"I am not always an easy male. I can be stubborn, commanding. I am bigger, stronger, and the urge to dominate hums through my veins. But when it comes to you, I will always strive to make the choice that keeps you safe. To remain in control and honor the trust you put in me when you give your body over to me. You are a treasure and I will guard you as such."

Stolen by Alison Aimes
Release - June 1, 2020
Genre - SciFi Romance
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/a few scenes
Format/Source - ebook purchase from Amazon
Length - 340 pages
Publisher - Orchid Publishing
He’s a half-Martian Warlord. Savage, dominant, and dangerous—and now he’s on the hunt. For her.
Deception is a way of life for desperate thief Aurora Blake. Her sole purpose is to snatch enough jewels to escape her vicious stepfather, the powerful head of the corrupt Earther Corporation.
And the fierce Warlord she frames for her crimes? He's the last complication she needs.
She never expects to cross his path. Or to burn so hot after watching from the shadows as his rough commands bring exquisite pleasure to another female.
But Aurora's expectations don't matter when the Warlord wants her for himself. He won't stop until he's claimed her as his obedient mate.
Can she survive whatever he has in store once he discovers she's stolen far more than his barbarian heart?
Stolen is a sexy, standalone Alien Alpha Romance full of danger, betrayal, love, and the kind of epic steam that will have you flipping the pages fast!

Amazon * Nook * Kobo * iBooks

"Command me, Warlord. See how well I can obey."
I can obey too, DaKar! I can so freaking obey!!
The year is 9094 and what is left of Earth is unrecognizable. After many wars, all that's left of what we call home is protected by a dome. The people of Earth are divided - the Élithe and the others. DaKar was the son of a powerful member of the council that rules over everyone. He was also half-Martian, seen and treated as an Outer World freak. He was abused and tormented for his half blood, surrounded by monsters who believed themselves somehow above him. Years later, after returning to his true home and becoming the man he was always meant to be, he arrives back on Earth to take his inheritance and finally shake things up in the oppressive culture that was propagated by the wealthy.
A chance 'meeting' when he was just a boy created a connection between DaKar and Aurora. She was Élithe and supposed to be untouchable. But DaKar isn't one for rules and Aurora can't deny what is quickly growing between them. However, she has a secret she cannot tell. When DaKar's honor is called into question, the one person he would never suspect is also the person responsible for his predicament. However, there is more at work here and I loved all of the moving parts the author introduced.
While I'm not the biggest fan of how this story reached its climax or its ending, I enjoyed the journey to get there. It was so much fun to watch all of the minor characters go about their business, gossiping, griping, and generally being pains in the behind. I was also entertained by everything about DaKar and his experiences, both as a boy and as a man. I loved the way his mind worked and I would have been happy to spend more time with him. Aurora wasn't very impressive. I get that her being a liar and a thief were meant to feature heavily in the plot, but she didn't do herself any favors.
After being introduced to this author's work with Ruthless King, I'm making it my mission to read all of her books!

Find all of her information and other books on her site: https://alisonaimes.com/

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another TTT! This meme is hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's TTT theme is Books I Meant to Read In 2020 but Didn’t Get To. I have way more than 10 books that I didn't get the chance to read last year. Books that I'm hoping I can get to this year. For this post, I went back to an earlier post, SOME OF THE BOOKS ON MY FALL 2020 TBR, and my TBR and chose the ones that I'm pretty sure I'll read in the near future. So here goes...

Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Enter a world of gargoyle protectors, rising demons and one girl with an explosive secret.
Dead Pretty by Samantha Towle - I had a stalker. A murderous one. And I had no clue who he was. He never showed me his face. Not even when he carved his final message into me.
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron - It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now required to appear at the Annual Ball, where the men of the kingdom select wives based on a girl’s display of finery. If a suitable match is not found, the girls not chosen are never heard from again.
Ripple Effect by Keri Lake - They call me RIP. I’m a killer. A murderer. A psychopath. In the eyes of the righteous, I’m a monster, born of sin and depravity.
TimeTrap by J.T. Bock - UltraAgent TimeTrap is hiding out. This peace-loving, universe-traveling hero is tired of fighting Aztec gods, sociopathic scientists, and her reality TV–star mother. She needs a vacation from using her superpower. With comfy slippers and streaming movies, she’s taken refuge with her new boyfriend, Max Martin, in his high-tech, gated home.
Five Dark Fates by Kendare Blake - After the grim confrontation with Queen Katharine, the rebellion lies in tatters. Jules’s legion curse has been unbound, and it is up to Arsinoe to find a cure, even as the responsibility of stopping the ravaging mist lies heavy on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. Mirabella has disappeared.
Burn For Me by Ilona Andrews - Nevada Baylor is faced with the most challenging case of her detective career—a suicide mission to bring in a suspect in a volatile case. Nevada isn't sure she has the chops. Her quarry is a Prime, the highest rank of magic user, who can set anyone and anything on fire.
Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco - Two sisters. One brutal murder. A quest for vengeance that will unleash Hell itself… And an intoxicating romance.
One Step After Another by Bethany-Kris - He finds the unfindable, but she’s terribly good at hiding …
Trapped by Alison Aimes - “Convicts don’t ask. They take.” Marooned on a primitive prison planet , Bella West has one chance for survival until rescue arrives: trade her body for protection.
I am very pleased to note that this list is certainly eclectic. There's fantasy, scifi, young adult, dark romance, etc. I'm excited to dig into these books this year.
What books did you miss out on last year? Please tell me in the comments below or leave the link to your own TTT post if you have one. Happy reading!!
xo, Natalie

