We are well on our way to a hot summer. Seriously, it's promising to be so hot here in Toronto that I made sure I got my first Pfizer shot on Thursday. I did not want to brave the heat and the eventual soreness from the shot while melting away. Although I guess I can't avoid the heat when I go for my second shot in a few weeks.
Back to book news... May wasn't my best reading month, but I did find more than a few amazing reads. I hope that we all find incredible reads for June and I wish for all of you a happy and safe summer!
The Best Book(s) of May
The Rise of Fortune and Fury by Sawyer Bennett is the final book of the Chronicles of the Veil series and it was such a fantastic ending to a must-read urban fantasy series. Doin' a Dime by Lani Lynn Vale is the story of Hunt and Wyett. They were so sweet together and gave me another reason to adore the author. The Prince's Bride: Part 2 by J.J. McAvoy was an amazingly adorable continuation of the romance of the king and his queen. The extended epilogue found in The Prince's Bride: Beginning Forever almost made me cry! Bjorn Cursed by N.J. Walters was the emotional tale of Bjorn and how he reunited with his resurrected wife. And The Rivals by Dylan Allen was the collection of stories about the Rivers and Wildes and the heroes and heroines you just have to meet!
I did read some other fine books, which include:
★ Blood Seeker by Lexi C. Foss
★ The Brave Line by Kate Stewart
★ Dream Spinner by Kristen Ashley
★ Material Witness by Lisa Mondello
Book Haul
I only purchased ebooks this month, which sucked because I have a long list of paperbacks on my list and I have no idea when I'll get them.
Added to my TBR
I have a bunch of to-read lists. Goodreads, Amazon, paper, glass jar, etc. I've tried really hard not to add to any of them and although I do fail to keep this number to zero each month, I'm not doing too badly.
My Reading Stats
I only read 10 books in May. Not great but not bad either. Most of these reads came from my TBR, which is one of my goals this years, so I'm taking my read count as a win. I read 10 books and 4210 pages.
What Else?
I didn't do anything extra this month. I was planning to do a reading challenge, but decided against it because I don't want to feel confined in choosing what to read. I've also lapsed on doing any of the book tags I used to do, such as Top Ten Tuesday, and I'm hoping to get back into that in the near future.
Thanks for sticking around until the end :D I'm still looking for book recs, so if you have one you think I'll love, please let me know. I'm looking for extremely sexy Fantasy or Paranormal. And when I say sexy, I do mean descriptive to explicit scenes please. I'm grown and I don't need my sex to be watered down.
What are you looking forward to for June? I hope it's as incredible as we deserve it to be!
Talk soon,
xo, Natalie

When he'd seen this female in the light, he'd felt like exhaling a stunned breath — if his kind respired.

The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole
Standalone - Immortals After Dark #0.5
Release - September 25, 2017 (new edition)
Genre - Paranormal Romance/enemies-to-lovers
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 185 pages
Publisher - Pocket Star
The Warlord
Nikolai Wroth, a ruthless Vampire general, will stop at nothing to find his Bride, the one woman who can “blood” him, making his heart beat and filling him with strength. Coldly interested only in the power his Bride will bring, he can hardly believe when Myst the Coveted awakens him body—and soul.
The Seductress
Famed throughout the world as the most beautiful Valkyrie, Myst has devoted her life to protecting a magical jewel and to fighting the vampires. Wroth provides her with the perfect opportunity to torment her sworn enemy—for with his new heartbeat comes a consuming sexual desire that can only be slaked by her. Denying him, she flees, struggling to forget his searing, possessive kiss.
The Hunt is on…
She eludes him for five years, but he has finally chased her to ground and stolen her enchanted jewel, giving him absolute power over her. Now that she’s his for the taking, he intends to make her experience first-hand the agonizing, unending lust she subjected him to for half a decade. Yet when Nikolai realizes he wants far more than vengeance from Myst and frees her, will she come back to him?

The mythical history created for this tale and for the journey of males like Wroth is incredibly interesting and I need more. Wroth, once a fearless and esteemed soldier, was resurrected to be a warrior in an honorable army of vampires. He and his comrades don't really know much about their new existence, so when he comes across a being who might have some answers, he can't help but be intrigued by her. It doesn't hurt that Myst happens to be absolutely gorgeous.
Myst, a Valkyrie, was a female who had her own code of honor. Her own sense of justice. A bit selfish, a lot reckless, she had some murky motivations. However, she was a steady source of entertainment. While she was constantly underestimated, she was a powerful force and I loved how the author characterized her. She may have always had a soul and felt kinship and compassion for her sisters, it wasn't until she found Wroth that she truly discovered her heart.
If it's stories like this one that Kresley Cole has to offer, I'm ready to read them all!

