Showing posts with label Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Series. Show all posts

A Dark Billionaire Romance Series by Aubrey Dark

June 24, 2024

I'm back with a series of books that I read a long time ago (2016), but I remember enjoying them.
The Dark Billionaire Series is a contemporary romance with a BDSM theme.
Hopefully my reviews inspire someone to give this series a chance.

His Gift: Part One

Lacey Miller is two days away from being kicked out of her apartment when her best friend offers her a job for some quick cash. Easy as cake, right? Wrong. Billionaire playboy Jake Carville has been looking for years for the perfect submissive. On his birthday, he's looking forward to a special a girl who can satisfy his every dark craving. But when Lacey walks through the wrong door and into Jake’s arms, she’s everything he’d hoped for... and nothing he ever expected. How can he lose himself, heart and soul, to a girl he was never supposed to meet?

Rating -

This was not what I expected. It was better. I'm grateful to the author for not rushing straight to sex between the main characters (sorry to those who were expecting some). This allows us to see some type of buildup, some form of chemistry. I'm not completely sold on the chemistry but I'm intrigued enough to read book 2.

Surprisingly, despite her tomboy virginal ways, Lacey is not an annoying female lead. She had spunk and enough qualities to make her likeable. Jake on the other hand is still a mystery. Sexy. Green-eyed. Dark hair. Rich. Appreciates art. Dominant. Into bondage. And??? Does anyone else think he's the tag artist Kage that Lacey admires and respects?

His Gift: Part Two

He's going to punish me, I know it.

I was just delivering a cake for a friend - I sure as hell wasn’t a birthday gift to a billionaire. But now that I was here, I didn’t dare leave.

Even if I wanted to, he wouldn’t let me.

Rating -

Maybe Lacey's not as cool as I thought. For such an innocent, she allows Jake too many liberties. He seems charming one minute and rude the next. And what is his problem with being called by his name? And as per Lucas, what secrets surround his family? Well I'm going to read book 3 to hopefully find some answers. Maybe some sex even lol. This series isn't very sexy or erotic so far.

His Gift: Part Three

I'm tied up, blindfolded... and aching for his touch.

When Lacey walks through the wrong door and into Jake’s arms, she’s everything he’d hoped for... and nothing he ever expected.

How can he lose himself, heart and soul, to a girl he was never supposed to meet?

Rating -

Not bad. What threw me though was when Jake finally talked about his past, revealing the secret of his family. He said the problem was that he didn't want to take over the business but... Everything happened when he was 4 years old. Not a lot of 4yo CEOs nowadays.

So that contradiction made the rest of the story blah for me. At least there was finally sex!! LMAO!!

His Ransom: Part One

Some secrets are darker than others...

I knew that there was more to billionaire Jake Carville than what he showed the world. But I didn’t know that Jake’s past was so dark... and so dangerous.

… and that’s why she’s the perfect hostage.

Rating -

This was pretty good.

I completely got why Lacey felt inferior but she needs to stop comparing herself to Jake. He's a friggin billionaire. A successful business man. And he's 10 years older than her. That's 10 years more life experience. She should just be grateful he's willing to guide her art career and stop bitching at him before he decides to guide someone else.

His Ransom: Part Two

Lacey Miller is just a curvy girl, a tomboy, a street artist. When she steps into Jake Carville’s life, his obsession with her will lead her into a world like she’s never seen. A world of wealth and power. A world of unquenchable passion and unspeakable cruelty.

Jake Carville, billionaire playboy, has never found a woman he can open up to. Not until Lacey. She’s the only woman he cares about. His gift. His love.

Rating -

Wow! This one was better than the rest! I finally got to see some action (not just the sexual kind).

Lacey put herself in quite the predicament because she allowed her insecurities to get the best of her. I'm not saying she's wrong for having doubts. They've only been together for about a month. However, instead of letting these doubts fester into a real problem, she should have talked to Jake about them. Now she's stuck and the story just got interesting!

The Interrupted Series by S. Moose

June 10, 2024

I'm back with a series of books that I read a long time ago, but I remember enjoying them.
The Interrupted series is a second chance contemporary romance.
Hopefully my reviews inspire someone to give this series a chance.

Part One

There are only three things Cam Ellison wants in life: a loving husband, a baby and to find her first love, Ayden Park. But all that is taken away from her in a blink of an eye.

Picking up the pieces to her life, Cam buries herself in work and her new boss, a young, millionaire CEO, A. Sharp.

But he’s the man with two rules:
1. No repeats
2. No relationships

Cam pushes herself into Sharp's life, breaking down the walls he’s built. Soon they find themselves in a situation neither wants to walk away from. But when the door opens, everything changes.

Rating -

I really liked this book. Both Cam and Sharp are likeable characters. I believe many women can empathize with Cam. Her struggle towards motherhood and a failing marriage is relatable. Sharp has a phobia against commitment but we don't understand why as of yet. But we do get to see that he is a devoted son and father and a great employer.

I hope we get some answers in book 2. Why didn't Henry want Cam in his hospital room? Where is Greyson's mom? I have some ideas and I'm excited to find out if I'm right!

Part Two


As soon as the doors open everything will change. As soon as my eyes connect with his I'm drawn to him as if I were a teenager again.

Little by little the truth is coming out. Everything he's done to get me back is coming to light.

Love is supposed to be easy when it comes to us, but there's nothing easy about this. I've finally come to realize...

We'll never be together.

