Just Kidding by Lani Lynn Vale

January 03, 2020

Just Kidding by Lani Lynn Vale
What did I think?

Rowen wanted Theo. Theo wanted her sister, Katy. Katy wanted nothing to do with Theo. Theo then continued to repel Rowen's subtle advances and started dating the only woman to have tortured her for a year. Rowen then lost her job. With nothing holding her back, she moved back home, reconnected with Dax, found him to be more man than any man she'd ever met, and quickly realized that everything she wanted was right there for the taking. Their story was so cute and hot and it was everything. Rowen and Dax were awesome, their families and their connections were awesome, and even the bits of drama were awesome. Whenever I'm looking for an amazing read, LLV has always got me covered. Sexy and sweet alpha heroes find their feisty and adorable heroines. She can be trusted to get you out of a reading slump and knows just how to provide you with an entertaining read Every. Single. Time. GUARANTEED! One-clicking this book should be a no-brainer.

Peace Keeper: Part One by Aaron L. Speer

January 02, 2020

Peace Keeper: Part One by Aaron L. Speer

Sometimes to find the answers to the present, we have to look to the past...

My Favourite Reads of 2019

January 01, 2020

Best reads of 2019

2019 was a decent reading year for me. Not the best, by far, however, I found such incredible reads that I can't complain. I hope you found only the best reads this year and the year to come! xo


Dark Romance



Romantic Comedy

Romantic Suspense



YA Fantasy

The Hunted by Bethany-Kris

The Hunted by Bethany-Kris

Let the hunt begin...