Five years ago
Mount Oblak Castle, Russia
If the overgrown vampire didn’t stop staring at her face, even his wicked talent with his sword wouldn’t keep his head upon his shoulders.
The thought made Myst, an immortal known as the Coveted One, grin as she curled up in the windowsill of her cell. Leaning against the reinforced bars, she watched the two vampire armies battle below as she might a rumble from the back of bleachers.
The poor warlord with his broad shoulders and jet black hair was about to join a legion of other males whose last sight on earth was her smiling face—
She frowned when he ducked and ran through his enemy. He was a big male, at least six and a half feet tall, but he was surprisingly fast. Tilting her head, she studied him. He was good. She knew fighting and liked his style. Dirty. He’d cut with his sword then strike out with his fist, or duck a parry then throw an elbow. It amused her to watch, but what she wouldn’t give to be down there fighting. In the middle. Against both sides. Against him.
She fought dirtier.
His gaze continued to stray to her, and once he’d even killed while his eyes were still on her. She’d blown him a kiss, sincerely, choosing to see it as a tribute.
He found time to glance back even as he thundered orders and gave commands to the army of vampires around him, showing brilliance in strategy. She examined it all as though watching Decisive Battles on A&E and grudgingly noted the effectiveness of his army’s acid grenades and guns.
The creatures of the Lore scorned human weapons like these. The only ones such weapons could kill were humans, which was beyond non-sporting. Yet that was the thing about bullets—aside from ruining perfectly good couture, they hurt and could immobilize an immortal for precious seconds. Long enough for a dirty fighter to take your head. Done enough times, they could help take an “untakable” castle like Ivo the Cruel’s.
Myst hardly cared that Ivo, her jailer and tormentor, was about to have his ass handed to him by this warlord with his forbidden modern weapons. Her situation would not change, for these rebels, turned humans known as the Forbearers, were still vampires. A blood foe is a blood foe is a blood foe….
An explosion rocked the castle, and sparks and bits of debris wafted down from the roof of Myst’s cell. The low creatures in the dank holds down the corridor howled with impotent fury, increasing in urgency with each successive blast, until it was … over. Silence. An aftershock here and there, a muted whimper…
The defense of this castle was no more, its inhabitants having disappeared—by tracing, as the Lore called teleporting—leaving no more than an airy draft and the burned records of their Horde.
She could hear the rebels searching the bowels of this place but could’ve told them they wouldn’t find any of their enemies. The denizens here had not been a fight-to-the-death sort, more of a he who fights and runs away, lives to run away another day type.
Shortly after, she heard heavy boots on the stone floor of the dungeon and knew it was the warlord. He crossed directly to her cell and stood before it.
From her perch, curled in the window, she examined the vampire up close. He had thick, straight black hair that hung over his face in uneven sections, no doubt from where he’d sheared it off with his blade months ago, and never thought to cut it since. Some hanks were kept from his field of vision with those small ravel plaits like the berserkers used to wear. He had scars on his hands, and his big body was powerful and cut with muscle. She wanted to purr—because apparently central casting had just sent down the consummate virile warlord.
“Come down from there and show yourself.” Deep voice. Russian accent, moneyed, aristocratic.
“Or what? You’ll lock me away in a dungeon?”
“I might free you.”
She was at the bars before he’d had time to lower his gaze from the window. Had his squared jaw slackened just the smallest bit? She listened for a quickening of his heart, but found none because there was no heartbeat whatsoever. So the vampire was single? His eyes were clear of the red haze that marked bloodlust, which meant he had never drunk a being to death. But then a Forbearer eschewed taking living blood through the flesh altogether.
When he saw her face up close, the key wasn’t immediately in the lock as it usually would have been, but his lips parted, exposing his fangs for her to see. Of course his would be sexy—not too prominent or even much longer than a human’s canines.
When she saw the short splendid scar that passed down both of his lips, lightning struck just outside, but he didn’t flinch at the bolt or even glance up—he was too busy staring back at her.
Scars, any external evidence of pain, attracted Myst. Pain forged strength. Strength begat electricity. This one could give it to her.
It was possible he was even missing an eye under a thick hank of hair.
She stifled a throaty growl as her hand shot out to brush his hair back. But he was quick, catching her wrist. She curled one finger in a beckoning gesture, and after a moment he released her, allowing her to reach forward. She brushed his hair back, revealing a hard-planed, masculine face covered with grit and ash from the battle.
He was still in possession of both of his eyes and they were intense. Gun-metal gray.
When her hand dropped, his brows drew together, perhaps at her blatant interest, or perhaps at her fingers already stroking the bars in invitation as she stared at his mouth. She was surprised by how carnal she found it, especially since the vampire could use it to hurt her.
The smooth gold chain that she’d worn at her waist for millennia now felt heavy on her.
“What are you?” he asked in his pleasingly low voice. She realized then that his accent wasn’t Russian, but from that of neighboring Eesti. The general was Estonian, which made him a kind of Nordic Russian, though she was sure he wouldn’t appreciate that description.
She frowned at his question and pulled back her hair to show him her pointed ear. “Nothing?” She parted her lips and tapped her tongue against her smaller dormant fangs. No recognition.
Apparently, the rumors were true. Here was a leader in this army, a general most likely, and he hadn’t a clue that she was his mortal enemy. He would think she was fey or a nymph. She’d prefer fey because she’d cringe to be confused with one of those little hookers—
She shook her head. As long as he didn’t know she was Valkyrie it worked for her.
Killing the unwitting Forbearers would be easy for her and her sisters. Too easy. Like being your own secret Santa.
Myst had just confirmed rumors in the Lore that whispered of asses and elbows and this Horde’s inability to differentiate between the two.
“What are you?” Nikolai Wroth demanded again, surprised his voice was steady.
When he’d seen her in the light, he’d felt like exhaling a stunned breath—if his kind respired—for she was strikingly lovely, with a beauty only hinted at from the distance of the battlefield. He’d been attracted to that face to his reckless peril.
Though she had expected him to recognize her kind, all he could determine was that she wasn’t human and that he hadn’t a clue what she might be. Her ears said fey but she also had the smallest fangs.
“Free me,” the creature said. Flawless skin, coral pink lips, flame red hair. The eyes that flickered over him appraisingly were an impossible green.
The way she held the bars was suggestive—everything about her was … suggestive.
“Swear fealty to my king, and I will free you.”
“I can’t do that, but you’ve no right to keep me here.”
His brother Murdoch passed by then, raised his eyebrows at Nikolai’s discovery, and muttered in Estonian, “Sweet Christ.” Then he walked on. Why was Nikolai unable to do the same?
“What’s your name?” He wasn’t used to his questions going unanswered.
Another stroke of the bars. “What do you want it to be?”
He scowled. “Are you a vampire?”
“Not the last time I checked.” Her voice was sensual. He couldn’t place her accent, but it was drawling, honeyed.
“Are you innocent of malice against us?”
She waved a dismissing hand. “Oh, good gods, no! I love, love, love to kill leeches.”
“Then rot in here.” As if she could kill a vampire. She was scarcely over five feet tall and delicately built—aside from her generous breasts showcased in her tight shirt.
Just before he turned, he saw her eyes narrow. “I smell smoke,” she called after him. “Ivo the Cruel burned his records before he fled, didn’t he?”
Nikolai stilled, clenching his fists because he’d have to return.
“He did,” he grated at the cell once more.
“And this new king’s army is full of Forbearers—turned humans? It matters little. I’m sure the king is very knowledgeable about the vampire Horde’s extensive list of enemies within the Lore. He wouldn’t need this castle’s records. In fact, I’m positive that that is not the reason you chose this stronghold over the four others, including the royal seat.”
How did she know their agenda so well?
Nikolai could plan battles and sieges—he’d earned his rank by this victory alone—but he knew nothing of this new world to advance the army. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one.
The blind leading the blind. When they’d found the records reduced to a smoldering heap of ash, that’s what Kristoff had muttered.
“You think to bargain for your freedom? If you do happen to have information, I can get it from you.”
“Torture?” she asked with a laugh. “My first piece of information I’ll divulge to you? I wouldn’t recommend trying to torture me. I dislike it and grow sulky under pincers. It’s a fault.”
The things in the cells, many of which he’d never even heard of, never could have envisioned, howled and grunted at that.
“Now let’s not quarrel, vampire. Free me, and we’ll go to your room and talk.” She offered her fragile-looking hand out to him. A smudge of ash was stark against her alabaster skin.
“I don’t think so.”
“You’ll call for me. You’ll be lonely in your new quarters and will feel out of sorts. I could let you pet my hair until you fell asleep.”
He drew in closer and lowered his voice to ask in all seriousness, “You’re mad, aren’t you?”
“As—a—hatter,” she whispered back conspiratorially.
He felt a hint of sympathy for the creature. “How long have you been in here?”
“For four long … interminable … days.”
He glowered at her.
“Which is why I want you to take me with you. I don’t eat much.”
The dungeon erupted with laughter again.
“Don’t hold your breath.”
“Certainly not like you, Forbearer.”
“How do you know what I am?”
“I know everything.”
