"My happiness doesn't depend on you, but I'm happier when you are around me," he continues. "You are what makes my days brighter. I live for your voice, your laughter, and your smiles.

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Standalone - Against All Odds #1
Release - June 11, 2020
Genre - Contemporary Romance / enemies-to-lovers
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - THERE WAS NO SEX!
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 276 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - June 11, 2020
Genre - Contemporary Romance / enemies-to-lovers
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - THERE WAS NO SEX!
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 276 pages
Publisher - Indie
Sex talk is my job. I’m an influencer. I run a popular blog where I give all kinds of dating tips, and girls all over the world thank me for helping them with their love lives.
I wish I could follow my own advice because my love life is totally dead. I just drunk texted my ex-boyfriend… except, I didn’t. That text ended up going to someone else.
This new relationship is almost picture-perfect, just like my online life. I guess I give good… text.
He doesn’t have to put up with my colorful personality — as my hot next-door neighbor describes me. Or my messy schedule.
This long-distance relationship is the best thing that’s happened to me and I plan to keep it that way.
Until we agree to meet up, and I’m freaking out.
When he meets the real me, will he hate me forever?
Or will we be one day telling our grandkids about that wrong text, right love?

Persephone was a successful, yet broke, lifestyle and sex influencer. Her entire 'image' was based on the premise that we control and create our own happiness.
Ford was a successful, yet reclusive, programmer/inventor/entrepreneur? Due to his parents' acrimonious divorce, he grew up to have a very jaded perspective of love and relationships.
Together, these two were like oil and water. She believes in happily ever afters and soulmates. He believes in limited connections, small circles of trust, and reality. Yet, the more they're around each other, the more they're able to relate. The more time spent together, the more they start to be in sync. Suddenly, the wacky and colorful girl next door with unreasonable ideas about love is the most appealing person Ford has ever seen. And since Persy has been attracted to him from the moment she saw him, them being together should be a no-brainer.
But Persy's seriously falling for drunken text guy. The guy she's able to be herself with. The guy who seems to really see her. Who should she choose?
My only real issue with this story, why it didn't get five stars from me (because it was a really great story), is because Persy sometimes rubbed me the wrong way. She preached way too much for my liking. What works for you is all well and good, but please don't push your ideology onto someone else. Don't say that people are perfect the way they are, that we shouldn't try to change each other, while steady trying to change people. Hypocrites don't get my vote.