As bloggers, we get contacted by authors, big and small, traditionally published or independent, to review their books. Most of us have a set of criteria that a potential read has to fit. Let's be real... there are just some books we have no intention of ever reading. So why bother put yourself through something that you're only going to review poorly?
That's how I feel about Love Triangles. I don't like 'em. If I'm warned in advance, I stay away. It's not to say that I haven't read and loved stories that centered around a love triangle. Take Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig. I gave it five whole stars!! And why? Because the story was phenomenally written. However, I look at it as an aberration rather than the status quo.
I know there are a ton of people who will disagree with my take on the trope. They love it and can't understand why I don't. They believe that I'm missing out. Well, the following are my reasons for giving this trope a pass:
* the angst. If you're a fan of emotional, heart-jerking stories, then these books are for you. | * the angst. I deal with enough in real life. I don't need my heart to be pulled in so many different directions. |
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* the volume. If you feel like the more the merrier, then these books are for you. | * the volume. I'm finding that as I get older, I'm becoming more traditional in my views of relationships. I know, I can't believe it either. But I like the 1:1 ratio in a relationship. No cheating or polyamorous entanglements. |
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* the characters. Sometimes it's the journey that makes it work. Watching the protagonist maneuver their way to find love with one or both people is a huge part of what makes the story work. | * the characters. Most of the time it's the relationship between the characters that ruins it for me. What if the heroine/hero has to choose between brothers/sisters? Or best friends? It makes me lose all respect for the protagonist for stringing them along. |
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* the feels. This leads back to the angst. All those emotions, feeling along with the protagonist, choosing your victor, and then finding out if you're right. | * the boom. There are times when it is super easy to pick the person you want the protagonist to be with. Why? Because the author makes one of the contenders a monster. They'll be abusive or negligent or entertaining others. Can we call a cliché a cliché? |
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* time spent. When done well, the tension isn't dragged out, the heroine/hero makes their choice intelligently and emotionally, and the rest is a happily ever after. | * time spent. Then there's the time spent dragging the story out, so I don't even care who they choose. Especially if they spend time going from one person to the other. |
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I can't think of another 'hit' | Pet peeve... when one of the contenders dies. So it's not a matter of choice anymore, it's a matter of convenience. And yes, I know how bad that sounds. But how can you believe in your relationship if the only way you 'won' your partner is because your rival died, clearing the way for you? How can I believe in it? |
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I still can't think of another 'hit' | There is no reason for the love triangle. The story would have gone on its merry way without it. So here you've introduced a triangle to what? Liven up your story? And it's all bullocks because if your plot increases in value because of the triangle... fine. But when there is no plot without the triangle or vice versa... I'll pass. |
I'm sure there a still more reasons for why I don't like love triangles, but honestly, thinking about them is making me remember all of the bad ones I've read and I'd rather not.
One of my 2021 bookish resolutions was to be more open with my fellow readers and bloggers. To open up more about my thoughts and opinions. To post more about my likes, dislikes, loves and favorites. So here's post one and I hope you like it!

I genuinely don't know what the hell "acting naturally" would be around someone as glorious as Ryan Asshole Morgan."