Then, if true, she had a wealth they didn’t.
“Leave her,” Murdoch called at the gateway of the dungeon. His brows were drawn, no doubt puzzled by his brother’s interest. Nikolai had never pursued women. As a human, they’d either come to him or he’d gone without. He’d had no time in wartime. As a vampire he had no such need. Not until he could find his Bride.
He shook his head at the insane, fey creature, then forced himself to walk on, though he thought he heard her whisper, “Call for me, General,” making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
He followed his brother to Kristoff’s new antechamber and found their king gazing out into the clear night from a generous window—one that would be shuttered in the few hours till dawn. When Kristoff turned to them, his gaunt face looked weary.
Nikolai suspected it had been difficult for him to kill other natural-born vampires, his own kindred, no matter how crazed they’d become, and no matter that they followed his uncle Demestriu, who’d stolen his crown centuries ago. Nikolai had no such compunctions. He was weary but only from injury and his sword arm being overworked as he hacked through them.
“Were any of the records salvageable?” he asked with little hope. If the vampires of this castle had spent as much energy fighting as burning, they might have kept Oblak. To his disgust, they’d fled. He didn’t understand it. When defending your home, you defend to the death.
He had.
Kristoff answered, “None.”
Without the records, their own ignorance would kill them. Kristoff, the rightful king, had been raised by humans far from Demestriu’s reach. For centuries, he had lived among them, hiding his true nature yet learning little of the Lore. His army consisted of human warriors he’d turned as they died on the battlefield, so they knew nothing. Before Nikolai had seen Kristoff standing over him like an angel of death, offering eternal life for eternal fealty, Nikolai had thought vampires were mere myths.
The rules of this new world were complex and often counterintuitive, and their order knew little more than conjecture and what had been learned by painful trial over centuries. They were trapped in a kind of twilight—not human and yet universally shunned by all the factions of the Lore. Those beings hid in the shadows, fleeing from whatever land Kristoff’s army occupied, working together to always be one step ahead. Nikolai’s human experience said they should have been able to get information by now, but the reality was that this was a different plane altogether. The same effort that went into hiding the Lore from humans for ages went into keeping Kristoff’s soldiers in the dark as well.
“Any sign of Conrad or Sebastian?” Kristoff asked.
Nikolai shook his head. He hadn’t seen his brothers since shortly after they’d been turned, but he knew natural born vampires often clashed with turned humans. Though he and Murdoch hadn’t expected to find their brothers here, they had distantly hoped the two might be in the dungeon of the castle they’d strategically needed to take.
“Perhaps the next Horde stronghold.”
Nikolai nodded, though he doubted it. He sensed his brother Bastian was dead and suspected the mind of the youngest, Conrad, was unreachable even if he could be found. The two had not appreciated the eternal life their older brothers had forced on them.
Murdoch examined a gouge in his arm, seeming unconcerned with this blow, but then he generally seemed unconcerned about everything. Though they shared similar looks, he and Nikolai couldn’t be more different in personality. Nikolai believed in Kristoff’s cause, seeing many parallels to his own past, and wanted to continue to fight. Murdoch didn’t particularly care. Nikolai suspected his brother fought only as a favor to him—or because they had nothing else now.
“Nikolai found a being in the dungeon,” Murdoch said. “She seems to have extensive knowledge of the Lore.”
“What kind of being?”
Nikolai answered, “I have no idea. She appears fey, delicate, with sharply pointed ears. But she has these small fangs and her fingernails were more like … claws. She’s not vampire.”
Kristoff frowned at that. “Perhaps she’s born of more than one species?”
“Perhaps.” More speculation. Nikolai was sick of it. He wanted to know the rules of the game so he could dominate it.
“Find out everything you can from her.”
“She won’t talk. I’ve interrogated enough to know she’ll hint but never truly divulge. And she hates vampires.”
Kristoff pinched his forehead. “Then tomorrow night if we haven’t gotten information from the rest of the prisoners, we treat her as the Horde she hates would. Torture her for the information if you can’t get it any other way.”
Nikolai nodded, but the idea sat ill with him. As a human he’d been merciless to his enemies, but he’d never tortured a woman. She wasn’t truly a woman, he reminded himself. She was a female among the Lore, and their army’s survival could depend on the knowledge she held.
Perhaps he’d never tortured a woman because he’d never needed to.
The creature had been right, Nikolai thought as he made his way to his new chambers. He was going to call her up to him.
To do what with her, he didn’t know.
Mount Oblak Castle, Russia
If the overgrown vampire didn’t stop staring at her face, even his wicked talent with his sword wouldn’t keep his head upon his shoulders.
The thought made Myst, an immortal known as the Coveted One, grin as she curled up in the windowsill of her cell. Leaning against the reinforced bars, she watched the two vampire armies battle below as she might a rumble from the back of bleachers.
The poor warlord with his broad shoulders and jet black hair was about to join a legion of other males whose last sight on earth was her smiling face—
She frowned when he ducked and ran through his enemy. He was a big male, at least six and a half feet tall, but he was surprisingly fast. Tilting her head, she studied him. He was good. She knew fighting and liked his style. Dirty. He’d cut with his sword then strike out with his fist, or duck a parry then throw an elbow. It amused her to watch, but what she wouldn’t give to be down there fighting. In the middle. Against both sides. Against him.
She fought dirtier.
His gaze continued to stray to her, and once he’d even killed while his eyes were still on her. She’d blown him a kiss, sincerely, choosing to see it as a tribute.
He found time to glance back even as he thundered orders and gave commands to the army of vampires around him, showing brilliance in strategy. She examined it all as though watching Decisive Battles on A&E and grudgingly noted the effectiveness of his army’s acid grenades and guns.
The creatures of the Lore scorned human weapons like these. The only ones such weapons could kill were humans, which was beyond non-sporting. Yet that was the thing about bullets—aside from ruining perfectly good couture, they hurt and could immobilize an immortal for precious seconds. Long enough for a dirty fighter to take your head. Done enough times, they could help take an “untakable” castle like Ivo the Cruel’s.
Myst hardly cared that Ivo, her jailer and tormentor, was about to have his ass handed to him by this warlord with his forbidden modern weapons. Her situation would not change, for these rebels, turned humans known as the Forbearers, were still vampires. A blood foe is a blood foe is a blood foe….
An explosion rocked the castle, and sparks and bits of debris wafted down from the roof of Myst’s cell. The low creatures in the dank holds down the corridor howled with impotent fury, increasing in urgency with each successive blast, until it was … over. Silence. An aftershock here and there, a muted whimper…
The defense of this castle was no more, its inhabitants having disappeared—by tracing, as the Lore called teleporting—leaving no more than an airy draft and the burned records of their Horde.
She could hear the rebels searching the bowels of this place but could’ve told them they wouldn’t find any of their enemies. The denizens here had not been a fight-to-the-death sort, more of a he who fights and runs away, lives to run away another day type.
Shortly after, she heard heavy boots on the stone floor of the dungeon and knew it was the warlord. He crossed directly to her cell and stood before it.
From her perch, curled in the window, she examined the vampire up close. He had thick, straight black hair that hung over his face in uneven sections, no doubt from where he’d sheared it off with his blade months ago, and never thought to cut it since. Some hanks were kept from his field of vision with those small ravel plaits like the berserkers used to wear. He had scars on his hands, and his big body was powerful and cut with muscle. She wanted to purr—because apparently central casting had just sent down the consummate virile warlord.
“Come down from there and show yourself.” Deep voice. Russian accent, moneyed, aristocratic.
“Or what? You’ll lock me away in a dungeon?”
“I might free you.”
She was at the bars before he’d had time to lower his gaze from the window. Had his squared jaw slackened just the smallest bit? She listened for a quickening of his heart, but found none because there was no heartbeat whatsoever. So the vampire was single? His eyes were clear of the red haze that marked bloodlust, which meant he had never drunk a being to death. But then a Forbearer eschewed taking living blood through the flesh altogether.
When he saw her face up close, the key wasn’t immediately in the lock as it usually would have been, but his lips parted, exposing his fangs for her to see. Of course his would be sexy—not too prominent or even much longer than a human’s canines.
When she saw the short splendid scar that passed down both of his lips, lightning struck just outside, but he didn’t flinch at the bolt or even glance up—he was too busy staring back at her.
Scars, any external evidence of pain, attracted Myst. Pain forged strength. Strength begat electricity. This one could give it to her.
It was possible he was even missing an eye under a thick hank of hair.
She stifled a throaty growl as her hand shot out to brush his hair back. But he was quick, catching her wrist. She curled one finger in a beckoning gesture, and after a moment he released her, allowing her to reach forward. She brushed his hair back, revealing a hard-planed, masculine face covered with grit and ash from the battle.
He was still in possession of both of his eyes and they were intense. Gun-metal gray.