Joy: Are we allowed to see other people?
Lang: Yes, but not to date-text other people. We are texting—steadily.
Joy: I’ve never gone steady via text. This is… I mean, we just met, and how do I know we are the right fit?
Lang: Well, you can always wait for something better. Maybe it is right around the corner. Just know, if the occasion arises … I’ll make sure it fits.
Joy: No dirty texts. I’m watching you.
Lang: You walked right into it, Baby.
Joy: Ugh… Maybe we are not right for each other. But what if I spend my whole life waiting?
Lang: I hope you don’t change your mind. We could be great together. I could promise that no one will text you the way I do.
Joy: Fine. I’d rather give this a shot than live the rest of my life textless.
Lang: I like you, Joy. You are refreshing.
Joy: It’s a gift—and I like you too.
Lang: How was your week?
Joy: It was long. There’s a lot of stuff going on in my mind, and when that happens, I spend a long time working.
Lang: What do you like to do when you aren’t busy?
Joy: Hmm, let see. I like to read. Sometimes, I read a classic book in several different languages—that takes me about a year. It’s interesting to see how some translations are almost perfect, while others are not as close to the original version.
Joy: How about you? What do you like to do on your free days?
Lang: Wow, I got myself a smart texter. Maybe we’ll be in a relationship where we can talk a very dirty version of Jane Austen’s classics.
Joy: :wink: :flustered face:
Joy: Don’t ignore my question, what do you do with your free time?
Lang: I’m always busy. Like you, sometimes I get engrossed with work, and I spend hours if not days testing, changing… I have a confession. I’m a workaholic. But that’s enough about work. Where are you?
Joy: I’m at the Botanical Garden.
Lang: Which one?
Joy: Downtown. It was between that or the zoo. What about you?
Lang: I’m at Garden of the Gods. Just finished climbing.
Joy: I never thought about going there to climb. We usually hike there and then go to Manitou Springs shopping. I should tell my brother. He’s the only one who would go with me.
Lang: What are your favorite things?
Joy: Precipitation. I know it’s so random, but I love to watch the rain and the snow fall. The scent of flowers. Except the Titan Flower.
Lang: Which one is that?
Joy: It’s the one that smells like a rotting corpse. My parents took us to see one in bloom. They only last about 24 hours open. 48, if you are lucky.
Lang: Why would you want to see and smell a flower that reeks and doesn’t last for too long?
Joy: It’s an experience. I guess that’s another one of my favorite things: to experience the world. What about you?
Lang: Favorite things … figuring out how things work. I used to take apart electronics to see what each component looked like and what it did. Then, I’d put it back together. Sometimes, I would combine appliances. My father didn’t love it.
Joy: You recreated Frankenstein’s monster out of kitchen appliances?
Lang: It was entertaining, but never worked out.
Lang: And I wasn’t going for Frankenstein. More like a waffle-blender machine, or a toaster-mixer gadget. I built my first computer at thirteen.
Joy: Most children would be proud of joyriding at that age—after borrowing their parent’s car without permission. Apparently, you weren’t most children.
Lang: That’s what my father used to say. It drove him insane. That doesn’t mean I didn’t steal his bike, or his car, or the boat. We were a lot younger than thirteen. I hung out with my brother—a lot. He followed the school of Evel Knievel.
Lang: Yes, but not to date-text other people. We are texting—steadily.
Joy: I’ve never gone steady via text. This is… I mean, we just met, and how do I know we are the right fit?
Lang: Well, you can always wait for something better. Maybe it is right around the corner. Just know, if the occasion arises … I’ll make sure it fits.
Joy: No dirty texts. I’m watching you.
Lang: You walked right into it, Baby.
Joy: Ugh… Maybe we are not right for each other. But what if I spend my whole life waiting?
Lang: I hope you don’t change your mind. We could be great together. I could promise that no one will text you the way I do.
Joy: Fine. I’d rather give this a shot than live the rest of my life textless.
Lang: I like you, Joy. You are refreshing.
Joy: It’s a gift—and I like you too.
Lang: How was your week?
Joy: It was long. There’s a lot of stuff going on in my mind, and when that happens, I spend a long time working.
Lang: What do you like to do when you aren’t busy?
Joy: Hmm, let see. I like to read. Sometimes, I read a classic book in several different languages—that takes me about a year. It’s interesting to see how some translations are almost perfect, while others are not as close to the original version.
Joy: How about you? What do you like to do on your free days?
Lang: Wow, I got myself a smart texter. Maybe we’ll be in a relationship where we can talk a very dirty version of Jane Austen’s classics.
Joy: :wink: :flustered face:
Joy: Don’t ignore my question, what do you do with your free time?
Lang: I’m always busy. Like you, sometimes I get engrossed with work, and I spend hours if not days testing, changing… I have a confession. I’m a workaholic. But that’s enough about work. Where are you?
Joy: I’m at the Botanical Garden.
Lang: Which one?
Joy: Downtown. It was between that or the zoo. What about you?
Lang: I’m at Garden of the Gods. Just finished climbing.
Joy: I never thought about going there to climb. We usually hike there and then go to Manitou Springs shopping. I should tell my brother. He’s the only one who would go with me.
Lang: What are your favorite things?
Joy: Precipitation. I know it’s so random, but I love to watch the rain and the snow fall. The scent of flowers. Except the Titan Flower.
Lang: Which one is that?
Joy: It’s the one that smells like a rotting corpse. My parents took us to see one in bloom. They only last about 24 hours open. 48, if you are lucky.
Lang: Why would you want to see and smell a flower that reeks and doesn’t last for too long?
Joy: It’s an experience. I guess that’s another one of my favorite things: to experience the world. What about you?
Lang: Favorite things … figuring out how things work. I used to take apart electronics to see what each component looked like and what it did. Then, I’d put it back together. Sometimes, I would combine appliances. My father didn’t love it.
Joy: You recreated Frankenstein’s monster out of kitchen appliances?
Lang: It was entertaining, but never worked out.
Lang: And I wasn’t going for Frankenstein. More like a waffle-blender machine, or a toaster-mixer gadget. I built my first computer at thirteen.
Joy: Most children would be proud of joyriding at that age—after borrowing their parent’s car without permission. Apparently, you weren’t most children.
Lang: That’s what my father used to say. It drove him insane. That doesn’t mean I didn’t steal his bike, or his car, or the boat. We were a lot younger than thirteen. I hung out with my brother—a lot. He followed the school of Evel Knievel.

