Review // The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

October 10, 2023

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

Annwyl suddenly bolted toward enemy lines, screaming the entire way. She started slashing her sword, cutting demons in half and quarters. The commanders fought back, but Keeley didn't know why. Because Annwyl just kept going. She didn't stop. Keeley wasn't sure the woman could stop.

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

My Rating - ★★★★1/2
Part of a series - The Scarred Earth Saga #3
Genre / Trope - fantasy Romance / royalty
POV - Multiple 3rd person
Heat - one explicit scene
Source - Kindle Unlimited (Amazon)
Length - 338 pages

Other books in the series: The Blacksmith Queen * The Princess Knight

Ainsley Farmerson has always planned to break free of the family business—and the family drama. But what was once farming, smithworking, and bickering over the dinner table has turned into open warfare between sisters. Sides have been taken, lives are on the line, and Ainsley has no doubt which sister must be queen. She’ll do whatever is necessary to take down the soulless Beatrix. Even if that means joining forces with angry battle nuns, irritating monks, and overbearing centaurs.

Gruffyn of the Torn Moon Clan has no time for human beings. And yet . . . there is something about the uncontrollable princess that he can’t ignore. Maybe it’s the way her eldest sisters underestimate her. Or her bravery facing down dragons and mad queens from distant lands. Whatever the reason, Gruff is willing to fight by this human’s side. Not only for the entertainment value, but because she’s right. Beatrix must never be queen. So whatever he has to do, whoever he has to destroy, Gruff will battle beside Ainsley. Fast. Hard. And with absolutely no mercy . . .

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

I have to tell you something...
I absolutely LOVED Annwyl!!

I honestly forgot how ridiculous and fun and perfect this series is. The fantastical imaginings of the way this story is told makes me giggle and laugh uncontrollably. I'm constantly in a state of shock and awe, thinking to myself "Did they really just say that?" or "No way did they just do that."

Before I started this book, I remembered I left Keeley and friends being confronted by Annwyl and her dragons. I had no idea what would happen next and I could have never predicted what I found.

While this was primarily Ainsley's book with the aloof and grumpy Gruff, everyone had a huge part to play and still had prominent roles in how everything turned out.

The highlights (without spoilers):

❋ Ainsley was tired of being overlooked and underestimated and Gruff was determined to see her.

❋ Keeley realized that she had some hard choices to make when it came to her evil sister and Annwyl might just be the key. Shoot, Annwyl had some hard truths to lay down on her fellow queen. LOVED IT!!

❋ Gemma was suspicious of everyone (what else is new?) and wasn't looking to make new friends (or any friends).

❋ Annwyl was hilarious and most definitely the best part of this story. Sorry, not sorry.

If you love fantasy, tons of action, reasons to laugh, with a bit of romance thrown in, you need this series in your life!

The Heretic Royal by G.A. Aiken

The Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, Originally from Long Island, New York, lives on the West Coast and spends most of her time writing and making sure her rescued Pittie doesn’t love everyone into a coma. When she’s not writing about sexy dragons, she’s writing about sexy wolf, lion, tiger, and other fang-filled predators under the name Shelly Laurenston. Find out more about this New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors books at

Series Review // Sweet Addiction by J. Daniels

October 09, 2023

Today's flashback is the Sweet Addiction series by J. Daniels. This is a contemporary romance that reads more like a romantic comedy. It features a woman who decides to have a fling at her ex's wedding and it turns into the love of a lifetime. I absolutely adored Dylan and Reese, but I also fell for the other characters that made this series a five-star read for me.

Have you ever read these books? Are you interested?

Sweet Addiction by J. Daniels

Sweet Addiction

Wedding hookups never amount to anything.

Those who partake in this wicked little activity know the rules. Get in. Get laid. Get out. There's no expectation of a relationship. It is what it is.

Dylan Sparks knows the rules. She’s familiar with the protocol. And she engages in the best sex of her life with a complete stranger at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding.

Reese Carroll doesn’t care about the rules. He wants more than just one night with Dylan.

And Dylan finds him too addicting to pass up.

Sweet Addiction is the story of one woman’s struggle to keep things casual, and one man’s desire to never let her go.