When her hand dropped, his brows drew together, perhaps at her blatant interest, or perhaps at her fingers already stroking the bars in invitation as she stared at his mouth. She was surprised by how carnal she found it, especially since the vampire could use it to hurt her.
The smooth gold chain that she’d worn at her waist for millennia now felt heavy on her.
“What are you?” he asked in his pleasingly low voice. She realized then that his accent wasn’t Russian, but from that of neighboring Eesti. The general was Estonian, which made him a kind of Nordic Russian, though she was sure he wouldn’t appreciate that description.
She frowned at his question and pulled back her hair to show him her pointed ear. “Nothing?” She parted her lips and tapped her tongue against her smaller dormant fangs. No recognition.
Apparently, the rumors were true. Here was a leader in this army, a general most likely, and he hadn’t a clue that she was his mortal enemy. He would think she was fey or a nymph. She’d prefer fey because she’d cringe to be confused with one of those little hookers—
She shook her head. As long as he didn’t know she was Valkyrie it worked for her.
Killing the unwitting Forbearers would be easy for her and her sisters. Too easy. Like being your own secret Santa.
Myst had just confirmed rumors in the Lore that whispered of asses and elbows and this Horde’s inability to differentiate between the two.
“What are you?” Nikolai Wroth demanded again, surprised his voice was steady.
When he’d seen her in the light, he’d felt like exhaling a stunned breath—if his kind respired—for she was strikingly lovely, with a beauty only hinted at from the distance of the battlefield. He’d been attracted to that face to his reckless peril.
Though she had expected him to recognize her kind, all he could determine was that she wasn’t human and that he hadn’t a clue what she might be. Her ears said fey but she also had the smallest fangs.
“Free me,” the creature said. Flawless skin, coral pink lips, flame red hair. The eyes that flickered over him appraisingly were an impossible green.
The way she held the bars was suggestive—everything about her was … suggestive.
“Swear fealty to my king, and I will free you.”
“I can’t do that, but you’ve no right to keep me here.”
His brother Murdoch passed by then, raised his eyebrows at Nikolai’s discovery, and muttered in Estonian, “Sweet Christ.” Then he walked on. Why was Nikolai unable to do the same?
“What’s your name?” He wasn’t used to his questions going unanswered.
Another stroke of the bars. “What do you want it to be?”
He scowled. “Are you a vampire?”
“Not the last time I checked.” Her voice was sensual. He couldn’t place her accent, but it was drawling, honeyed.
“Are you innocent of malice against us?”
She waved a dismissing hand. “Oh, good gods, no! I love, love, love to kill leeches.”
“Then rot in here.” As if she could kill a vampire. She was scarcely over five feet tall and delicately built—aside from her generous breasts showcased in her tight shirt.
Just before he turned, he saw her eyes narrow. “I smell smoke,” she called after him. “Ivo the Cruel burned his records before he fled, didn’t he?”
Nikolai stilled, clenching his fists because he’d have to return.
“He did,” he grated at the cell once more.
“And this new king’s army is full of Forbearers—turned humans? It matters little. I’m sure the king is very knowledgeable about the vampire Horde’s extensive list of enemies within the Lore. He wouldn’t need this castle’s records. In fact, I’m positive that that is not the reason you chose this stronghold over the four others, including the royal seat.”
How did she know their agenda so well?
Nikolai could plan battles and sieges—he’d earned his rank by this victory alone—but he knew nothing of this new world to advance the army. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one.
The blind leading the blind. When they’d found the records reduced to a smoldering heap of ash, that’s what Kristoff had muttered.
“You think to bargain for your freedom? If you do happen to have information, I can get it from you.”
“Torture?” she asked with a laugh. “My first piece of information I’ll divulge to you? I wouldn’t recommend trying to torture me. I dislike it and grow sulky under pincers. It’s a fault.”
The things in the cells, many of which he’d never even heard of, never could have envisioned, howled and grunted at that.
“Now let’s not quarrel, vampire. Free me, and we’ll go to your room and talk.” She offered her fragile-looking hand out to him. A smudge of ash was stark against her alabaster skin.
“I don’t think so.”
“You’ll call for me. You’ll be lonely in your new quarters and will feel out of sorts. I could let you pet my hair until you fell asleep.”
He drew in closer and lowered his voice to ask in all seriousness, “You’re mad, aren’t you?”
“As—a—hatter,” she whispered back conspiratorially.
He felt a hint of sympathy for the creature. “How long have you been in here?”
“For four long … interminable … days.”
He glowered at her.
“Which is why I want you to take me with you. I don’t eat much.”
The dungeon erupted with laughter again.
“Don’t hold your breath.”
“Certainly not like you, Forbearer.”
“How do you know what I am?”
“I know everything.”
Then, if true, she had a wealth they didn’t.
“Leave her,” Murdoch called at the gateway of the dungeon. His brows were drawn, no doubt puzzled by his brother’s interest. Nikolai had never pursued women. As a human, they’d either come to him or he’d gone without. He’d had no time in wartime. As a vampire he had no such need. Not until he could find his Bride.
He shook his head at the insane, fey creature, then forced himself to walk on, though he thought he heard her whisper, “Call for me, General,” making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
He followed his brother to Kristoff’s new antechamber and found their king gazing out into the clear night from a generous window—one that would be shuttered in the few hours till dawn. When Kristoff turned to them, his gaunt face looked weary.
Nikolai suspected it had been difficult for him to kill other natural-born vampires, his own kindred, no matter how crazed they’d become, and no matter that they followed his uncle Demestriu, who’d stolen his crown centuries ago. Nikolai had no such compunctions. He was weary but only from injury and his sword arm being overworked as he hacked through them.
“Were any of the records salvageable?” he asked with little hope. If the vampires of this castle had spent as much energy fighting as burning, they might have kept Oblak. To his disgust, they’d fled. He didn’t understand it. When defending your home, you defend to the death.
He had.
Kristoff answered, “None.”
Without the records, their own ignorance would kill them. Kristoff, the rightful king, had been raised by humans far from Demestriu’s reach. For centuries, he had lived among them, hiding his true nature yet learning little of the Lore. His army consisted of human warriors he’d turned as they died on the battlefield, so they knew nothing. Before Nikolai had seen Kristoff standing over him like an angel of death, offering eternal life for eternal fealty, Nikolai had thought vampires were mere myths.
The rules of this new world were complex and often counterintuitive, and their order knew little more than conjecture and what had been learned by painful trial over centuries. They were trapped in a kind of twilight—not human and yet universally shunned by all the factions of the Lore. Those beings hid in the shadows, fleeing from whatever land Kristoff’s army occupied, working together to always be one step ahead. Nikolai’s human experience said they should have been able to get information by now, but the reality was that this was a different plane altogether. The same effort that went into hiding the Lore from humans for ages went into keeping Kristoff’s soldiers in the dark as well.
“Any sign of Conrad or Sebastian?” Kristoff asked.
Nikolai shook his head. He hadn’t seen his brothers since shortly after they’d been turned, but he knew natural born vampires often clashed with turned humans. Though he and Murdoch hadn’t expected to find their brothers here, they had distantly hoped the two might be in the dungeon of the castle they’d strategically needed to take.
“Perhaps the next Horde stronghold.”
Nikolai nodded, though he doubted it. He sensed his brother Bastian was dead and suspected the mind of the youngest, Conrad, was unreachable even if he could be found. The two had not appreciated the eternal life their older brothers had forced on them.
Murdoch examined a gouge in his arm, seeming unconcerned with this blow, but then he generally seemed unconcerned about everything. Though they shared similar looks, he and Nikolai couldn’t be more different in personality. Nikolai believed in Kristoff’s cause, seeing many parallels to his own past, and wanted to continue to fight. Murdoch didn’t particularly care. Nikolai suspected his brother fought only as a favor to him—or because they had nothing else now.
“Nikolai found a being in the dungeon,” Murdoch said. “She seems to have extensive knowledge of the Lore.”
“What kind of being?”
Nikolai answered, “I have no idea. She appears fey, delicate, with sharply pointed ears. But she has these small fangs and her fingernails were more like … claws. She’s not vampire.”
Kristoff frowned at that. “Perhaps she’s born of more than one species?”
“Perhaps.” More speculation. Nikolai was sick of it. He wanted to know the rules of the game so he could dominate it.
“Find out everything you can from her.”
“She won’t talk. I’ve interrogated enough to know she’ll hint but never truly divulge. And she hates vampires.”
Kristoff pinched his forehead. “Then tomorrow night if we haven’t gotten information from the rest of the prisoners, we treat her as the Horde she hates would. Torture her for the information if you can’t get it any other way.”
Nikolai nodded, but the idea sat ill with him. As a human he’d been merciless to his enemies, but he’d never tortured a woman. She wasn’t truly a woman, he reminded himself. She was a female among the Lore, and their army’s survival could depend on the knowledge she held.
Perhaps he’d never tortured a woman because he’d never needed to.
The creature had been right, Nikolai thought as he made his way to his new chambers. He was going to call her up to him.
To do what with her, he didn’t know.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.
Her books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered 3 RITA awards, a Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.
Cole lives in Florida with her family.
Visit http://www.kresleycole.com/ for more information