She writes alluring, thrilling stories about complicated women and the men who take their breaths away. She lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and her youngest two children. She has a sweet Bichon, Macey, who thinks she’s the ruler of the house—she’s only partially right. Hanna, the cuddliest and cutest Havanese/Maltese, is the one who rules them all.
When Claudia is not writing, you can find her reading, knitting, or just hanging out with her family. At nights, she likes to binge watch shows with his equally geeky husband.
Visit https://claudiayburgoa.com/wp/ for more information

“You’re mine and I’m yours. We’ll make our lives good together. We’ll have babies. We’ll buy a house. We’ll grow old together until we can’t see the other’s faults. We’ll be together forever. And then, when we’re done on this earth, we’ll leave it together, because I deserve happy, and so do you." - Sterling

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Standalone - The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #8
Release - February 3, 2016
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Sterling "Kraken" Waters & Ruthann Comalsky
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 294 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - February 3, 2016
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Sterling "Kraken" Waters & Ruthann Comalsky
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Length - 294 pages
Publisher - Indie
Sterling and Ruthie have more things in common than they realize, even though from the outside it doesn’t seem like they do.
Sterling is a decorated war hero.
Ruthie is an ex-con.
Their two worlds should’ve never collided, but fate has a way of turning life in the direction least expected. Now Ruthie has to try to come to terms with the fact that she’s in love with a biker who’s also a decorated Navy SEAL. One who leaves for months at a time with little to no advance warning, taking her heart with him each time he goes.
Sterling has a lot of things to overcome in order to have Ruthie, the biggest being her mind.
She doesn’t think she’s good enough.
He thinks she’s perfect.
Now it’s up to him to show her just how right he can be.

Sterling - navy SEAL, amateur baseball player, member of The Dixie Wardens, general grump and all-around nice guy (when he wants to be).
Ruthie - spent time as an abused wife, mother to a murdered child, convict for killing her husband. I respected the heck out of this woman!
Both characters knew what it was like to be abandoned and found it hard to trust. But for some reason, they were able to come to rely on each other, adding one more person to their small circle of worthy people. It started with friendship and bloomed into something romantic and beautiful. Nightmares and chilling suspense aside, what they shared was so sweet and sexy. Their shared darkness and search for the light created something truly magical.
My Notes
There was something either brewing or had already brewed between Tomasina and Garrison and I'm wondering if that will be developed.
I did have one wee problem with this story...
There was a scene in which Sterling had a girl all over him. I mean, this girl was hanging on him, stroking him, right in front of Ruthann. He ignored Ruthie, spent the night who knows where because when she had enough of watching him with another woman, she left him with the other woman, and no questions were really asked. This occurred after they had consummated their relationship the night before. He was never held accountable nor did he have to answer as to WTF was going on. Why would the author allow this to happen? Why would you want us to pretend like it didn't happen (or something)? Why include the scene at all when it had nothing to do with pushing the story forward (or you weren't going to deal with it)?
Sterling & Ruthie's family tree (Sterling's mother is married to Ruthann's father):
Their childrenCormac (son)
Sterling's family
Cormac Austin (foster-brother) (RIP)
Garrison (foster-brother)
Tomasina Daniels (foster-sister)
Dylan Spiers (half-brother)
Dalia Spiers (half-sister)
Ruthann's Family
Dylan Spiers (half-brother)
Dalia Spiers (half-sister)
Check out my other reviews from this series:

Visit https://lanilynnvale.com/ for more information!

