.
My Two Cents
4 "I can't tell if I prefer beer belly or perfect abs Acan" stars
I was both drawn and repelled by this story. I love a redeemable hero, a hero who truly finds himself, and Acan (The God of Wine) was definitely that. Even if it took him roughly 70 thousand years to find himself. Then again, it was fitting for how ridiculous and hilarious this series has turned out to be. So why not? And honestly, his journey of self-actualization was entertaining, funny as heck, and oddly endearing.
I never expected the transformation of Belch. He became so freaking HOTTTT!! Seriously, this male made me pause in appreciation. Absolutely lovely!
As for Margarita... I don't have anything really positive to say. She irked me, she annoyed me, she frustrated me, she bothered me. Why couldn't this magnificent male find an equally magnificent female? Because Margie wasn't it.
I'm still a fan of these books. I'm still going to read these books. And I really think you need to get your hands on these books too!
Find Chapter One here:
About the Author
Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.
She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.
Visit for more information
I had to confront this darkness living inside my head. I'd wasted too much of my life feeling afraid. - Charlotte
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Tommaso by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Standalone - Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. #2
Release - May 24, 2016
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5/ not much sex, but tons of sexual content
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 202 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - May 24, 2016
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3 out of 5/ not much sex, but tons of sexual content
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 202 pages
Publisher - Indie
Tommaso Fierro is used to the finer things in life—nice suits, nice car, nice house. Okay, his past isn’t so nice, but that’s in the past. Or at least it was until he blacked out after meeting the woman of his dreams.
Annnd possibly capturing her.
Annnd possibly terrorizing her before she got away.
Annnd discovering that he’s turning into a horrible creature he loathes with all his heart.
Luckily, there’s a cure. Unluckily, it will require him to track this woman down and convince her to give him a second chance. But if he finds her, will she ever believe that he’s really not a monster?
My Two Cents
4 "Annd the hilarity continues" stars
I'm not even sure if I like Cimil, the goddess of the Underworld and all things ridiculous, but mannn... she's definitely entertaining!
Okay, so in this book, Tommaso believes that he's turning (everyone good seems to be turning bad. It's a thing). The only person who can save him is his mate. A mate he doesn't have. When he attends an immortal singles mixer, he catches a beautiful woman fleeing the scene. What is that in the air? Why is he so drawn to her?
After meeting and being rejected by Andrus (who is Tommaso's best friend btw), and then being confronted by the weirdness of people 'believing' they are otherworldly beings, Charlotte runs for her life. And she's good at that. Living in fear of monsters and trying to lay low, she doesn't make time for people. When Tommaso won't take no for an answer, what's a girl to do? Can she confront her demons? Can he?
I enjoyed the way the author told a tale of two broken people that was made light by a ton of hilarity. Charlotte was scared of monsters and going mad like her mother. Tommaso, after losing everyone he'd ever loved, believed he had so much to make up for. And yet, he did everything he could to make Charlotte whole and feel complete.
How could I not love and adore this man?
The heroine was a hard pill to swallow, but Tommaso made this story for me. He was incredible and I wanted more.
Lying in bed, I sifted through the darkness with my tired eyes, in search of the strange noise coming from…
Holy crap! It’s above me!
The dark figure came into focus, and I let out a yelp that should’ve been a terror-filled scream. What in the name of fuck is that? I thought, feeling my entire body turn ice cold with fear.
In the yellow light of my alarm clock, I saw the monster’s face hovering over mine, its eyes pits of glowing crimson swirling with black.
Oh shit. Oh shit. What is that? I opened my mouth to finally deliver that scream, but the beast quickly slapped its sickly hand over my lips to muffle the noise.
Oh, God. Help me. He smelled like death and evil. He smelled like desolation and despair—everything bad in this world mixed together.
Knowing I was about to die, I felt my eyes begin to tear.
“Please,” I mumbled through the gaps in its sticky fingers, the unmistakable smell of dried blood filling my nostrils. “Please don’t kill me.”
Slowly, it dipped its head, allowing me to see its face up close.
Christ. He’s human. Or something humanlike, resembling a man covered in black soot and the stench of death.
“Please, I’m begging you—just let me go,” I whimpered.
The man slid his hand from my mouth, studying me. Then there was a flash of something I didn’t expect in their depths: fear.
“Save. Me,” he mumbled in a deep gargle. “Please…save…me…”
What the…? I was the one who needed saving!
“I think it’s the oth-other way around,” I stuttered and then reached for the reading lamp to my side and swung. He stopped it inches from his face, and an icy rage replaced any semblance of kinder, gentler emotions.
He roared and then grabbed me by the hair, dragging me from my bed.
“Let go!” I yelled, and he did. He tossed me to the floor as if I were completely weightless.
Oh, God. He was so strong.
I yelled for help, but no one was coming. I lived alone out in the middle of the desert.