His craving for this female was illogical in its intensity, but then from what little he'd seen of the mating process, logic wasn't a factor when a warrior found his female.

Knight's Redemption by Sherilee Gray
Standalone - Knights of Hell #1
Release - October 29, 2018
Genre - Paranormal Romance/fated mates
Dual POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3.5 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 300 pages
Publisher - Indie
With one fatal mistake, immortal demon hunter Lazarus started a chain reaction that set him and his five brothers on a collision course straight to Hell.
There’s only one way to save them all—claim his mate, a sweet beauty he doesn’t deserve and will only end up hurting. But immortals fall hard, and walking away from her when it’s over is going to be near-impossible.
When bookstore owner Eve Taylor starts hearing the thoughts of others, she is certain she’s losing her mind. Until the day a wickedly seductive and dangerous warrior appears and introduces her to a terrifying new world—one she has been part of her whole life and never knew.
Now, with a traitor consumed by darkness and driven by revenge hunting them, they have one chance at survival. But they must give into the scorching desire that, if they let it, could destroy them both.

Many years ago, Lazarus and his brothers paid a hefty price for the life they live. What do they do? They find halflings (half human and half demon) and train them to master their abilities. So yeah, one member of their team dies, another switches sides, and while fighting his demon, Lazarus has sworn off connecting to anyone else. Then he's tasked with finding Eve and she keeps getting under his skin. Every time he cruelly pushes her away, he's compelled to pull her back in. And Eve's big heart forgives his every transgression. When her life is at stake, will Lazarus follow his heart or give in to the darkness? Read the book to find out!

Visit https://www.sherileegray.com/ for more information

She just appeared so cool, extravagant, retro and quirky, all at the same time. He'd never seen anything quite like her before.

Audrey by Sean-Paul Thomas
Release - May 23, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Fiction/age gap romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 1.5 out of 5/sexual themes mentioned
Format/Source - Kindle Purchase
Length - 283 pages
Publisher - Indie
Joe is a plumber and an aspiring writer from Edinburgh who is released from prison after serving five years for a terrible tragedy that ripped his family to pieces. While struggling to adjust to life on the outside it isn't long before he is back on the building sites again while trying desperately to win back the broken trust of his ex-wife and estranged daughter, Sarah.
But then Joe meets Audrey, a bold and brash, heavy drinking, chain-smoking, middle-aged, French film actress while attending the premiere of her new movie in town. After hitting it off they end up spending one crazy, spontaneous night together. But in the early hours, while trying to sneak out of his apartment, Audrey accidentally stumbles across Joe's new screenplay about his life in prison and slyly emails it to herself.
A few weeks later, Joe is still battling to win back his daughter while resisting the temptations of alcohol again when Audrey gets back in touch after running out on him. But Audrey brings good news - she loved his script that she secretly stole and wants him to come to Paris to meet her producer friend who can help make his movie-making dreams come true.
Not wishing to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Joe throws caution to the wind and embarks on a week-long whirlwind adventure into Audrey's crazy movie star life. But the more time he spends with the enthralling mature beauty - from wild movie parties in the catacombs, karaoke sessions in quirky Parisian clubs, watching her act on movie sets, to encounters with her misogynistic and abusive, movie director ex, who wants full control of Joe's new script no matter the cost - the more Joe begins to fall deeper under Audrey's charming, dazzling, but dangerously addictive spell.
And before things, spiral treacherously out of control, Joe must decide between doing what is morally right by his enchanting movie star paramour or take a dirty, tainted, yet life-changing movie deal instead that could go a long way in reuniting him with his estranged daughter.
Find your copy of Audrey on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2SXBwfS
It's FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited

Audrey was a riot. She was a free spirit who challenged Joe in ways he had never been pushed before. As an introvert, she pulled him out of his shell, put him in crazy situations, and made him happy. So happy that he was able to love. I enjoyed the way the author characterized their relationship. It definitely kept my attention as much as it kept Joe on his toes! While this story doesn't have the typical romantic ending, it did end on a high note and the author's writing made this story a winner, happy ending or not.

With a keen interest in both reading and writing, he was diagnosed with the travelling and writing bugs very early on in life. Now, writing, traveling, reading, cinema, and Scottish football (Supporting the mighty Hibernian FC for his sins) are his main passions in life, along with cooking, yoga, meditation and health, and fitness.
His main inspiration for writing today comes from living in such a beautiful, charming and hauntingly, Gothic city, such as Edinburgh. An awe-inspiring wee city that has given Sean so much amazing inspiration to write the more time he spends there.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/SeanPaulThomasAuthor for more information!

Buy Today: http://mybook.to/PeaceKeeper2
Add it to your Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55287585

Peace Keeper: Part Two
Undeadly Secrets series
Release - May 25, 2021
Genre - Paranormal Thriller
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 3.5 out of 5/several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 374 pages
Publisher - Indie
Some secrets should remain buried...
In Sydney, Gavin has used Sovereign's resources to secure what he believes could be the ultimate weapon. But not everyone in the organisation has faith in his plan and a secondary option is deployed. One that might destroy more than vampire kind.
In England, the fall of Tynan Ross has unearthed an enemy the Slades never saw coming. One far more personal, and perhaps more deadly, than even that mad tyrant. It will take more than Alicia has ever had to give to overcome the threat, and the price of victory might be too much to ask.

This story was brilliant! So brilliant in fact that I'm having trouble putting my explosive thoughts together to write a review. My brain is still trying to wrap itself around all that happened.

You know what doesn't help? The fact that I'm still grieving the loss of Dante, which I felt through every part of this story, no matter how much I tried to hide and deny it.

Aaron gave us a treat with this book, aside with a missing character. I got the chance to check in with those I've come to love and those I'm really starting to hate. And I went through some serious emotions, especially when it came to my red-eyed baby love. Why people wanna give my Lee such a hard time? So what if he's a homicidal psychopath with the humor of frat boy? He's hot, he's strong, he's MINE!!

I want Alicia to take several seats for many different reasons, which I'll get to.
So let's get to the check-ins:
✦ Sovereign - these mofos are working on two different ways to take out all vamps. I really hope they fail (obviously) and I want the kitsune to kill them all!
✦ Melina - so lost without Dante, feeling bad about being the one to take him out, and kinda desperate to figure out her place in her new reality. She still bothered me because Dante wasn't even hers in the end.
✦ Michelle - also lost but I found I didn't care. I hope she gets so lost that she can't be found. ✦ Alex - oh, she's lost too. She has to find her new purpose, understand her powers, and a new threat seems to be on the horizon. I hope she learns quick.
✦ Matt - looks like hunter life isn't all it's cracked up to be. Why is he virtually homeless?
✦ Clive and Lauren - still together and still hilarious, although their story has changed in a huge way and I'm wondering if Clive will get the chance to tell her. How will they navigate their new dynamic?
✦ Nick - other than Lee, he's my boobear! He's still a sweetheart and he really struggled in this book. He's an Alpha who put his mother in charge and she treats him with kid gloves, all in an attempt to keep him safe. Like he's not the true Alpha or something. He's tenth gen. He should be the one doing the protecting. With the Connolly problem, I have no clue which way his story is going to turn. How will everything effect him, Nicole and their son? I must say... Nicole did absolutely nothing for me.
✦ Alicia - I think saying she frustrated me is the more tactful approach. She was as arrogant as ever. I was surprised and yet unsurprised by many of her actions and words. I'm interested to see what will happen to the relationship between her and Talia. Will they cement their mother/daughter bond? And will Alicia finally let Lee in?
✦ Haruto - I was surprised to see this guy still kicking around, holding onto his love for the kitsune.
✦ Lee Nightingale - seriously, what I can I say about this guy? I love him. I don't care how much gore and horror Aaron attaches to this man's actions... he just really does it for me. I still don't know anything about him. I don't know when I'll ever really learn about him, but I'm going to keep reading for every glimpse I'm lucky to have. I'm wondering why the non-violence spell didn't work on him, where he comes from, how was he created, and why is he virtually invincible?
✦ Oh and let me not forget to mention the awkward conversation between Alex and Michelle about the night that shall not be mentioned. YUCK!!