Captain by Lauren Rowe
Standalone - Morgan Brothers #2
Release - May 14, 2017
Genre - RomCom/enemies-to-lovers
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/several scenes
Format/Source - ebook borrowed from KU
Length - 360 pages
Publisher - SoCoRo Publishing
It wasn’t the way this kind of story was supposed to go . . .
Insta-love isn’t supposed to turn into insta-hate.
But that’s exactly what happened when the hot-as-hell dreamboat I met in a bar turned out to be a lying, cheating scumbag-player-douche looking for nothing but a little side action. Jerk.
And he has the nerve to call me a liar and a “sociopath”? Assh*le.
And now, three months later, through a mind-blowing series of events I couldn’t have predicted in a million years, it turns out my boss is marrying his sister in Hawaii and I’ve got to play nice with him for an entire freaking week.
Okay, sure, I’ll put on a happy face this week and act like I’ve never even met the jerk before--did I mention his sister is marrying my boss?--but that doesn’t mean I’ll like it. And it certainly doesn’t mean I’ll stop secretly hating the cocky bastard’s guts.
Because I do.
I hate him.
I really do.
I just wish my brain would explain the situation to my body . . . because every time he flashes that panty-melting smile at me, it takes all my self-restraint not to jump the bastard’s hot-as-f*ck bones.

I'm about to become Captain Ahab and this beautiful woman my whale.
After falling in love with Colby in Hero and then Zander in Mister Bodyguard, I knew that I had to get to know all of this characters as soon as possible. They were just too special to miss. Too awesome to be passed over. Too incredibly funny not to enjoy more and more laughs with.
Honestly, I thought that this story would be a no-brainer. Five stars like the rest of them and on to the next. And it would have been if it was about Ryan, the rest of the amazing Morgan family, and their equally phenomenal friends and family. However, I had to endure Tessa and she was a hard pill to swallow.
Burned by love, Tessa didn't need much to push her into believing that Ryan was pretty much like every other lying, cheating, scumbag of a man. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary... despite the many people who loved and respected him... despite how he carried himself... despite how obvious it was that he was a great man... she treated him like garbage. She was disrespectful, mean, and ugly to him. She went above and beyond to treat him like dirt while continuing to sleep with him.
Thankfully there were plenty of high points to this story to enjoy. Every moment with the Morgans was a delight and a half. The family (oh Peenie), the friends, the sweet and hilarious conversations and hijinks made this story amazingly entertaining. I loved Ryan so much and I look forward to seeing him again as I continue to read about his brothers.

Find your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/38KlhZc
FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited

Find out all about Lauren and her books on her website: https://www.laurenrowebooks.com/

It's the weekend and I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to getting down to some serious reading. On that note, I scoured Amazon for their list of freebies and sales in order to find some inspiration. I hope something here inspires you! 💙💙 Please Note: this list may be missing some and it's obviously not in any particular order. For more sales & freebies (because they might still be on sale or free), CLICK HERE and Happy Hunting!

"I'm fighting for you, Emily. I don't even mind the fight because I know in the end that you'll see I'm the better man. But what I won't do is fight for someone who won't even be there in the end. Someone who'll fade away trying to be like everyone else. I won't fight for someone who won't even be the girl I want by the time she chooses me."

Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis
Release - January 15, 2021
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance/love triangle
Heroine POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 249 pages
Publisher - Indie
Girl meets boy, they fall in love, and live happily ever after. But what happens when, instead of meeting one boy, the girl meets two?
With Emily starting college, she figures it’s the perfect time to break out of her shell and have a new beginning. She doesn’t expect that in rewriting her story, it would include a love triangle.
First she meets Julian. She can’t help but notice his shirts with quotes on them, that match his quirky personality, his crooked smile and ruffled hair. He understands her in ways few others do. That’s what makes her afraid to let him get too close.
Then she meets Will. He’s from a different world, different crowd. When he goes out of his way to show her just how well she fits in his life, she finds herself getting swept up all too easily. Sometimes though, opposites really shouldn’t attract.
Girl meets boys and soon the choice isn’t which one of them is better, but who she’s better with.

Emily was a young woman trying to find herself. Tired of being the shy one, the one hiding in the shadows, she decided that her first year of college was going to be different. New look, new day, new attitude... same girl. She immediately realizes that nothing was going according to plan, however, she did meet a charming boy named Julian. He was a lot like her, he made her feel free to be herself, and he seemed to adore her for just who she was. But she needed more.
Enter Will. He's the campus bad boy, he comes from money, people seem to flock to him like he's the new Messiah, and Emily is instantly captivated. No matter what he does, she can't seem to get enough. He's the one to pull her out of her shell, to get her to try new things, to become a different person. He offers something that Julian cannot provide. Which girl will Emily be in the end?
This story in no way swayed me to start enjoying love triangles, especially when they involve young people. I'm over teenage angst and drama. Growing up is hard and Emily had to take some hard knocks in order to see the light. I'm happy with who she chose, but dang, she made it hard for herself! The author didn't shy away from illustrating the hurdles and hormones and doubts and insecurities that young people face when she created Emily. She also showed how beautiful it is to find oneself and love oneself for all of one's faults and favors.
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” - Maya Angelou

