Review // Garnet Flats, Whispers of You, and Mourning Wood

September 15, 2023

I love book recommendations and these three books came across my eyes too many times to resist. I more than enjoyed them and will definitely be reading more from these authors!

Garnet Flats by Devney Perry

Standalone - The Edens #3
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / small town & second chance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive scenes
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 346 pages

Talia Eden loved Foster Madden for one year, two months and eleven days. It was on day 438 that her love died. The day he chose to marry her best friend. The day she vowed never to think of Foster again.

Until years later when he has the audacity to show up in her small hometown of Quincy, begging for her help.

The ink on his divorce papers is barely dry, yet he comes armed with apologies and promises. She knows it’s all a ploy. Foster is the king of games and secrets. But he’s got delusions the size of Montana if he thinks she’ll help him train for a world championship fight.

Except Talia has forgotten exactly what made Foster famous. The man has dedicated his life to victory. He’s steadfast. He’s determined. And he won’t stop fighting until he’s won her heart.

My Rating - ★★★★

If all contemporary romances read as easy as this one, I'd read more of them!

I loved pretty much everything I found in this book. The tension between Talia and Foster gave me the chills I needed. Their undeniable chemistry had me flipping the pages way too fast. I really enjoyed the back-and-forth between these two: finding some truth and understanding; forming a family bond with Kadence; and finding their way back to each other. I didn't like the reason why they were apart in the first place. I felt it was something that Talia deserved to know. I just didn't understand the urgency in keeping it all a secret from her. She was heading out anyway, let's be real. However, I get that they needed a reason to be apart and besides all of that, I loved this book. I'll be reading the two books before this one and I'll definitely be reading Jasper's story. Looks like it'll be hilarious!!

Whispers of You by Catherine Cowles

Standalone - Lost & Found #1
Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / small town / second chance
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive scenes
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 369 pages

One night—a single bullet—cost me everything.

My body, broken beyond repair. The boy I’d thought was my forever. The life I’d always dreamt of.

Now, Holt’s back. And he’s no longer a boy, but a man with shadows in his eyes and demons haunting him.

He says he’s here to make things right. To get back a little bit of all we’ve lost. And he doesn’t show any signs of leaving the small town that has been my refuge.

As stolen moments turn to days, Holt’s around every corner. With his burning stare and lingering touches. Before long, my walls come crashing down and I’m just hoping that taking this second chance isn’t as reckless as it feels.

But not everyone is happy that Holt has returned. As tragedy strikes again, I’m the one left in the crosshairs. And Holt might not be able to save me this time…

My Rating - ★★★★

I've seen several reviews of this author from Renee at Addicted to Romance and figured I'd take a chance. I'm so freaking glad I did!

Two boys went on a rampage and Wren barely survived. Not only was she shot, her boyfriend left her, and she had to pick up her own pieces and start living again. When Holt comes home, TEN YEARS LATER, life as they both knew it was going up in smoke. Wren spent that time trying to forget Holt and he spent that time never forgetting her. Their chemistry was still strong and there was no denying the depth of the love these two shared.

I enjoyed the suspenseful element to this story. While I did guess pretty much from the start who the bad guy was, I liked getting to the big reveal. I absolutely adored Holt's family and I'm excited to read their books. I'll definitely be reading more from this author!

Mourning Wood by Heather M. Orgeron

Genre/Trope - Contemporary Romance / single mom
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive scenes
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 278 pages

After an ill-fated one-night stand, Wyatt Landry was the last person I ever expected to see again.

By design, mind you, as I spent the last two years avoiding him.

He was only ever meant to be a good time—a really good time—and now, thanks to one teensy little mistake, he’s back in my life and wielding an entirely different set of tools.

It’s not like I intentionally hired a bogus contractor to redo our chapel, and Lord knows I never imagined Wyatt would ride up in his pickup truck, like a knight in thigh-hugging blue jeans, to save the day.

But here he is, and to make matters worse, he’s every bit as charming as I remember, and before I can fully process his reappearance in my life, he has my six-year-old daughter wrapped around his finger, my parents eating out of the palm of his hand, and my best friend shipping us like we’re some celebrity couple.

Thankfully, working in the death industry, I’ve mastered the skill of compartmentalization. Keeping my growing feelings tucked away should be a piece of cake. Except, seeing him every day definitely throws a wrench in that plan.