I'm really hoping my following points don't spoil this for anyone. I'll try to keep it as vague as possible, but I'm left with so many questions and I need to get them out there.
✮ I know that Dante never slept with Michelle. At least that's what I've been led to believe up until now. It was explained that although she was his blood donor and she wanted sexual intimacy with him, he never took that step with her. That's why I was so upset with his vision of the future with Alex including Michelle. It was completely out of left field. So why, in this book, is it being intimated that there was a sexual relationship between them?
✮ What the heck is going on with this Kane guy? Did biting Alex give him some of her power? Is he now strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Lee? This dude needs to be put down!
✮ OMG, what is Solomon thinking? Let's stop being a cop and go work for the bad guys at Sovereign? I get it. He wants answers and I'm sure this will lead to something in the future story to be told, but I'm pissed!
✮ With Kane forcing Clive to work for him, I can't even begin to imagine where this part of the story is going. With everyone treating my sweet honey Lee like a monster, even after he saved EVERYBODY, all I'm saying is this... HE BETTER NOT DIE!!
I'm desperately looking forward to the next instalment of this story!
Check out my reviews for the other books from this series:
Book One - Night Walker
Book Two - Day Dreamer
Book Three - Shadow Chaser
Book Four - Pack Master
Book Five - Peace Keeper: Part One
Book Two - Day Dreamer
Book Three - Shadow Chaser
Book Four - Pack Master
Book Five - Peace Keeper: Part One

Excerpted from Peace Keeper: Part Two (Undeadly Secrets, #6)
Copyright © 2021 Aaron L Speer
Clive crossed the street, hurrying to avoid traffic. Thursday was shopping night, no matter where he found himself. He only had to cook for himself, though. His girlfriend, if he could call her that, only ate one thing. Thankfully, he had all the supply she needed.
That didn’t stop him from cursing himself as he hurried to get to the supermarket, fifteen minutes before they closed. His time management sucked lately.
Passing an alleyway, he heard the sounds of a bottle breaking, muffled screams and scurrying feet. To the untrained ear, those noises might not even register. And they might be nothing. But, as someone who had served the undead for as long as he had, Clive looked into the almost pitch-black space, immediately alert. If he went on his merry way—and they were as he suspected: bait—an unsuspecting, kind-hearted person could wind up dinner.
Clive walked into the alley as he drew a serrated knife from his side sheath and pulled out his phone to shine a light ahead. He had no doubt that whoever had made the noise to draw him in had no problem seeing in the dark, so he wasn’t giving his position away.
That knowledge didn’t slow his heart rate, though, which he could feel thumping in his head.
A slight crunch behind him saw Clive whirling around to shine the torch left and right. He knew someone was there. Watching him. Hunting him. But he couldn’t see anything.
The chill of fear crept up his spine as he felt a presence close in, circling him. He forced himself to loosen his grip on the knife, sure that if he held it any tighter his palm would begin to bleed.
Keep calm... keep calm, he told himself. He turned the blade in his hand, faced it up towards his elbow, swallowed and lunged forward.
His arm was caught.
A hand he couldn’t see gripped him by the throat and lifted him, slamming him into a nearby garage door. Before he could utter a sound, the vampire had pressed into his body and its fangs had pierced his throat. It drank quickly, taking two gulps in mere seconds.
Clive tried to fight, but he was at fate’s mercy. Death’s door. Whatever you called it.
The vampire held him in place with one hand as the second snaked down to his groin and ripped his zipper open, almost tearing it, then gripped his cock with a power that both frightened and excited him.
He was so hard that the act of freeing his cock from behind his pants saved him pain.
The vampire let go of him, leaning back and moaning at the taste of him. “A knife... really?”
Clive was breathless as he replied, “Vampire hunter. I thought it would be cool. Just... trying to play the part.”
“Lackey, you’re so weird,” Lauren whispered, pressing herself into him again, this time using her mouth on his. “I’ve bitten you... what are you going to do? Just let me get away with it?” she taunted.
Tasting his own blood fuelled an adrenaline charge that had him hiking her short skirt up, his hands cupping her arse and kneading her as he kissed her harder.
Clive lifted her as he turned and pushed her into the same garage door she had thrown him against, then lifted one of her legs and held it at his waist.
“Oh please, mister hunter, don’t hurt me—” She stopped speaking suddenly when Clive pressed the head of his cock directly against her clit, thrusting inwards. She looked at him, mouth slightly open, the blood still wet on her face. “Well, this just got a hell of a lot more interesting. Thought you weren’t ready for sex?”
“I’m not. But you’re still going to cum. Now, shut up,” Clive growled, gripping Lauren by the hair and leaning her head to the side so he could kiss her again. Deeper. Feeling the vibrations caused by her soft moans as he continued to jerk his hips back and forth, he let go of her leg to hold his cock in place.
Lauren began to move with him, wrapping her arms around him as she moved her lips to his neck again. This time she didn’t bite him. She offered tiny kisses, licks and nibbles over the goosebumps that were present.
“Don’t stop...” he pleaded as she held him.
He felt her knees shaking from the constant back and forth pressure on her clit, felt her come, then felt the slickness on her upper thighs. It wasn’t long before his own pleasure also ran down her legs, and slumping into her, he buried his face in her chest as his breathing calmed.
“Good boy,” she sighed, patting his hair. “Lie down with me.”
“What, here?” he asked, indicating the alley.
“Yes, here. It’s cool and it’s dark. Don’t worry,” she said, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll protect you.”
“I suppose I did take you to a graveyard on our first date,” Clive admitted, lying down next to Lauren.
“I knew it!” Lauren said, her head on Clive’s chest after biting her fingertip and gently wiping it along the bite marks she had left on him, healing them with her own blood. “You totally thought that was a date. You were so into me.”
“And, as luck would have it, we were interrupted by a ghoul clawing its way out of its own grave. Which we then killed.”
“I killed, thank you very much.”
“I helped.”
“You got a hard-on when spooning me on the ground.”
Clive shrugged. “You... have a really soft arse.”
Copyright © 2021 Aaron L Speer
Clive crossed the street, hurrying to avoid traffic. Thursday was shopping night, no matter where he found himself. He only had to cook for himself, though. His girlfriend, if he could call her that, only ate one thing. Thankfully, he had all the supply she needed.
That didn’t stop him from cursing himself as he hurried to get to the supermarket, fifteen minutes before they closed. His time management sucked lately.
Passing an alleyway, he heard the sounds of a bottle breaking, muffled screams and scurrying feet. To the untrained ear, those noises might not even register. And they might be nothing. But, as someone who had served the undead for as long as he had, Clive looked into the almost pitch-black space, immediately alert. If he went on his merry way—and they were as he suspected: bait—an unsuspecting, kind-hearted person could wind up dinner.
Clive walked into the alley as he drew a serrated knife from his side sheath and pulled out his phone to shine a light ahead. He had no doubt that whoever had made the noise to draw him in had no problem seeing in the dark, so he wasn’t giving his position away.
That knowledge didn’t slow his heart rate, though, which he could feel thumping in his head.
A slight crunch behind him saw Clive whirling around to shine the torch left and right. He knew someone was there. Watching him. Hunting him. But he couldn’t see anything.
The chill of fear crept up his spine as he felt a presence close in, circling him. He forced himself to loosen his grip on the knife, sure that if he held it any tighter his palm would begin to bleed.
Keep calm... keep calm, he told himself. He turned the blade in his hand, faced it up towards his elbow, swallowed and lunged forward.
His arm was caught.
A hand he couldn’t see gripped him by the throat and lifted him, slamming him into a nearby garage door. Before he could utter a sound, the vampire had pressed into his body and its fangs had pierced his throat. It drank quickly, taking two gulps in mere seconds.
Clive tried to fight, but he was at fate’s mercy. Death’s door. Whatever you called it.
The vampire held him in place with one hand as the second snaked down to his groin and ripped his zipper open, almost tearing it, then gripped his cock with a power that both frightened and excited him.
He was so hard that the act of freeing his cock from behind his pants saved him pain.
The vampire let go of him, leaning back and moaning at the taste of him. “A knife... really?”
Clive was breathless as he replied, “Vampire hunter. I thought it would be cool. Just... trying to play the part.”
“Lackey, you’re so weird,” Lauren whispered, pressing herself into him again, this time using her mouth on his. “I’ve bitten you... what are you going to do? Just let me get away with it?” she taunted.
Tasting his own blood fuelled an adrenaline charge that had him hiking her short skirt up, his hands cupping her arse and kneading her as he kissed her harder.
Clive lifted her as he turned and pushed her into the same garage door she had thrown him against, then lifted one of her legs and held it at his waist.
“Oh please, mister hunter, don’t hurt me—” She stopped speaking suddenly when Clive pressed the head of his cock directly against her clit, thrusting inwards. She looked at him, mouth slightly open, the blood still wet on her face. “Well, this just got a hell of a lot more interesting. Thought you weren’t ready for sex?”
“I’m not. But you’re still going to cum. Now, shut up,” Clive growled, gripping Lauren by the hair and leaning her head to the side so he could kiss her again. Deeper. Feeling the vibrations caused by her soft moans as he continued to jerk his hips back and forth, he let go of her leg to hold his cock in place.
Lauren began to move with him, wrapping her arms around him as she moved her lips to his neck again. This time she didn’t bite him. She offered tiny kisses, licks and nibbles over the goosebumps that were present.
“Don’t stop...” he pleaded as she held him.
He felt her knees shaking from the constant back and forth pressure on her clit, felt her come, then felt the slickness on her upper thighs. It wasn’t long before his own pleasure also ran down her legs, and slumping into her, he buried his face in her chest as his breathing calmed.
“Good boy,” she sighed, patting his hair. “Lie down with me.”
“What, here?” he asked, indicating the alley.
“Yes, here. It’s cool and it’s dark. Don’t worry,” she said, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll protect you.”
“I suppose I did take you to a graveyard on our first date,” Clive admitted, lying down next to Lauren.
“I knew it!” Lauren said, her head on Clive’s chest after biting her fingertip and gently wiping it along the bite marks she had left on him, healing them with her own blood. “You totally thought that was a date. You were so into me.”
“And, as luck would have it, we were interrupted by a ghoul clawing its way out of its own grave. Which we then killed.”
“I killed, thank you very much.”
“I helped.”
“You got a hard-on when spooning me on the ground.”
Clive shrugged. “You... have a really soft arse.”