Looking pleased by my fear, he reached into the waistband of whatever he wore as clothing and drew a buck knife or machete or something one might use to murder an innocent twenty-six-year-old golf instructor who lived ten miles outside of Palm Springs, liked to binge on crunchy food, and owned two Jeeps, a cat that hated her, and four rescue chickens. Yeah. It was that kind of knife. A really, really big fucking knife.
“Oh, God. Please no. Please…I’m sorry,” I cried. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry!” Of course, I wasn’t sorry. I was simply terrified and wanted to live. Unfortunately, the odds were not in my favor.
I watched in terror as the blade barreled down toward my face.
Read more of an excerpt here:
About the Author
Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.
She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.
Visit for more information
She had to admit, there was something about the man that was different. Almost like he was from another world, shamelessly defying all the rules. She, for example, found his attitude repugnant and chauvinistic, yet he'd still managed to get her to gawk. And that body? Sinfully sexy in a way that spoke to some hidden quiet female animal inside her.
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Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Standalone - Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. #1
Release - August 21, 2015
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - I'm not sure how to rate this. Lots of sex talk, but no sex until the end. A descriptive 3 out of 5
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 307 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - August 21, 2015
Genre - Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Primarily Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - I'm not sure how to rate this. Lots of sex talk, but no sex until the end. A descriptive 3 out of 5
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 307 pages
Publisher - Indie
Seven days to go from lethal immortal assassin to Prince Charming? Not likely.
Demigod Andrus Gray may look like every woman’s dream, but when it comes to charm, he sees no point pretending: He has none and makes no apologies for it. Behaving nicely hasn’t made him the deadly assassin he is today. But is that really the reason he’s still single?
The Goddess Cimil—owner of Immortal Matchmakers, Inc.—thinks yes. So when she foresees a mate in Andrus’s near future, she’s determined to make the match happen. That means hiring aspiring actress Sadie Townsend to help the barbarian “act” a little more civilized.
But are seven days really enough? And why does the idea of seeing Sadie everyday excite him more than meeting his mate?
My Two Cents
4 "Utterly ridiculous" stars
If you're looking for a good time, this book is definitely the way to go.
A lethal immortal assassin, Andrus realizes he's become obsolete. After being fired from being the manny-slash-bodyguard of the females he loves, he's left a bit lost. Until opportunity/destiny/fate steps in to sort him out. Enter Cimil and her ridiculousness and a ton of laughs are sure to follow.
Normally, I'd read a book that had a bunch of elements that rub me the wrong way and I have nothing kind to say, but somehow, that's not the case this time. I should be widely irritated. These characters were over-the-top, irrational, nonsensical and idiotic, and yet I had a lot of fun reading about them. Go freaking figure!
Honestly, Sadie drove me a bit nuts, but then again, everyone but Andrus drove me nuts, so I guess it's okay.
I really enjoyed Andrus. I wanted to know even more about him than what was revealed in this story. I got bits of his history and I wonder if there's another book out there that reveals more. Maybe I need to find the story of Helena and Niccolo to figure things out.
With a hilarious HFN ending, this story was wacky, funny, overdramatic, and a real good time. I was thoroughly entertained!
Find Chapter One here
About the Author
Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.
She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.
Visit for more information

Seven days to go from lethal immortal assassin to Prince Charming? Not likely.
Demigod Andrus Gray may look like every woman’s dream, but when it comes to charm, he sees no point pretending: He has none and makes no apologies for it. Behaving nicely hasn’t made him the deadly assassin he is today. But is that really the reason he’s still single?
The Goddess Cimil—owner of Immortal Matchmakers, Inc.—thinks yes. So when she foresees a mate in Andrus’s near future, she’s determined to make the match happen. That means hiring aspiring actress Sadie Townsend to help the barbarian “act” a little more civilized.
But are seven days really enough? And why does the idea of seeing Sadie everyday excite him more than meeting his mate?
Demigod Andrus Gray may look like every woman’s dream, but when it comes to charm, he sees no point pretending: He has none and makes no apologies for it. Behaving nicely hasn’t made him the deadly assassin he is today. But is that really the reason he’s still single?
The Goddess Cimil—owner of Immortal Matchmakers, Inc.—thinks yes. So when she foresees a mate in Andrus’s near future, she’s determined to make the match happen. That means hiring aspiring actress Sadie Townsend to help the barbarian “act” a little more civilized.
But are seven days really enough? And why does the idea of seeing Sadie everyday excite him more than meeting his mate?
Get it today!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Fugly #1
Release: September 15, 2015
Length: 331 pages
My name is Lily Snow. I am twenty-five years old, and despite being born with an unattractive face, I have never doubted who I am: smart, driven, and beautiful on the inside.
Until I met Maxwell Cole.
He’s handsome, excessively wealthy, and the owner of Cole Cosmetics. It’s been my dream to work for this man for as long as I can remember. The good news is he wants to hire me. The bad news is he wants me for all the wrong reasons. Ugly reasons.
In exchange, he’s offered me my dreams on a silver platter. The job. The title. A beautiful future. But this man is as messed up and ugly as they come on the inside. I’m not sure anyone can help him, and he just might take my heart down with him.
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