Before I know it, we’re trading favors for dates, and as much I don’t want to admit it, the feelings for him I thought were dead and buried are taking root and growing into something that looks a lot like love.

My Rating - ★★★1/2

I wanted to like this story more, however, I felt like it was trying too hard. For as sexy as that one-night stand sounded, I expected Wyatt and Whitney to be sexier. And they eventually got there, but it took too much to happen. Did I need to know the details of every funeral plan that came through the Daigle doors? I get it, Whitney's daughter, Prissy, was unique. I GET IT!! But can we focus a bit more on the couple? Because their chemistry was there, but it got outshone by everything else happening in this story. I loved ALL of the characters (for real, Whit's parents were amazing) and I really liked how their interactions played out. I just wanted more time with the couple. I'm greedy, I guess.

OMG can I just say that school dance scene?!?!?! I freaking love Wyatt!!

Review // Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

September 12, 2023

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

“A dragon without its rider is a tragedy.
A rider without their dragon is dead.”

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Part of a series - The Empyrean #1
Genre/Trope - Fantasy Romance / enemies to lovers
POV - Heroine 1st person
Heat - descriptive, slow build
Source - ebook from the library
Length - 664 pages

Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders.

But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.

With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother’s daughter—like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant.

She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise.

Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret.

Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda—because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die

Find it here: Goodreads

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

My Two Cents

My Rating - ★★★1/2

What can I say that hasn't already been said? Social media went crazy blasting this book, which is why I finally gave in to the hype. Did this book live up to expectations? Kinda sorta. And rather than highlight what has already been extolled about this book, I'm going to get into what I want to happen in the next one for this series.

The Continent is home to two kingdoms—and we've been at war for four hundred years.

You see that right there? Please elaborate. Why did I read over 600 pages that didn't tell me why these kingdoms were at war. Nothing explained why this academy existed. What was the need for the factions, such as riders, scribes, healers and infantry? What sparked the conflict? Who was the leader of the other side? Seems like they've been fighting over 400 years for something no one even remembers. KMT!!

There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.

You don't say. Yet we're now realizing that the truth has been a hidden secret for who knows how long. Facts are missing from your so-called history and it took practically the entire book to realize that. Seriously? Forget foreshadowing. The author basically screamed that something wasn't right from the beginning. And then we had to wade through the nonsense for the characters (I'm looking at you, Vi) to catch up. That ending only prompts more questions!!

One generation to change the text. One generation chooses to teach that text. The next grows, and the lie becomes history.


“I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart, and I'm keeping it.”

Okay, so I'm not a huge fan of the romance in this book, only because it didn't really get a chance to shine. That was mostly due to Violet and her antics, however, I did appreciate the way the author allowed her to be free with her thoughts and feelings. Was it annoying that for half the book she kept believing he was going to kill her when all he did was help her? Did I get frustrated that she was so oblivious and a bit ungrateful towards Xander? When Xander's truths came out, was I more sympathetic towards him than towards Vi? Yes. The answer to all of these questions is yes. I'm putting a bit of faith in this author that she will pull off a better dynamic between these characters in the next book. Give Xander a voice please, not a diluted mishmash of personality as seen through the eyes of a naive scribe-forced-to-turn-into-a-rider.

I'm sure there are so many other things I need clarification on, but I'll wait to see what the next book brings me. In the end, I enjoyed myself while reading Fourth Wing. I've never tried this author before and it was an exciting experience. I love dragons and war and I'm looking forward to what's to come for these characters that I've started to adore.

The Author

Rebecca is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, Sunday Times, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over fifteen novels, including FOURTH WING, and is always ready to bring on the emotions. She's also the recipient of the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence in New Adult for Eyes Turned Skyward from her Flight and Glory series.

She loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for twenty-one years. She’s the mother of six children and lives in Colorado with her family, their stubborn English bulldog, feisty chinchillas, and Maine Coon cat who rules them all. Having fostered then adopted their youngest daughter, Rebecca is passionate about helping children in the foster system through her nonprofit, One October.

Visit her website at for more.

Review // Warrior's Hope by Rebecca Zanetti

September 11, 2023

Warrior's Hope by Rebecca Zanetti

He was tired of watching her flounder and put herself in danger.