My Review - ★★★★★

I'd like to start off with what I didn't like about the book, which was the conflict, misunderstanding, miscommunication, mis-whatever towards the end. I realize this happens in most relationships, but this truly baffled me because until then everything was pretty much sunshine and rainbows. I didn't find a damn thing funny about this part. I wanted to reach inside the book and give Dylan a good shake and tell her to please talk to the man! I gave this book a 5-star rating so obviously this didn't really take away from my enjoyment of it.

Ok, on to the good stuff...

Dylan baked the cake for her ex-boyfriend's wedding. AWKWARD!! She attends the wedding to ensure the safety of her masterpiece. Enter Reese. He's the gorgeous owner of the lap she falls onto. Banter banter banter and they end up having some HAWT wedding sex in the washroom. They start a casual monogamous relationship. I'm no expert, but I didn't know these types of relationships existed. I always thought it was either casual or monogamous. Go figure! Anyway, we can see from a mile away that these two were going to catch feelings. I was anxiously awaiting the moment when Reese would finally convince Dylan to move things to an actual bed. I was not disappointed. We see them go from commitment-phobes to commitment junkies and it's beautiful.

The side characters all fit into the storyline exceptionally well. I can't wait to catch up with everyone in book 2.

Dylan and Joey were hilarious together "Jesus Christ. It was way too early to talk about dick sizes and which way they curve." I pause. "But for the record, he's massive and as straight as you pretended to be in high school." LMAO!!

Sweet Possession by J. Daniels

Sweet Possession

A sassy, in-your-face baker. A panty-stealing, dirty-talking accountant. And a bathroom quickie that changed their lives forever.

Wedding hookups never amount to anything.

Unless that hookup knocks you on your ass.

For Dylan Sparks and Reese Carroll, the big day can’t arrive soon enough. Dylan, stressed to the max from overbearing mothers and last minute preparations, struggles to keep her sanity. As for Reese, he’s fighting to not only keep his bride-to-be safe from creepy investors, but also to make it to the actual wedding day without losing his mind in the process.

Throw in a crazy group of friends, and a bachelor/bachelorette party weekend getaway, and you have a recipe for the sweetest wedding of the year.

My Review - ★★★★★

I went into this book with very high expectations and Jessica Daniels nailed it! I'm not going to regurgitate the plot because the blurb pretty much sums it up. Dylan and Reese get married. Woohoo!! And we get to see all of our friends again.

Fave quotes:

"Nobody finishes what I start when it comes to that p**sy. Not even you. You come when I make you. And it will be happening on my c*ck and in my mouth, not on your fingers."

"I will never regret how I fell in love with Reese. I can't. Every single second of it was worth it because it led us to this."

"Everyone has moments in their lives which are superior to others. They become an obsession, your reason for living, and all my moments involve Dylan. The moment I saw her, standing at the end of the row next to Ian. Our wedding day, when she officially became mine. And now this."

"Goddammit Billy." (absolute favourite)

Now I'm going to finish reading the Alabama Summer series so that I can dive into Brooke's tale in book 3 - Sweet Obsession.

Sweet Obsession

Sweet Obsession

Everyone knows Brooke Wicks loves to have a good time.

She’s not interested in getting serious, settling down, or limiting herself to one man. So when she meets the sexy, irresistible Mason King, she sees another opportunity to let loose and go wild. But the gorgeous Aussie isn’t interested in just a quick fling with Brooke, and if she wants to get into his bed, she’s going to have to do it on his terms.

Loving fast and hard has always been Mason’s philosophy.

He doesn’t want a meaningless connection, he wants it all, and he wants it with Brooke. When she makes her one desire known—to hit it and quit it—Mason wages a plan to ensure Brooke keeps coming back for more. Or so he hopes.

Getting her attention was the easy part. Keeping it might be damn near impossible.

My Review - ★★★★★

4.5 sweet stars!!

I loved this book. Brooke was kind of annoying but I expected this from the previous two books. She's been annoying. I read this book for Mason. If not for him and Joey I wouldn't have liked this book as much. Joey in Chapter 20 slayed me. Mason was so sweet and I loved his "yeah" just as much as Brooke did.