If a man says he will fix it.. he will. There's no need to remind him every six months.

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Standalone - The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #7
Release - January 6, 2016
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Silas Mackenzie & Sawyer Ann Berry
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle gift
Length - 345 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - January 6, 2016
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Silas Mackenzie & Sawyer Ann Berry
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle gift
Length - 345 pages
Publisher - Indie
Sometimes the heart wants what it can’t have.
That’s the motto Silas Mackenzie, the president of The Dixie Wardens MC, has lived by since he was a young man.
Now he’s well on the way to middle age, has three grown children and he’s lusting after a woman he should definitely stay away from.
Especially not one that his ex-girlfriend had given birth to, and happens to be only twenty-nine years old.
Sawyer isn’t a young girl at heart, though.
She’s seen the inside of a jail cell for eight long years, and every one of them was spent paying for a crime she didn’t commit.
Silas Mackenzie knows as soon as he sees her that the she has sacrificed enough.
And maybe…just maybe…so has he.
It’s time for Silas Mackenzie to get what he deserves, and, in the process, put a little bit of happy back into Sawyer’s world, one rough, bearded kiss at a time.

What developed between Silas and Sawyer was quick and easy. I liked that she seemed so well-suited for him. I think at this point in his life, he needed what she had to offer. And while my heart broke for everything Sawyer had to live through, such as eight years in prison for a crime she didn't commit, suffering atrocities at the hands of prison guards, the bullying of the townspeople, I was happy that she had someone like Silas and his people at her back.
So what else did I find in this book?
⭐ I got my first real glimpse of Lynn (you can find him in Repeat Offender). In this book he's known as Black Jack and although I learned quite a bit about him in his own book, seeing him in this light was quite the experience. I wonder if he'll pop up again in these original stories.
⭐ knowing that Silas (and Lynn) are CIA and actually seeing it in action are two different things
⭐ Silas shaved off his braided beard (although he does sound super hot without it)
⭐ Sterling, the Navy SEAL who has popped up now and then, makes an appearance and I think his book is next. There was a definite spark between him and Ruthie (Sawyer's bestie/cell mate)
⭐ Silas visiting Tunnel's grave... heartbreaking. He carries so many burdens as it is and it hurt to see how much losing Torren had effected him
You want a story full of heart, drama and intrigue? Read this book!
My Notes
Silas & Sawyer's family tree:
Their children
Samuel Cash Mackenzie (Silas' son) - Boomtown
Sebastian Sue Mackenzie (Silas' son) - Lights to My Siren
Shiloh June Mackenzie (Silas' daughter) - Texas Tornado
Amelia Rose Mackenzie (their daughter) - Any Day Now
Sawyer's family
Dallas Berry (brother)
Cole Berry (brother)
Brody Berry (brother)
Johnson Berry (brother)
Check out my other reviews from this series:

Visit https://lanilynnvale.com/ for more information!

"I've never been in love," I whisper.
"Me neither, but I can't wait to see how it feels."
"With me?"
"With you. Only with you."
"Me neither, but I can't wait to see how it feels."
"With me?"
"With you. Only with you."

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Release - July 5, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance/instant connection/interracial
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 263 pages
Publisher - Indie
When a guy saves you from a horrible blind date, you don’t expect to end up dating him.
Mariah’s confusion over why a man is pretending to know her quickly fades once she realizes the handsome stranger winking at her is trying to save her. If she leaves with him, what might this night turn into?
Damir knows he can’t watch the beautiful woman across the restaurant cringe one more time without stepping in to help her. He promises he would take her on a much better date than the one she just left, but will she give him the chance to prove it?
He's got a past that corrupt people refuse to allow him to forget. She's come too far to get wrapped back up in the hardships she's escaped.
Can such an imperfect beginning turn into exactly what they both need?