Warrior's Hope by Rebecca Zanetti

Warrior's Hope by Rebecca Zanetti

Standalone (kinda) - Dark Protectors #16
Genre/Trope - Paranormal Romance / fated mates
POV - Multiple 3rd person
Heat - descriptive (not very steamy)
Source - eARC provided by the publisher
Length - 257 pages

As the only female vampire ever born, and the heir to two powerful immortal families, Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood has always felt the weight of fate and destiny. Now her heart is torn between two men and two different futures. It’s a choice between duty and love, peace and war, with the fate of everyone she loves hanging in the balance.

As the leader of the Kurjan nation, Drake has always known that mating Hope is the best path to avoiding war. He’s counting on her to know the same. . . . Paxton has been Hope’s best friend and protector since they were children. He would kill and die for her without a second thought. In fact, he’s always known that would be his path . . .

With deadly factions at her heels, Hope must decide whom to trust and where her loyalty lies—before the choice is taken away from her.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

My Rating - ★★★★1/2

Going into this, I knew I'd be a wreck. Fifteen previous books were leading me here, to the final showdown. Would all of the characters I grew to know and love survive? Would love really conquer all?

Hope is the only one of her kind. She's a mix of basically every bit of paranormal DNA in existence. She's also a prophet. Her life hasn't really ever been her own and she just tries to make the most of it. On one hand, she believes destiny is telling her to mate with Drake to unite the realms. On the other hand, her heart keeps trying to pummel some sense into her. Paxton is the one for her, the male who truly gets her, her best friend, her strongest ally. Which will she choose: fate or faith?

I loved the way the author revealed the secrets of Paxton. He isn't just an accessory for Hope. He's a warrior, as fierce and determined and as brilliant as our leading lady. Together, they're story gave me the ending I was hoping for. I will admit that some events that took place took me by surprise, some deaths weren't expected, but I am NOT complaining.

Sadness doesn't begin to describe how I feel at the end of this series. It's a bittersweet feeling to know that all of the turmoil these characters faced is now over... I think. That there are no more books, no more adventures, in this incredible world Zanetti created. My only real solace is knowing that this author will deliver something else for me to fall in love with.

Please Note:
I only had one issue with this book and it was so small that I didn't want to mention it, but you know I had to...
Hope is hailed as this 'master strategist' and all I kept thinking is that she couldn't strategize herself out of a five door room.
There were so many times, throughout this series, that I wondered when Hope would lose her naivete. To know that it still existed in her adulthood, especially after everything all of these characters faced and endured... it really bothered me. Why weren't these events seen as teaching moments? Why wasn't this great prophet able to wise the frig up?
It was my only issue and if the author had left out the whole 'master strategist' part, I wouldn't have had an issue. But should someone who couldn't find her own shadow have a say in the way the world works for the rest of us?

The Author

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over forty romantic suspense, dark paranormals, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Upcoming series are: The Blood Brothers, The Realm Enforcers and The Scorpius Syndrome.

Visit for more information!

August 2023 Bookish Recap

September 07, 2023

Hello hello and welcome to another recap!

For the first half, August was a great reading month for me. However, somewhere in the middle of the month, life got super hectic and I couldn't find time to get online. Can you imagine not touching the internet for WEEKS??? Well, that was me and I'm so sorry for disappearing like that.

Anyway, I'm back.

Here's how August treated me...


Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages Read: 2624
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal
Tropes: Assassin, Apocalypse, Forbidden, Instalove
From my TBR: 0
Avg. Rating: 4.3 stars

All the Books

Woo hoo!! I found a few five-star worthy reads! These stories were truly something special :)

The other books I read and would recommend were:

The Wicked in Me by Suzanne Wright
Unhinged by Onley James

Added to my tbr

Book Haul

Aside from books I borrowed from both the library and Kindle Unlimited, I've bought nothing!! I'm doing so well with this DON'T YOU DARE BUY ANY MORE BOOKS, NATALIE goal I've set for myself :)

I hope we find only the best reads in August!

Talk soon,

xo, Natalie

Books That Didn't Make the Cut Pt.14

August 23, 2023

Hello hello! I'm back with some more books that didn't really work for me, but might be winners for you.

Breakdown by Aly Zigada

My Rating - ★

BLURB - An unforgettably searing and unapologetically honest romance about enemies, lovers, and the music that binds them.

Atticus Creed saved my life. His voice talked me down. His lyrics stripped me bare. His tattoos against my hidden scars made me feel beautiful. In turn, I wrecked him with a love that exposed his soul and lies that called to his vilest demons.

We were innocent then.

