Review // Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

May 21, 2024

Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

"Even when you were gone, the echoes of you still lived inside me, and I would play them over and over in my mind just so I wouldn't lose the sound. I've loved you in every incarnation, and that will never end." - Nash

Find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

Rating -
Standalone - Lost & Found #2
Release - May 2, 2023
Genre - Contemporary Romance / friends to lovers
POV - Dual 1st person
Heat - descriptive
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Length - 330 pages

Nash Hartley has always been my everything: Protector. Partner in crime. Best friend. The person who was there for me in my darkest hour.

But my heart wanted so much more. So, when I knew for certain Nash didn’t feel the same about me, I tried to move on. What a mistake that turned out to be.

Now, I’m back in our small town, desperate to escape my living nightmare, and the only person I want to see is him.

As secrets are revealed, and Nash finds out what happened to me, he’ll do anything to keep me safe.

But there are those who will do anything to stop him, and this time neither of us may make out alive…

Echoes of You is a seemingly light friends-to-lovers romance with a bit of suspense.

I thought Nash and Maddie were a bit slow on the uptake, but their eventual relationship was better for it. They were best friends for most of their lives, but Nash never felt quite good enough for her. So when she knew her heart couldn't take anymore disappointment, she tried to move on. Where she moved to caused her a lot of pain and the only place she deemed to be safe was back at home... with Nash.

When Nash finally got out of his own way, I couldn't have been happier. I wish he had followed his heart sooner, but I guess if he had there wouldn't be so much of this story to tell. Maddie had to live through pain and shame in order find something truly hopeful and beautiful with her bestie.

I loved how when I thought I had one part of the story figured out, the author threw another twist to shake things up. It kept things interesting, that's for sure.

I am in love with Hartleys and will definitely be reading the other books in the series.

Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.

Visit for more information.

Books That Didn't Make the Cut Pt.24

Hello hello! I'm back with some more books that didn't really work for me, but might be winners for you.

Let me know if you've read any of these or plan to. I'd love to know your thoughts :)

The Flame King's Captive by Chloe Chastaine

Dual POV, Paranormal Romance, omegaverse

He snatched me from the jaws of death for one reason—to be his.

I was a dead king’s sacrificial bride, until his murderer claimed me as his. Zabriel invaded my country of Maledin on the back of a monstrous, fire-breathing dragon and took me prisoner.

The lethal Zabriel towers over me in steel plate armor, and he could easily crush the life out of me—but the Flame King isn’t interested in harming me. Instead, he destroys everyone who has hurt me in a storm of fire and vengeance.

There’s malignant rot deep within my country. My family has vanished along with whole villages of people. As I desperately try to find those who are missing, my body and heart awaken under a powerful and alarming force.

Zabriel sets my soul ablaze every time he growls, “Mine.” He calls me Omega. The rarest. The most vulnerable. The one he craves to possess and protect.

When evil forces in Maledin threaten everyone I know and love, there’s only one person who is strong enough to help me defeat them, and the only place where I’m safe from an ancient foe is in the arms of the Flame King.

My Rating -

I really thought this would be right up my alley.

* dragons
* omegaverse
* signs of filthyness
* a warrior who never hesitated in killing whoever needed killing

Unfortunately, it wasn't.
It all went downhill after he rescued the heroine from religious zealots who were about to sacrifice her in fire. He brings her to his camp for safety, heads back to kill these evil men, and she runs away while he's gone. She goes back to the village the zealots took her from in the first place. I get wanting to see her family again, but how was this smart? And then she acknowledges that it maybe wasn't the most intelligent thing to do and she ends up back in the hands of the zealots. All while viewing the hero as some kind of demon. Never once did she question the brainwashing she received. Never once did she stop to consider that the male saved her and vowed to never harm her. To kill anyone who thought to lay a hand on her. And he did do that, again and again. She was just not worthy of being read.

So I quit.