Abuse and neglect haunted Mariah's past and it was with the love of her big brother that she was able to love and thrive.
On one seriously terrible first date, Damir comes to Mariah's rescue and his white knight behavior doesn't stop there. They quickly fall in love, discovering they both want the fugture the other envisions.
One major problem: the cops who harass Damir and won't allow him to move on from his past.
I enjoyed many elements of this story, such as...
* the easy chemistry between the characters
* how simple and sweet the secondary characters were
* the way the author illustrated the harassment Damir suffered
While I didn't find this book to be as suspenseful as it purported to be, I did find it entertaining so recommending it comes easy.

Find more about Ari and her books on her site: https://arireavis.wordpress.com/

Truckies don’t need to know how to handle a hose. They let their women take care of their hoses at home.

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Standalone - The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #6
Release - April 2, 2015
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Grayson "Torren" Trammel & Tru Doherty
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle gift
Length - 282 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - April 2, 2015
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person / Grayson "Torren" Trammel & Tru Doherty
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - Kindle gift
Length - 282 pages
Publisher - Indie
You’re the Charge…
Bad Boy. Screw-up. Good for nothing. Hero. Angel. These were all words Grayson ‘Torren’ Trammel had heard whispered behind his back over his lifetime. What he hadn't heard was ‘quitter,’ and he’d be damned if some little rehab chick, with her beautiful blonde hair, and hot, sassy little mouth was going to label him as such.
To My…
Tru knows Grayson’s not for her. He’s too bad. Too hot. Too demanding. Too taken.
She tells herself that almost daily as she helps Grayson get back into fighting shape after a horrific accident nearly ripped his life away from him. That had taken the life of one of the men in his MC.
Grayson is everything her father warned her about, but there’s just something about him that intrigues her. That makes her want more.
The man's a firefighter. How bad could he be?
Apparently, he could be way worse than bad, but he could also be so very, very good. Something Tru realizes, rather quickly, when the two can no longer fight the pull that’s between them.
Now there’s only one word she wants to hear when it comes to him: his.

In the last book (Life to My Flight), Torren risked his life to rescue Rue from a fire. He damaged his shoulder in the process and in order to get back to work he needed physical therapy. Tru was the woman to get him back on track and she gave her all to give him the power to be the hero he needed to be. Which was awesome because it allowed him to put down all threats to his woman.
Things got a little horrific towards the end, but overall, this was a sweet and funny romance with plenty of heat.
My Notes
I loved getting that first glimpse of the love brewing between Reese (Tru's sister) and Luke Roberts. I'm looking forward to their story in Center Mass!
I'm a little confused with the story of Torren and his half-brothers. Ross seems to be the only decent one (I hope he gets a story) and I wish everything got fleshed out a bit more.
Watching Ashe and Ford playing/fighting together as kids made their connection so much sweeter, knowing that they end up together when they grow up :)
Torren/Grayson & Tru's family tree:
Their children
Ashe (daughter) - Maybe Swearing Will Help
Spencer (son)
Coal (son)
Grayson's family
Ross Bradley (half-brother)
Colby Prescott (half-brother)
Bobby Prescott (half-brother)
Tru's family
Reese (sister) - Center Mass
Check out my reviews of the previous books:

Visit https://lanilynnvale.com/ for more information!

Did she know the kind of power that she held over me?
I didn't think she did.
I doubted she knew that all she had to do was point and say 'kill him' and I'd do it.
I'd fallen in love with a twenty-one-year-old recruit. I'd fallen in love with her from afar. I'd admired her daring will. Her bravado. Her utter confidence in every single thing that she did.
I didn't think she did.
I doubted she knew that all she had to do was point and say 'kill him' and I'd do it.
I'd fallen in love with a twenty-one-year-old recruit. I'd fallen in love with her from afar. I'd admired her daring will. Her bravado. Her utter confidence in every single thing that she did.