I’m not a broken girl anymore. Now I’m the woman who reigns over the corrupt record label he abandoned, and he’s a tortured musician who wants retribution as viciously as I want another taste of his lips. Inevitably, he will crash in my arms, and I will burn in his.

Depravity is all we know. It’s in the air we breathe, it’s in our sweat, it’s the music we make.

That cover? Instant horny vibes.
The blurb? Color me intrigued.
The abundance of 5-star reviews? Reading this should be a no-brainer.

And yet...
I didn't like it. I couldn't get past Imogen's character. She obliterated any hope I had within the first chapter. Rather than continue to read and fall even further into feelings of disgust and hate, I'll pass the gauntlet to someone else. I'm thrilled that others read and loved this book. I have a feeling it's more of a 'me' thing instead of anything against the story.

To anyone interested in reading this book... Enjoy and best wishes! 🖤🖤

Boy Toy Auction by C.A. Harms

My Rating - ★

What was meant to be a fun evening to benefit charity, suddenly became so much more…

They were both volunteered into attending the Boy Toy Auction.
One as a contestant.
One as an attendee.

Emerson lost an internal battle the moment Nicholas stepped onto the stage.

As soon as he started moving his hips to the rhythm of the music, she was captivated. Suddenly, the timid girl became a warrior as she fought to have the highest bid.

There was no way she was leaving without him at her side.

From the moment Nic saw her, Emerson became his focal point.
The beautiful woman in the silver dress.
The one that held his stare.
He needed her to win.
He needed her.

He’d make sure this was the best money she’d ever spend.
Or the worst…depends on how you look at it.

Because sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you want, life has a way of throwing you a curve ball that you aren’t prepared for…

Emerson was way too much of a doormat... for her dad of all people... for me to continue. Nicholas was amazing. He was patient and understanding and loving and hot and sweet and sexy and... and... and Emerson kept pushing him away because he deserved better. You're damn right he did!

Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins

My Rating - ★

Have you ever heard of the old Celtic legends of the Fae—beautiful, magical, and deadly creatures that have a love of messing with humans just for kicks and giggles?

Welcome to my world.

What started out as a strange assignment, led to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times. My friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witches alike.

Couple of problems in the way – I hate the Fae and the Prince of the Dark Fae is bound and determined that I work for him. He’s a rude, overbearing egotistical ass with a compulsive need to possess, dominate and control me. Oh—did I mention that he is absolutely sex-on-a-stick gorgeous and he makes me feel things that I never ever wanted to feel for a Fae... every time he touches me or looks at me with those dangerous golden eyes he seems to pull me further in under his spell, despite my better judgment.

My friends and I can’t trust anyone and nothing is as it seems on the surface—not even me.

Damn. I really wanted to like this one. It seemed to be right up my alley, but I couldn't get into it. I didn't care for the heroine or her voice and it sort of lost me from there. I've heard great things about this story and it's been recommended time and time again, so I'm chalking it up to it being a 'me' problem rather than a problem with the book.

Review // Lor by Lily Mayne

August 21, 2023

Lor by Lily Mayne

He felt like a gift. A treasure.
I wanted to show him off to the entire fiefdom, to show them how lucky we were that out of the many, many people in his world—five billion of them—it had been Jugs who'd stumbled through the void to come here. But at the same time, I wanted to keep him hidden away, safe from the council and any others who wouldn't understand.
Just him and me, in our own new little world that we had forged with pieces of the different places we came from.

Lor by Lily Mayne

Lor by Lily Mayne

Standalone - Monstrous #7
Genre/Trope - Paranormal Romance / instalove / apocalypse
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - absolutely filthy
Source - ebook from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 619 pages

My role as Moric—ruler of a small and prosperous fiefdom in a quiet corner of the world—has always been painfully dull and stifling.

Until a beautiful, otherworldly creature with pink skin and a mane of golden hair falls through a strange void that has appeared in my guestroom.

And I am instantly captivated by him.

I have never seen anything like him. I have no idea where he came from, and what else is through that unsettling void—another world filled with soft-skinned, defenceless creatures like him? No tails, no horns, no claws, no sharp teeth. Tiny clothing, rounded ears, bright blue eyes. He is fascinating. And I want to keep him.

But I have no idea how my citizens and councillors will react to his presence—to the knowledge that a whole other world exists, and there is a portal to it in my guestroom. As much as I try to keep him my secret, the truth starts to slip out.

And those in my fiefdom who cling desperately onto power do their best to tear us apart. To take him from me.

I won’t let them.