Find your copy on Amazon! https://amzn.to/3qkz7re

Find more about Ari and her amazing books on her site: https://arireavis.wordpress.com/

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
The three W’s stand for:
What did you recently finish reading?
What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
The three W’s stand for:
What did you recently finish reading?
What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
I've firmly entrenched in reading what I want when I want. I have a big stack of books that have been sitting on my bookshelves and have promised myself to get through as much as I can this year. If I can tackle at least one a week, I'll be happy. I hope you're better able to stick to the bookish resolutions you've made!
What I've Read

Twisted Together by Pepper Winters was a pleasure read while Ruthless King by Alison Aimes and Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale were advanced copies. I've also finished Girl Meets Boys by Ari Reavis, which is a new adult love triangle romance. It was full of drama and teenage heartbreak. All were such amazing reads and my new year has gotten off to an amazing start!
What I'm Reading

Captain by Lauren Rowe
It wasn’t the way this kind of story was supposed to go . . .
Insta-love isn’t supposed to turn into insta-hate.
But that’s exactly what happened when the hot-as-hell dreamboat I met in a bar turned out to be a lying, cheating scumbag-player-douche looking for nothing but a little side action. Jerk.
And he has the nerve to call me a liar and a “sociopath”? Assh*le.
And now, three months later, through a mind-blowing series of events I couldn’t have predicted in a million years, it turns out my boss is marrying his sister in Hawaii and I’ve got to play nice with him for an entire freaking week.
Okay, sure, I’ll put on a happy face this week and act like I’ve never even met the jerk before--did I mention his sister is marrying my boss?--but that doesn’t mean I’ll like it. And it certainly doesn’t mean I’ll stop secretly hating the cocky bastard’s guts.
Because I do.
I hate him.
I really do.
I just wish my brain would explain the situation to my body . . . because every time he flashes that panty-melting smile at me, it takes all my self-restraint not to jump the bastard’s hot-as-f*ck bones.
What I'll Read Next
I've been reading the Morgan Brothers series by Lauren Rowe all out of order. I've already read Hero, I'm currently reading Captain, and I intend to read the rest. Other than that, I hope to pick up one of the YA Fantasy novels sitting on my shelves.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
What are you reading right now? Tell me below or leave me a link so I can check out your post. Happy Reading!
xo, Natalie

I wasn't aware that an Adam's apple could be such a complete turn-on, but there I was, looking at one and thinking 'holy shit I could totally slide my vagina against that when he was talking and come.'

Repeat Offender by Lani Lynn Vale
Standalone - Souls Chapel Revenants MC #1
Release - January 12, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance w/ elements of suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5/a few scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author thru Uplifting Author Services
Length - 208 pages
Publisher - Indie
Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor has lived a lot of lies. Seen a lot of good men go down.
But he will not stand by and watch as the world he’s built from the ground up burns to ashes before his eyes. Even if he has to build an army to combat the problem he sees brewing around him.
One step at a time, he carefully lays out his plan, building layer after careful layer until everything is where he wants it to be.
Every part is impeccably played, his pawns are in the perfect place, and then she barrels into his life, totally scattering every single piece he’s set in motion.
The bad thing is, she doesn’t even realize how badly she’s messed up until she’s roused the beast.
The day that Six Ines Broussard met Lynnwood Thatcher Windsor was the worst day of her life.
First, she has a public breakup with a man she’s not even dating. Second, she has to deal with a black-tie event that she’d rather gouge her eyes out than to go to. Third, she then has to sit at a table for hours on end with the one man she despises.
Just wanting a break, she thinks she’ll lose herself for a few hours and do what she loves to do best—spend time by herself and go for a walk in the middle of nowhere, spot some birds, and get a little sun. Only, her day doesn’t go nearly as planned.
She walks right into the middle of hell. And at the center of it? Lynnwood Thatcher. The mayor. The man that she took one glance at on the night of his inauguration and dismissed as boring. A total stick in the mud.
Only, he’s not so boring shirtless, in the middle of nowhere, doing things that are very illegal.
At first, she’s appalled. Then her interest gets piqued. Stuck-up suit is hot! And he has tattoos. Oh, and let’s not forget one hell of a mouth on him!
Then he goes and kidnaps her, and she realizes that nobody is quite as hot as you thought they were when they’re now holding you hostage.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3sfmK1i
iBooks: https://apple.co/32E6Z9l
Nook: https://bit.ly/2H9wjfh
Kobo: https://bit.ly/35IoxDa
Audible: http://adbl.co/3q0YT3C

Okay, so Lynn is the undercover bad boy. He's currently the mayor of town, but there is just so much more going on, hiding beneath his elegant suits and perfect hair, stuff I can't even begin to explain. Just know that he is bound and determined to clean up the place and he's not afraid to get blood on his hands. A lot of blood, if necessary.
Six is a woman who is what some would call a free spirit. She doesn't really fit, but that's one of the things that makes her so great. LLV created a character that moved to her own beat, followed her heart, and that organ led her right to Lynn.
These characters couldn't be more different. And yet they fit so well together. I loved their every interaction, the slow build up to their inevitable relationship, the hotness in between, their everything.