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➡ teamaaronlspeer@gmail.com

I did tell you that I'm terrible at doing this right? I created this blog with the intention of keeping track of my reading, setting goals, making friends, sharing book love, etc. But doing a recap... I never remember to do one! So here's my attempt at creating one for April. I know, we're about to be in June, but all too soon I'll be posting May's recap and I didn't want to do that without acknowledging the books I read in April.
A Battle of Blood and Stone by Sawyer Bennett was the fourth book of the Chronicles of the Stone Veil. If you're into Urban Fantasy, I highly recommend this series. Hissy Fit by Lani Lynn Vale is the first book of her Southern Gentleman series and one I'm glad I went back to read. Royally Screwed by Emma Chase has been sitting on my tbr for forever and I'm so happy to have finally dived in. I can't wait to read the next book of the series. Rebellious by Kristy Marie is another book of the second generation of the Commander in Brief people. So good!
The other books I read were:
★ Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann - 3 stars
★ Jailbait by Lani Lynn Vale - 4 stars
★ Vampire by Rebecca Zanetti - 4 stars
★ Blood to Dust by L.J. Shen - 3 stars
★ The Genome Project by Aaron Hodges - 4 stars
★ Quit Bein' Ugly by Lani Lynn Vale - 4 stars
★ Finding Gray by K.L. Kreig - no rating
★ Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins - 1 star
I think I'm still doing a pretty great job of reading what I have instead of buying more that I will never get too. And those paperbacks... I can't recommend that series enough. If your a PNR fan, you'll love 'em!
Not too bad. At least I didn't go crazy this month.
I read 12 books, 3006 pages this month, and 7 of those 12 books have been knocked off of my TBR. YAY ME!! So here's how I did overall this month:

I didn't do anything extra this month. I'm still trying to find books I love and hoping that I won't fall into a slump again. I was supposed to do a reading challenge... I didn't. I wanted to read 20 books this month... I didn't. Maybe I'll do better in May.
Thanks for sticking around until the end :D I'm still looking for book recs, so if you have one you think I'll love, please let me know. I'm looking for extremely sexy Fantasy or Paranormal. And when I say sexy, I do mean descriptive to explicit scenes please. I'm grown and I don't need my sex to be watered down.
What are you looking forward to for May? I hope it's as amazing for us as we want it to be!
Talk soon,
The Best Book(s) of April
A Battle of Blood and Stone by Sawyer Bennett was the fourth book of the Chronicles of the Stone Veil. If you're into Urban Fantasy, I highly recommend this series. Hissy Fit by Lani Lynn Vale is the first book of her Southern Gentleman series and one I'm glad I went back to read. Royally Screwed by Emma Chase has been sitting on my tbr for forever and I'm so happy to have finally dived in. I can't wait to read the next book of the series. Rebellious by Kristy Marie is another book of the second generation of the Commander in Brief people. So good!
The other books I read were:
★ Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann - 3 stars
★ Jailbait by Lani Lynn Vale - 4 stars
★ Vampire by Rebecca Zanetti - 4 stars
★ Blood to Dust by L.J. Shen - 3 stars
★ The Genome Project by Aaron Hodges - 4 stars
★ Quit Bein' Ugly by Lani Lynn Vale - 4 stars
★ Finding Gray by K.L. Kreig - no rating
★ Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins - 1 star
Book Haul
I think I'm still doing a pretty great job of reading what I have instead of buying more that I will never get too. And those paperbacks... I can't recommend that series enough. If your a PNR fan, you'll love 'em!
Added to my TBR
Vengeful Queen by Lili St. Germain (which I already own and have no intention of reading until the next book is out)
Violent Reign by Lili St. Germain
Beautiful Things Evil People Do by Kailee Reese Samuels
Violent Reign by Lili St. Germain
Beautiful Things Evil People Do by Kailee Reese Samuels
Not too bad. At least I didn't go crazy this month.
My Reading Stats
I read 12 books, 3006 pages this month, and 7 of those 12 books have been knocked off of my TBR. YAY ME!! So here's how I did overall this month:

What Else?
I didn't do anything extra this month. I'm still trying to find books I love and hoping that I won't fall into a slump again. I was supposed to do a reading challenge... I didn't. I wanted to read 20 books this month... I didn't. Maybe I'll do better in May.
Thanks for sticking around until the end :D I'm still looking for book recs, so if you have one you think I'll love, please let me know. I'm looking for extremely sexy Fantasy or Paranormal. And when I say sexy, I do mean descriptive to explicit scenes please. I'm grown and I don't need my sex to be watered down.
What are you looking forward to for May? I hope it's as amazing for us as we want it to be!
Talk soon,
xo, Natalie

He listened to me. He thought about what I said and found value in it. I think this man might be a unicorn.