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

My Rating - ★★★★★

A himbo from Earth falls into a void and lands at the feet of monsters. He's scared, they're scared, and there's a language barrier. It didn't take them long to figure things out and turn an awkward meet-cute into something beautiful. Jugs was an absolute sweetheart and Lor was no slouch.

I really enjoyed getting a behind-the-scenes look at the monster world. Learning about all of the monsters, how they interact, the politics that are way too similar to real life, how they live... it gave me all that I thought I could want from this series.

So the monsters we've met and their human mates are in the monster world. I'm so excited to see how all of these people act when they're together.

How is it possible that this series just keeps getting better and better? I'm already in love with the world-buiding, the connections between the characters (both monsters and humans alike), and everything in between. This author captures the bonds these people share so beautifully and I can't get enough!

Here's some fantastic fanart!!

Lor by Lily Mayne

Lor by Lily Mayne

The Author

Lily Mayne writes what she loves to read: achingly sweet yet gritty romances against unusual backdrops—dark, futuristic, dystopian and more.

She enjoys reading and writing (duh), cooking and baking, watching terrible horror movies and many other hobbies that would have potentially made her an ideal Victorian maid. Just a really lazy one.

She currently lives in the UK with her husband and several fluffballs, who like to make a lot of noise while she’s writing.

Find out more at

Series Review: Playing With Power by Adele Huxley

Playing with Power by Adele Huxley

Have you ever taken a look back on the books you read years ago? How much has your choice of books changed? Mine... A LOT! And while I don't remember reading this series all that well, I liked it enough to review it at a time when I hadn't really started writing reviews. So HAPPY MONDAY and welcome to another day where I'm sharing old books that might be new to you. Or something you've read and haven't thought about in a while. Let me know if you've read this one!

Today's flashback is the Playing With Power series by Adele Huxley. I can tell it's indie origins and its earlier release by the covers themselves. Remember when this was the standard for indie books? I'm so grateful that the trend for covers has changed so much. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of book marketing, creating covers, or the like, but I'm just glad that these stock impersonal photos are largely a thing of the past.

So here were my thoughts...

Blurb from Goodreads ~ The office is heating up!
A last minute dinner with billionaire Damon Kael will change the course of Lauren Kemp's life.
The intense entrepreneur is able to look right through her and pinpoint exactly what she wants...success. He offers to mentor her, with the aid of a cryptic book, but does his kindness come with ulterior motives?
Meanwhile, Lauren and her boyfriend Nick are trying to make it work while living in New York City. Unfortunately, her misogynistic boss keeps getting in the way. Presenting at the largest tech expo, Agitate, might be great for her career but could also spell death for her relationship.
Life is becoming more complicated with each day. With everything she wants to achieve, can Lauren have both a personal and professional life? With Damon's help, will Lauren learn the rules of power or is she just another piece in his game?

My Rating - 3 stars

I wasn't even sure how to classify this book. I realize it's a romance, but what type? Ah well. I think it's best to give this review by character.

Lauren: I tried really hard to like her. I haven't gotten there yet. I don't dislike her, I have connected with her at all. Her views on the world around her seem warped to me, and she was a bit too condescending towards her boyfriend, Nick. I get being focused on one's career, but she was focused to the point of foresaking all others. Simply, her superior attitude was a turn-off.

Nick: I felt bad for this character right from the start. He's busting his butt trying to keep up with her demands and gets no appreciation. Just complaints. Poor guy. I could see that things were not going to work out for him in the end.

Damon: He seemed crazy hot and mysterious. Who wouldn't be a victim to his charms? I guess time will tell what role he'll play in this story. But that ending sure gave me some ideas.

Blurb from Goodreads ~ After a heart-wrenching breakup, Lauren has no choice but to throw all of herself into work; it's the only way she'll stay sane after the way Nick left her.
Lauren's life will never be the same when a twist of fate takes her on a last-minute trip to San Francisco over the Fourth of July weekend. With Ali at her side, she quickly learns there's a lot the West Coast can offer.
When she meets Landon, Lauren realizes she may have just gotten more than she can handle.

My Rating - 3 stars

Adele Huxley turned up the heat in San Francisco!! I honestly tried to have sympathy for Lauren with regards to Nick leaving her at the curb, but I just couldn't. Nick had all of my sympathy. I don't know how this man put up with her crap for so long. Patience of a saint I tell ya. The man kept trying to be romantic and give her his all. We saw that he tried. Maybe there was more happening behind the scenes that would make me not as sympathetic towards him, but since it wasn't written, I have to true.