My only real hang up was that some parts of the story deserved more time to develop. They were so interesting and were given such a starring role that I felt they should have been fleshed out a bit more.
I'm all agog (and yes, I use this word regularly in real life) to see what this author is going to come up with for all of the characters introduced here. For example, that doctor who let the kid who was terrorizing women die on the operating table... yeah, I'm dying to read his book! I was dying to read his book right after he did all that! Oh Zach... Seriously, I'm excited to read ALL of their books.
If Repeat Offender is anything to go by, this series is going to be outstanding!
P.S.... Side Note... Whatevs... The author left this little tidbit in the book... Go to Google. Type Wizard of Oz. Touch the red slipper. Then the tornado. You're welcome. Now I'm probably the very last person to do this, but I do thank her for showing me it. It gave me so much joy. It's so neat that someone took the time and gave the effort to make it possible. So freaking cool!

You can find out more about her and her amazing books on her website: https://lanilynnvale.com/

Alphas dominated while betas served, and omegas submitted.

Ruthless King by Alison Aimes
Standalone - Ruthless Warlords #1
Release - January 11, 2021
Genre - SciFi Omegaverse Dark Mafia Romance
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4.5 out of 5/frequent
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 367 pages
He's the most brutal Alpha crime boss in the galaxy—and she belongs to him now. Payment for a debt owed. Pawn for an act of vengeance. Property to be used, knotted, and bred.
Irresistibly gorgeous mafia king Nikolai Skolov is dominant, hard, possessive—and determined to bend innocent omega Dahlia Lundin to his will. But she is equally determined to resist. The lives of those she loves depends upon it.
Except Dahlia isn't prepared for the insatiable hunger the Alpha's discipline awakens. Or her soul's recognition that her new master is also her fated-mate.
As dangers mount and betrayals loom, all Dahlia knows is turned on its head. Allegiances are tested. Secrets exposed. Until Dahlia is not sure if her ruthless enemy is the monster who will destroy her or the only one left who can save her...

Amazon * Kobo * iBooks * Nook

Here are the reasons why you should read this and why it got five stars...
❤️ fated mates
❤️ organized crime shenanigans
❤️ fierce warrior who was insanely hot
❤️ strong and stubborn omega who tried to give as good as she got
❤️ revenge plot
❤️ brilliant storytelling and incredible world building. I could feel the cold of ice planet Abzal.
❤️ tons of hot sex. TONS!!
❤️ enemies-to-lovers trope that blossomed into something truly beautiful
❤️ redeemable characters and huge hints to what's to come...
Nikolai Skolov is an Alpha - dominant, fearless, gorgeous - and he was the glue that held the Skolovs together. A horror from the past has gone unavenged and unanswered, and now's the time for justice. For truth. And Dahlia Lundin, daughter of his greatest enemy, is the key. Traded to pay her father's debts, she expects abuse, unkindness, and unending punishment. Nikolai wants to use her gift to make her family pay. She is willing to sacrifice anything to keep her family safe. They're at odds until she realizes she's fighting the wrong thing and the wrong person.
While she grew up treated as trash, Nikolai treated her as his treasure. They were supposed to be on opposite sides, enemies, but with his every move, every thought, every touch, Nikolai proved to Dahlia that everything she knew was wrong. And she gave him the most ultimate prize - her heart. With her, he found all that he was missing.Every filthy, arrogant pronouncement only made her wetter.
She fought it as best she could.
"This isn't me. You're triggering my heat. You're using my weakness against me."
"Weakness? It's not some flaw inside you. It's all you are, omega. This is what you were made for. Your body knows exactly what it was designed to do. Give."
I fell in love with these characters so easily. I loved when they fought, I loved when they bantered, and I loved when they loved. Most of the bad guys got just what they deserved, the good guys kinda won, and I'm looking forward to the next hunt.With Dahlia, he was reborn.
He was content.
It was more, in fact, than anyone had ever given him before.

Find all of her information and other books on her site: https://alisonaimes.com/
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