Fave quotes:

“That tastes like glue,” she mumbles, wiping the back of her hand against her mouth. She shoots me a disapproving look. “You packed glue bars and shoelace, Mason. Congratulations, we’re going to starve to death.”

And Joey from chapter 20... “God, I am f*cking fabulous. Someone should really write a book about me.”
Yes. Yes, they should.

Review // Stain, Deliverance For Amelia, and Dirty Ugly Toy

October 08, 2023

I read these books a long time ago so they're not exactly new, but it was about time I shared them.
Have you read any of these?

Stain by Francette Phal

A dual POV dark YA story about abuse and addiction

"You're like the sun...and I'm the stupid moon. Always chasing after you."

I didn't know it was possible to fall so deeply into someone. To drown so strongly into their bottomless depths coming up for air was unfathomable. Until he comes along, with his sun-hot radiance, and eclipses the candle that is me. He's Lucifer before the fall, beautiful but the devil is in the way he looks at me. In the way his touch brands his name across every inch of my skin. His kisses possess my soul in the most sinful of ways.

Maddox Moore is my beginning and my end. Protector, friend, and lover—he's become my sole religion. At his side I become fearless, in his arms I burn to cinders, and in worshiping him I lose myself and discover the person he sees in me. But nothing is forever. Moments are ephemeral. No matter how much you want something life inevitably reminds you that you can't have it.

I'm damaged. He's broken. We're both covered in stains. Stains that make it impossible for us to hold onto each other.

My Rating - ★★★★★

WOW!! Now I understand the hype behind YA books because if they're anything like this, then they are definitely worth a read.

This story packed so much of an emotional punch that I'm still feeling its effect. My mind is still trying to wrap its way around what the heck just happened. It had my heart racing and I was feeling those palpitations.

This author's skill with the written word is simply incredible. Each scene was phrased so eloquently, so passionately, that I couldn't help but FEEL each and every emotion it was trying to evoke from me.

Aylee and Maddox (Max). Why two such young people had to suffer so much is beyond me. What bothered me was the fact that this is what many children are suffering through in reality and it's friggin horrific. Makes me understand vigilante justice, even if I don't sanction it.

I am not going to spell out the plot because I really, really, really want people to read this book. I will say that I was a bit disappointed by the unfinished ending until I saw that these two beautiful characters will be getting a novella. Can't wait for that to be released!

Deliverance for Amelia by Bonny Capps

Multiple POV covering tropes such as abuse, captor/captive, and a killer

My entire life I've lived in my father's shadow. As the Mayor's daughter, I'm expected to maintain a pristine reputation. Everything must be perfect. My days of tutors and piano lessons may be behind me, but the need to be my father's perfect daughter still rings true.

However, I'm in college now - so why not have a little fun? It started out that way, anyway. When I decided to go to a party with my new friend Meg, I thought my college days were just beginning. My boring little life was finally getting the shakeup that it desperately needed. Little did I know, I would become the captive of the devil himself.

He says that I'm his. He calls himself my master.

Well, well - Mr. Mayor couldn't pay up. I can't say that I'm surprised. The greedy bastard is more concerned about pocketing all that money masked as charity rather than paying his debts.

I'm not a debt that you want to forget. I did, after all, kill that poor journalist that was putting his nose where it didn't belong. Not saying that I minded - no, not one bit. It's a high. Watching them writhe in pain, their bodies seizing up as every last drop of hope is drained from their wide eyes. I live for it - the thrill of killing. Not to mention it keeps my wallet nice and plump. My clients know when they say they'll pay - they better pay. Otherwise, I take what I want from them. In most cases, the result is their own blood on my hands. Not this time though.

This time I wanted her, and I always get what I want.

My Rating - ★★★★

HOLY CRAP!! WTF did I just read?! I love dark, please don't get me wrong, but this was freaking out-in-the-country-no-streetlights kind of dark. There was no light. Can someone please turn on a damn light????!!!! A flashlight, a lighter even!

If you're looking for something dark, gritty, dirty, sexy, with lots of torture, killing and mayhem, then this is definitely the book for you.