Landon was a wonderful addition to the story. He sounds amazing. The sexual tension between him and Lauren was off the charts. And I enjoyed how Ali played off of the both of them. However, the entire time I was reading about Lauren's developing feelings for Landon, I kept wondering how her heart could hold so many men. Landon, Nick, Damon... Things developed pretty quickly between her and Landon, but when she comes home from SF, she is met by Nick, who wants to work things out. I was hoping she would let him go, but she doesn't. Another example of her selfishness. Smh.

BTW, Parker (her boss) is a real creep. Just sayin. I'm not sure in which work environment it is ok to deal with his misogyny, his assault, or his abusive behaviour, but it is definitely not ok. Why does Lauren allow it to continue???

Blurb from Goodreads ~ Lauren is fighting to keep her head above water but slowly, her dreams are coming true. My Best Friend’s Closet is now a reality!
Landon gives her a big surprise by arriving in New York unannounced, showing up to the StyleSpur offices posing as a potential investor. The connection between them is undeniable, but will they be able to remain professional? Can they ignore what happened between them for the sake of the business, not to mention her strained relationship with Nick?
As if that weren't enough, while she and Nick work through their issues, Lauren discovers a possible thorn in her side named Rose. How can she make time for Nick if he's spending it all with someone else?
There are powerful forces at play. Will Lauren have the strength to control them in her favor?

My Rating - 3 stars

Third book in and the story is still moving at quite a steady pace. I didn't find it lagging at all, which is what I kind of expected. I really wish I could have gotten another POV in this story because to be honest, I still don't much care for Lauren. Landon seems to be such a great supporter of her and it seems that she is still harboring strong feelings for him, despite the fact that she is trying to work things out with Nick. As for Nick, it seems that he's been giving some of his affection to another woman (Rose). Not that I really blame him. I don't condone cheating, but I do think these two definitely need to go their separate ways. Stop beating a dead horse. I'm ok with her being with Landon. At least he's above her level and she can't look down her nose at him lol.

The cliffhanger involving her frenemy Sahra and Parker is a bit baffling. Not sure when these two characters would have had a chance to hatch a scheme but I'm sure that is exactly what they're doing.

Blurb from Goodreads ~ Lauren starts to question how well she really knows Landon DeWitt. Can she truly trust this handsome businessman, especially after the stunt he pulled with Sahra? How can she be sure he'll always work in her best interests?
During a whirlwind weekend trip to San Francisco, Lauren's confidence is shaken. Landon's top adviser is less than impressed and right when she begins to question why anyone would want to invest, the MyBFC prototype comes in.
Can Lauren keep fighting now that she's so close to realizing her dream? Who will be there for her once the dust settles?

My Rating - 3 stars

Book 4 had a bit of the unexpected. I'm glad that Lauren finally grew some balls in this one!! She accepts that her future may lie with Landon and is finally ready to say goodbye to the life she was building with Nick. Little did she know that coming home from a trip to SF would be the catalyst to their breakup. Walking into your room and seeing your man banging some chick in your bed kinda spells out the end, dontcha think?! At least she still has her fledgling business to fall back on (My Best Friend's Closet), as well as Ali, Landon and Damon. Actually, this chick has one heck of a support group.

Rochelle (or Rachel or intern-extraordinaire) is scheming with both Parker and Sahra. Losers tend to travel in packs lol. I can't wait to see what Ms. Huxley has planned for their comeuppance.

Blurb from Goodreads ~ MyBFC is on the brink of launching and Lauren has to decide if she is willing to leave New York City to make it a reality.
Someone isn’t happy with the choices she’s making. With a violent and invasive stalker tracking her every move, Lauren turns to the only person who she knows can protect her, Damon Kael. Can she resist the power he has over her?
Sparks fly when Landon finally confronts Nick and Parker finally takes it too far.
Can she find the inner power she needs to demolish those who stand in her way? Will she find Damon or Landon at her side?

My Rating - 3 stars

I'm not sure if this is the last book. If it is, then I feel like the series is incomplete.

Lauren and Landon have a stalker. Someone who is taking pictures of them, sending them animal hearts and heads, and infiltrating all of their communications. A very determined stalker. Is it Nick? Parker?