Kitty Kitty by Lani Lynn Vale
Standalone - Souls Chapel Revenants MC #5
Release - June 29, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person/Absinthe "Sin" Solomon & Blaise Mackenzie
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 219 pages
Publisher - Indie
Release - June 29, 2021
Genre - Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person/Absinthe "Sin" Solomon & Blaise Mackenzie
Heat Level - 4 out of 5
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Length - 219 pages
Publisher - Indie
This is the story of a man falling in love with a woman.
A man that was supposed to be a role model, and a woman that was just barely twenty-one.
A man who should’ve known better, and a woman that didn’t know that she was destroying his career word by word, innocent touch by innocent touch, smile by smile, until it had already imploded.
The world collapses around Absinthe ‘Sin’ Solomon, and the only thing he can do is try not to take her down with him.
The moment the inevitable happens, and the gavel bangs signaling that he will spend the next nine years in prison for attempted murder, Sin tries to let go. But Blaise Mackenzie has never, not ever, been one to give up without a fight.
Her military career might be over, but her career as a prison guard is just about to get started.
And her favorite prisoner? A pissed-off older man, a drill sergeant dishonorably discharged from the Army that tells himself daily that the new ‘Kitty Kitty’ female prison guard is not for him.
After following him around for years, watching over him from afar in any way she can, Sin is released early. And the first person that he’s going to see? A stubborn little blonde-headed female that should’ve known better than to trust a man like him.
Get your copy of Kitty Kitty today!
✦ Amazon: https://amzn.to/3cphpgZ
✦ Apple: http://apple.co/3bBi7sk
✦ Nook: http://bit.ly/2Okeuhq
✦ Kobo: http://bit.ly/38uii6v
✦ Audio: https://amzn.to/3pTgHi1
✦ Apple: http://apple.co/3bBi7sk
✦ Nook: http://bit.ly/2Okeuhq
✦ Kobo: http://bit.ly/38uii6v
✦ Audio: https://amzn.to/3pTgHi1

Where do I even begin? Absinthe was very easy to love. I'm talking within the heartbreaking prologue easy. Who doesn't love a hero who is willing to sacrifice his own freedom to find justice for the woman he loves? Blaise was also easy to love. She followed the man who gave up everything from prison to prison to home. He was the one just like she was. Who doesn't love and respect fidelity and loyalty like that?
The underlying theme was as horrific as ever. Child kidnapping and human trafficking are horrors no one should face and I'm glad the author doesn't turn each book into something made out of unicorns and rainbows. The beautiful and sweet is balanced out with some pain and ugliness.
And don't even get me started on the other little treasures of this story!
🖤 the side characters who've already claimed a piece of my heart or are working towards it
🖤 Zach's story is next and I've been dying for this man's story ever since the SWAT 2.0 series. I can't wait!!
🖤 Blaise was independent and brave, but she didn't do anything truly stupid to make me scream.
🖤 seeing Sebastian, Baylee and Silas again... what a treat! Ooh ooh and Johnny 😍😍
Seriously, take a look at my reading list. I've read so much of this author's books and I have no plans on stopping. I'm even now going through her back list and I'm loving the journey. So if love is something you think should be celebrated, at all costs, then read this book!

My Note(s)
Sin & Blaise family tree
Their children
Sin's family
Coke (brother) - Ain't Doin' It
Bellini (brother)
Gin (brother)
Ale (brother)
unnamed brother
unnamed brother
unnamed brother
Blaise's family
Silas Mackenzie (grandfather) - Counter to my Intelligence
Sebastian Mackenzie (father) - Lights to My Siren
Baylee Roberts (mother) - Lights to My Siren
Johnny Mackenzie (half-brother) - Get You Some
Check out my reviews for the previous books in the series:

Visit https://lanilynnvale.com/ for more information!
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