Bonny Capps is freaking warped and I freaking love it!! Honestly, not many authors can pull of the depths of depravity found in this book, but she freaking nailed it. You know this book got me freaking good because I can't freaking stop using the freaking word "freaking"!

Gabriel/Gabe is one twisted mofo. He is only happy when he is torturing and killing. Sadistic isn't even a good enough word to describe his evil wants and needs. Amelia is his poor innocent captive, taken as collateral until Gabe became too obsessed with her to let her go. Able is her knight in shining armour. He is willing to do any and everything in his power to save her from Gabe.

This book is not for the faint of heart. This is not a love story per se. Gabriel is absolutely NOT a hero in this book, though he is featured predominantly in it. Be afraid. Be very afraid!!

Dirty Ugly Toy by K. Webster

Dark, dual POV

Her time is over.
Things are looking up.

She’s dirty and ugly.
He’s wicked but handsome.

Six months to toy with her.
Six months of vacation and a ton of money.

I’ll hurt her beyond repair.
I’ve been through much worse.

She's difficult to control and doesn't obey.
I'm done submitting to anyone or anything in this life.

I should hate her.
I should hate him.

The game has changed.
I will win.

My Rating - ★★★★1/2

I'm not even sure how to write this review because I'm still trying to absorb what I've read. My mind is blown with this piece of work! Thank you K. Webster for your amazing writing skills!! It takes real talent to get the reader into the mind of a truly dark, corrupted, warped, and tortured soul but that's just what she did with Braxton and Jessica.

Every time Jess gave some lip I was like 'you go girl!' I was also tempted to jump up and down in anticipation of how Brax would react because he was so unpredictable. I loved it. Throwing in flashbacks of Brax's past absolutely humanized him for me. Jessica's flashbacks were painful to read. I kept waiting for her to tell Brax her truth, which made me frustrated to say the least.

It was beautiful when their feelings started to get deeper, especially Brax's. I must say I was a bit annoyed with how rushed the climax was. I would have loved to see the frantic behind the scenes to set up James for his downfall. Regardless, this was a wonderful read and I'm glad I gave this author a chance!

Review // Embrace of Dragons by Aja James

October 07, 2023

Embrace of Dragons by Aja James

"You are the heart of me."
"And you taught me to feel," Lancelot returned.
"You are my soul. The source of every emotion I have ever possessed. I did not know the difference between merely existing and truly living until you. You are the sun that warms me."

Embrace of Dragons by Aja James

Embrace of Dragons by Aja James

My Rating - ★★★★★
Standalonish - Dragon Tails #8
Genre - paranormal Romance
Trope - fated mates
POV - multiple 3rd person
Heat - many explicit scenes
Source - beta and ARC provided by the author
Length - approx. 300 pages

Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King of an ancient Isle, finally recovered his heart and awoke from his witch queen’s spell. But he sustained mortal wounds before he was spirited away to “Avalon,” a Celestial Realm beyond human ken. In order to restore him, his life force was bound to another—his First Knight, Lancelot.

There was a time when Arthur loved and admired Lancelot above all men, before the Betrayal. Since the destruction of their shared tormentor, he realized that he’d accused his friend wrongly. But so much time, distance and regret have accumulated between them. So much sadness and pain. A trip to their homeland with Arthur’s newly discovered family reopens old wounds, but also reminds them of how they used to be.

Along the way, they are tasked with the search for the Everlasting Embrace by a mysterious being who speaks to them in dreams.

The end of the world may be just around the corner. Along the way, enemies may become lovers, reluctant friendships may form, and lots of hot, desperate, this-may-be-the-last-time-we-have-sex sex will definitely be had.

And who knows, you too may help discover the…


Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

My Two Cents

I can honestly tell you that no one writes romance quite like Aja James. I don't know how this author keeps track of all of details, even the little ones, but I'm down to keep enjoying this journey. Finding out more bits and pieces, discovering and re-discovering how everything fits together... it's a mystery lovers dream!

In Embrace of Dragons, we are given the whole story of characters we've already met—Arthur and Lancelot. And let me tell you, this story is nothing like any of the stories of Camelot I've ever seen, heard or read before.