I feel like there was so much unsaid in this series. In book one, we see Lauren reach out to Damon. We're told through a jumble of sentences that they had a sexual encounter, but there are no details. Actually, most of the communication between her and Damon is unwritten. I just didn't get this strong connection between them, however, she almost cheated on Landon with him! This just didn't make sense.

Also, Lauren, Faith and Landon finally get an opportunity to turn the screws on Parker, to get him to confess to all of his wrongdoing. And it was a great scene to read. However, two broken hands later (Lauren's and Landon's lol), we still don't know what happened with Sahra and Rochelle, considering that they were equally culpable in his actions.

My sympathy is obviously no longer with Nick. What he did was wrong. But I'm sorry, I totally get why this character acted the way he did.

I'm not even sure if Lauren and Landon got their HEA. It's almost implied, just like Damon and Faith's. Speaking of which, why the heck did Damon and Faith hook up???? And how did Faith go from being a simple woman with gorgeous looks to being a 'forensic accountant'????? Now she's brilliant? Ummmm... just no.

Review // Pray for the Devil, The Bonus, and Target This

August 15, 2023

As you know, not every book I read will get 4 or 5 stars. Here are a few that I still enjoyed!

Pray for the Devil by Maggie MaxfieldMy Rating - ★★★
Genre/Trope - Paranormal Romance / instalove
Perspective - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive
Source - ebook from Kindle Unlimited
Length - 270 pages

Goodreads * Amazon

Pray for the Devil started off really slow and I wasn't sure if it was my type of read, but it started to really pick up towards the end and I'm intrigued enough to want to give the second book a chance. I felt bad for Eliza for the entirety of this story. She was living to please people, probably the wrong people, all to have a place to belong. She was devout, an exorcist for the church, but she quickly realizes that all is not as it seems. She's actually a very powerful witch and with the help of Luk, she begins to discover who she really is. I enjoyed the connection between these characters, despite the fact that their relationship literally blossomed from nothing, but I'm hoping to get more of them in the next book. I also really enjoyed her bestie, Olivia. I loved that she was a demon playing up as being a pious member of the church. Hilarious!

The Bonus by AJ AdamsMy Rating - ★★★
Genre/Trope - Dark Romance / mafia
Perspective - Dual POV
Heat - descriptive
Source - ebook from Amazon
Length - 296 pages

Goodreads * Amazon

Let me start off by saying that I liked this book. It had a lot of elements to it that it was hard not to like it. However, it also had quite a few annoying components that affected my star rating.

What I liked:

* Kyle's character was freaking hot. I love an alpha with military experience. Throw in some Black Ops or Special Forces and we have a winner! He's the bad boy you can't help but love and he makes no apologies for it
* Kyle's compassion for Chloe. Their love story was unconventional but beautiful
* some of the scenes were absolutely hilarious... Show/hide spoiler
* how the author kept Chloe's brainwashing relevant. She didn't have her hopping into a "normal" relationship with Kyle. She suffered setbacks and mental breaks, which would be typical of anyone who suffered from abuse and the writer didn't belittle or sugarcoat that. Kyle had his own share of problems and together they had to jump over some mighty obstacles to get to their HFN

What I didn't like:

* the idea of the "pun" was overused. Once is funny. Twice is cute. Three times it's quirky. Infinite times is... I almost gave up because of it. I get that it was supposed to be a quality that endeared her to me, but it was abused way too frequently. Made me miss the fuckbot.
* though the plot was great, there were times it felt rushed

Overall a good book. Not terribly dark but a quick yet gritty read.

Target This by Lily WhiteMy Rating - ★★★
Genre/Trope - Thriller / Mystery
Perspective - Dual POV
Heat - descriptive
Source - ebook from Amazon
Length - 372 pages

Goodreads * Amazon

I almost DNF'd this book. I came close so many times but I persevered.

I have a strong appreciation for dark romance. So when a friend of mind suggested Lily White, I chose this book to get my feet wet.

It was somewhat dark. More twisted than anything. It was erotic. It tried to blow my mind.


I failed to connect with these characters. I couldn't like Autumn because she came across too prudish and closed-minded. I have a low tolerance for ignorance and judgment, even in fiction. Then she showed herself up as a hypocrite by succumbing to Lucas's manipulations. I liked Lucas simply because he kept it real. I respected that.

So although there were intriguing plot twists and crazy 'I didn't even think of that' revelations, the book was just okay for me. And what was with the ending? It seemed like the manipulation hadn't ended.

A decent read and there were many elements to whet the appetite of any mystery lover.