The Rivals by Dylan Allen
Rivers Wilde #1-3.4
Release - December 14, 2020
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 1353 pages
Publisher - Gold Coast Girl Publishing
Heir to a fortune, Hayes Rivers has been raised to lead.
Just as he finally claims his legacy, he falls in love with a woman who is the opposite of everything he should want.
Family secrets call everything he believes into question - and put him and his new love on opposite sides of a lawsuit.
Can he salvage his family’s name and his new relationship?
At the same time a scandal turns his family upside down, Remington Wilde’s first love comes back into his life.
He wants a second chance to get things right,
But can he convince her to trust him again?
And can he forgive her when he finds out the real reason she’s back?
The last time he saw her, loving Regan Wilde had been an impossible dream for Stone Rivers.
When a chance encounter brings them together again, their complicated past and messy family connections threaten to put her out of his reach again.
This time, Stone won’t stop until he can claim her as his own.
After their obstacle defying happily ever afters, our favorite couples are ready to tackle their biggest challenge yet- Getting this family of rivals together for a holiday meal.
Plans are made, invitations are sent, and decorations are hung.
But as the evening approaches, surprise guests and announcements are as plentiful as the good cheer.
Will it take a holiday miracle to make- and keep - this season bright? Or are these rivals destined to remain that way?
Find your copy of The Rivals by Dylan Allen on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wG13sI
You can also read it for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

The Legacy by Dylan Allen
4 stars
Rivers Wilde #1
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
He's my river. I am drowning in him. And I don't want to be rescued.
Hayes was sexyyyy! Rich, arrogant, with a heart of gold. Confidency was also sexy. She was a warrior for social justice who had a huge chip on her shoulder. They meet and it's lust at first sight. Then hate because of a little misunderstanding. Then straight back into lust again. I guess that's what hanging off a cliff ledge will do to you. Their lust quickly grew into love and it was beautiful...
Until it wasn't...
This was shaping up to be a five star read. But when Confidence had Hayes humbling himself a step too far, I wasn't having it. I'm all for a good grovel when a man has done his woman wrong. But Hayes wasn't completely to blame and Confidence needed to get off of her cross. Can a man get a moment to explain? Especially for thinking and saying stuff before he even knew you? When a man consistently shows and proves his love and devotion, can you maybe throw him a bone and not throw it back in his face? Maybe don't be unnecessarily disrespectful and rude. I get feeling hurt, but if there's love in your heart, which there obviously although she tried to hide it, you should never be so cruel.
Whew! Glad I got that off my chest! Overall, it was a great read.

The Legend by Dylan Allen
5 stars
Rivers Wilde #2
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4.5 out of 5/several explicit scenes
All legends are lies. Make your own truth.
The Rivers and the Wildes are supposed to be enemies. That's hard to maintain when the two heirs of those kingdoms, Hayes and Remi, are not only best friends, but connected through secrets. And that's just one small piece of this story.
Remi's life was always planned for him and he finally took it upon himself to start making his own decisions. Constantly forced to measure up to the ghost of his father, when his family's secrets are exposed, he's left shattered. The only person who could possibly reach him, heal him, and lead him back to the light was the one person who was always just out of his grasp... Kalilah.
Remi always finds a way to take something terrible and reshape it into something beautiful.
This second chance romance was full of drama, angst and feels. Dylan Allen took me on a roller coaster of emotions. From the wistful optimism for young love, the anger and betrayal of deceit and lies, to the never-ending hope for reconciliation, I was utterly swept away by the journey Remi and Kal were on to be with one another.
I only had one real hangup with this story. Here's the thing... Remi is half-Jamaican and half-Irish. What a coinkidink! I'm also Jamaican and Irish. I'm not in touch with most of my family on the Irish side, but I was raised by a single Jamaican mother. I got her values. I got her culture. I was immersed in it. I know what it is to be a Jamaican. Our food, our words, our every whim is unique. So I know when it isn't exact. And while this book came close, it did have mistakes, which I won't list out because really I'm the only one who cares. Some of the patois was off and for the life of me... I've never heard of curry stew. I've made curry goat, curry chicken, curry cow foot, curry chicken foot, even curry duck, curry meatballs, curry soya, curry about everything... but no curry stew.

The Jezebel by Dylan Allen
5 stars
Rivers Wilde #3
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4.5/several explicit scenes
"Just because you're not like everyone else, doesn't mean there's a single thing wrong with you. You're perfectly made." - Regan
I think Regan was the character I was able to identify with most. Similar backgrounds (aside from the wealth, obviously) and the way she deals with her emotions (or doesn't) made it easy for me to draw parallels. So here's what I took away from this book:
☆ She's got 3c hair and I'm between a 3b and 3c. Her hair care was a little off considering, but I enjoyed that little touch
☆ Her first year of college, the whole experience of trying to find and understand her identity... who hasn't gone through that, especially when you're mixed. I too joined both the Jamaican and Irish associations at university
☆ I loved the evolution of her relationship with her mother. All of the lies and secrets have been exposed and all they're left with is the truth. It's humbling and both mother and daughter showed a lot of growth
Regan was an easy woman to love and respect. I admired her loyalty and integrity when it came to those she loved. As a mother, even when she doubted herself, she was incredible. Allen did an amazing job with building this character.
Then there's Stone... this man was flipping awesome! Hot, intelligent, compassionate, passionate, honorable... He was extremely swoon-worthy.
"I water you, you water me. Together, we're going to grow."
And Tina... mama bear... matriarch of the Wilde clan... she blew me away with the levels of her development. Once a cold, hard queen, by the end she was a different woman. I was finally able to see the love and care she had for her children. I was finally able to sympathize with her suffering. She became beautiful to me and her words to her daughter...
"New rule — romanticize yourself. You are the stuff of fairytales, my Reggae Queen, and it's time you started living like it."
Yes mum!
Again, there were some discrepancies that I made note of, such as some of the Jamaican cuisine, culture and patois, of what it is to be mixed race and the challenges one faces, and some of the French (question structure). Again, there was nothing that could detract from how much I was able to enjoy and be entertained by this story.

The Gathering by Dylan Allen
4 stars
Rivers Wilde #3.4
Multiple POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
The highlights: everyone's leaving! Just kidding, but not really.
I loved getting a glimpse into where the Rivers and the Wildes are right now. Everyone's still very much in love and while what was happening between Kal and Remi was a bit annoying (once again she was being selfish and I didn't like that he encouraged it), I still liked seeing where they all were at.
Surprise of all surprises... Tina's got her groove back and I loved it!!
There was even a teaser for what will be Tyson Wilde's story. He hasn't featured in any significant way so far, but if he's anything like the rest of his family, his story is sure to be lovely.

A self-proclaimed happily ever junkie, she loves creating stories where her characters find a love worth fighting for. When she isn’t writing or reading, eating, or cooking, Dylan indulges her wanderlust by planning her next globe-trotting adventure.
Dylan was born in Accra, Ghana (West Africa) but was raised in Houston, Texas. Dylan is a proud graduate of Tufts University, Howard University School of Law and the London School of economics. After twenty years of adventure and wild oat sowing, Dylan, her amazing husband and two incredible children returned to Houston where they now make their home.
Visit https://www.dylanallenbooks.com/ for more information
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