Rating -

The plot was way too fast. I didn't get a chance to become intrigued by the storyline because I was busy suffering from whiplash. For practically 99% of the book, Cam is begging Sharp to forgive her for something she didn't do and trying to prove to him that she really loves him. Meanwhile he's already convinced himself that she's a liar and therefore untrustworthy and he won't give her more than sex. The reader knows he's mistaken about her abandoning him 10 years ago. I wonder when that "miscommunication" will be revealed. Dude did a lot behind her back in the name of hate. What he seems to think she did is minuscule in comparison to the crazy ish he's done.

I hope book 3 has a slower-paced plot. Some anticipation would be nice.

Part Three

His words play in my head over and over. Everywhere I look he's there and it's killing me. Whenever our eyes meet all I can see is the darkness in his eyes.

I hate him. I hate that I spent all my time worrying about him and looking for him. I hate everything he stands for. I don't care if we share an unbreakable bond.

It doesn't matter that he won't let me go. I won't go back to him. I'm moving on with my life with my other half and I'll be happy.

How can I spend my life with someone who lies? How can I love him again knowing his cold heart will never thaw?

I'll never fall for his games. I'll never believe his words.

I hate him.

Rating -

Though not as rushed as the second book, I still found the plot wasn't fleshed out as much as it could be. Ayden was still being a hardass and Camila was still pretty pathetic at times. She even apologized for things she didn't do. They were both so confusing that they left me confused. I should... I shouldn't... They kept flip flopping and the word love was thrown around like the word hello. Other than the pace and what seems as a lack of direction, the story was pretty good. I think I more enjoyed the concept rather than the actual plot though. And what was that teasing us with swingers??? Too much was happening behind the scenes for me.

Series Review // Laid Bare by S.R. Grey

May 27, 2024

I'm back with a series of books that I read a long time ago, but I remember enjoying them.
The Laid Bare series is a paranormal romance with a contemporary romance feel.
Hopefully my reviews inspire someone to give S.R. Grey books a chance.


There’s something about Lucien Chambers. Something beyond his amazing success, his good looks, and his uncanny ability to turn everything he touches to gold.

In the eyes of the world, Lucien is a sexy and savvy business man. But when a naïve photographer, Dahlia Vaughn, is hired to take pictures of the hot entrepreneur, she discovers Mr. Chambers may be much more than what he seems.

Rating -

I'm not sure what to think of this book. The relationship that is building between the characters, Dahlia and Lucien, is still pretty vague. Even their sex scenes are brief and vague. I can see a lot of potential for this story but it's not quite connecting for me yet. It is in its early stages so maybe book two will give me some more depth. The idea that Lucien is supernatural has been planted and there are a few instances as proof, but I want more.


Lucien and Dahlia can’t stay away from one another, so, why fight it? Giving in to their feelings, they vow to start anew. However, a surprise visit from Lucien’s mysterious cousin, Selene, puts a damper on the passionate reunion.

Who is this disarming woman? Is she like Lucien, something . . . different? And why is she so set on getting Dahlia out of Lucien’s life?

Faced with Selene’s disapproval, Lucien finds he is forced to unveil more of his power to Dahlia, thus placing her in a perilous situation.

Rating -

With book one I demanded more. S.R. Grey gave it to me with this one. I wanted to know more about Lucien and I got it. I also got Lucien's POV which took this series from ok to great! His POV was amazing. Who doesn't want to be in the head of a supernatural being??? Now the relationship between him and Dahlia is more believable. I wanted to feel connected and boy do I. The added element of his cousin Selene, who shares the same powers, added the touch of suspense I craved. The way she manipulated/controlled Dahlia was crazy! The idea that Lucien and Selene were created as part of their parents' master plan for more power just adds more substance to this story, making it that much more interesting.


With Dahlia ensnared in the clutches of Lucien’s sinister cousin, it would seem Selene’s evil plan to make Dahlia despise Lucien has been effective.

Will Selene sever their bond forever?

Not if Lucien has anything to say about it.

But when the powerful Mr. Chambers swoops in to rescue his young love, he soon discovers there’s more to Dahlia’s connection to him than he ever imagined.

Can Dahlia be saved? And if so, should Lucien save her? To do so may mean disaster.

Rating -

Another great addition to the series. I think the characters were even more interesting in this book. Lucien's love for Dahlia is much clearer here. And we get a better idea of what he is willing to do for her. His family seems reluctant to give up their quest for world domination and will stop at nothing to get rid of Dahlia to do so. First his cousin Selene who manages to put Dahlia under a hate and lust spell. Then his mother who lifts the spell but tries to harm her anyway. When will these lovers catch a break?


Lucien and Dahlia… A relationship that was never meant to be. Is that why it seems so destined to fail?

Maybe. But Lucien doesn’t believe that’s the case.

Still, with all the odds stacked against this unlikely couple, Lucien sees only one way out---sacrifice himself in order to save Dahlia.

Will Lucien succeed in destroying himself? Can Dahlia stop him? Or, will their love prove strong enough to save them both?

Rating -

This conclusion to the series was fantastic! And was it ever HOT!! Lucien and Dahlia find Dunne who agrees to help them. Let's just say it involved a very sexy threesome remedy. Nice! Dahlia becomes one of them and therefore not only safe from Lucien's parents and the dark side but also a force to be reckoned with. It was nice to see that even though she got all that powered, she retained her human core. It was nice to see that Lucien retained his as well. Now they have centuries together to enjoy their HEA.