Without the anchor of hate and the grail of retribution, what did he have left? He was broken shards of bones she'd already sucked dry. A husk of a man that used to be flesh and blood, full of life.

Don't even get me started on the imagery and the almost lyrical tone the author uses when telling a story. In the end, Arthur and Lancelot's story is full of hope, wonder, pain, magic, and so much love. Love that transcends time, distance, and any obstacle thrown in their way.

He would follow this man anywhere.
To forever and beyond.

Here are some of the things I loved about this book (can't share it all because... spoilers):

★ the sex (obvs)
★ the hesitation between Arthur and Lancelot, despite all that they shared. They went to hell and back together and had a hard time adjusting to 'normal'.
★ the almost enemies-to-lovers vibe this book gives off at the start. Arthur and Lancelot are forced together, but they don't talk. Communication doesn't exist. Yet their thoughts, their feelings, their everything is tied to the other. All of that angst gave me life!
★ the absolute cuteness these manly males exhibited when they finally got their ish together.

While Arthur claimed his body, he opened his heart and soul to Lancelot. And it was...
Arthur was...

Honestly, there was so much to love about this story. Arthur and Lancelot were these strong, lethal, virile males and yet there was a softness to them, a vulnerability that they only shared with each other. It made what they had all the more beautiful and the author did an incredible job capturing all of that beauty, their warmth, their perseverance when it came to their love, and their inevitability.

With the added hint of what's to come, especially for my sweet, not-so-little Ben, I'm excited to see what's next!

Embrace of Dragons by Aja James

The Author

Best-selling author, Aja James, just completed the Pure/ Dark Ones paranormal-fantasy romance series in 2020. If you want your heart battered, bruised, shattered and skewered, then put back together in the most glorious ways, check out the series below. Every couple gets an HEA, but they fight like hell for it on the way.

Aja is now working on her new series, Dragon Tails, because dragons are her favorite shifters of all!

Check out Aja's expanded distribution of the Pure/ Dark Ones series on Google, Apple, Kobo and Barnes & Noble Books.

Visit for more information!

Free Books & Book Deals - October 6, 2023

October 06, 2023

Hello everyone and Happy Friday!!

It's been a long time since I've done a post like this. I'm so sorry about that :(

All books listed are either absolutely FREE or for under $2 (at least at the time I posted this). I apologize in advance if the sale is over by the time you found yourself here.

Please Note: I only list authors I've either read or plan to read. If you know of any deals that are missing that you'd like to share, that I'd probably enjoy, please let me know in the comments section below :)


Hometown Heat #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: second chance


Paradise Bay Billionaire Brothers #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: fake relationship


Montgomery Ink Legacy #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: second chance


The Wickeds: Dark Nights at Bayside #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: small town


The Lost & Found series #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: second chance


Wrecked #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: second chance


Love in Bloom - Blue Ryder
Genre: contemporary
Trope: small town


SEALs of Chance Creek #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: marriage of convenience


Bad Motherpuckers #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: sports


Misadventures #8
Genre: romcom
Trope: sports


Chicago Bratva #1
Genre: dark
Trope: secret baby


Seasons of Betrayal #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: mafia


Books 1-3
Genre: suspense
Trope: billionaire


To Be Claimed Saga #1
Genre: paranormal
Trope: ?


Steel Brothers Saga #16
Genre: contemporary
Trope: workplace


Book #1
Genre: dark
Trope: billionaire


Trails of Sin #1
Genre: dark
Trope: second chance


Genre: dark
Trope: captive


Waylon University #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: sports


The Kingston Family #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: friends to lovers


Checkmate Duet #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: enemies to lovers


Dirty Billionaire Trilogy #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: billionaire


Beneath #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: military


Genre: contemporary
Trope: friends to lovers


Phoenix #2
Genre: contemporary
Trope: security


Bridge #1
Genre: contemporary
Trope: second chance


Genre: paranormal
Trope: forbidden


Ancients Rising #6
Genre: paranormal
Trope: forbidden


Order of the Blade #1
Genre: paranormal
Trope: fated mates


books 1-4
Genre: paranormal
Trope: fated mates