Devil's Claim by Dariel Raye & Muffy Wilson

Dual POV, fantasy

Generations ago, he died for her. Now, it’s her turn. Pride kept them from looking at one another, but their bodies could not lie. Recognition lived in their souls, rekindling memories of passion, love, betrayal….and death. Apache Elder Aidan Stringfellow, V, is a very wealthy man with one wish – to free his only son, the brilliant, yet abrasive David, from the curse that has plagued his family for generations. When his controversial plan for a cure is revealed, shock and disbelief are only the beginning, for David has deadly, yet beguiling secrets of his own.

Choosing to honor Aidan’s wishes, David and Katala unwittingly awaken an ancient evil desperate to lay claim to the last-born Stringfellow – David. The tumultuous consequences of a vengeful pact spanning generations, defies time, tradition, and death itself. Katala finds herself falling in love with a man whose gaze and touch ignite long-forgotten passion, propelling her to fight for his life. She unearths one devastating clue after another on her winding journey toward the truth, but unseen forces escalate their attack as truth collides with myth. Clinging desperately to her own sanity, she must find a way to reconcile the two, for even her own identity comes into question. Trust no one. Not even David.

Time is running out. Promises will be kept, and if the devil has his way, souls will be claimed.

My Rating - DNF

I actually got pretty far with this one. I enjoyed getting to know David and the curse that seemed to haunt him and his ancestors. However, Katala annoyed me and I couldn't take one more second in her head. I might come back to this one in the future.

Deceived by Lies by K.J. Thomas

Mafia Romance

I was deceived from the first day we met, right up until my planned death.

After being set up on a botched job, I escaped to find peace and quiet.
I never found it.
What I did find was someone I thought I could give my heart to, I had no idea of the monster living inside of the man.
Revenge makes the heart do horrible things.
Now I’m back in New York. I need to save the lives of my brothers.
Can I do this and not sacrifice myself in the process?

My Rating - DNF

There were so many grammatical errors.
Commas upon commas when a comma wasn't even needed.
Can you imagine how hard it is to read something like that?
If this story was any good, I wouldn't know because the commas kept distracting me.

Series Review // Fight For Her by J.J. Knight

May 20, 2024

I'm back with a series of books that I read a long time ago, but I remember enjoying them.
I'm a sucker for second chance romance and this one was alright. Let me know if you plan to read it too!

Book One

What do you do when you’ve just lost everything?
You fight.
For four years, I’ve been punching and kicking my way through hundreds of unworthy MMA opponents.
For four years, I’ve kept seeing her face. Maddie’s face. My one great love.
After a brutal cage match that sent me to the ER, Maddie took off across the country. Six months pregnant. She left to have my baby as far from me as she could. No more violence, she said. No fighting.
I had to live with it. I had no choice.
But last night I got a phone call from my little girl, asking me to come to her fourth birthday party. Her friends all have daddies, she said. Would I be hers?
Damn right I will.
I decide that when I get to New York, I’m not going to care about Maddie. I’m not going to even look at her.
But I do. And the moment I see her again, I know one thing is true.
This ain’t over.

Rating -

First time reading anything from this author and it was fun. I'm not sure if it was strictly the writing or because I happen to love the male pov so much. It was only after I started reading this that I realized that this is a series within a series because now I'm a bit intrigued by Cole's story too.

I'm a big fan of second chance love stories, simply because there's hope that the characters can right any past wrongs, they've grown up and matured, they can give and receive love at a more mature level, handle situations maturely... shoot just deal maturely. I like to see growth in characters and that's what these stories show.

I also love reading about daddies and their children and the growing relationship between Parker and Lily was really sweet to read. Maddie and Parker seem to be getting closer and more on track, despite their 4 year separation. I'm kinda curious about whether that conversation happened behind the scenes? Regardless, there's a bit of a cliffy so hopefully there are some answers in book 2.

Book Two

Only one person in the world could get me and Maddie back together.
Our little girl.
But just when I feel like we’ve got it made, I lose an MMA fight, a big one. I take a blow that might have killed anyone else.
For a while, we don’t even know if I’ll be able to fight again.
But the bone-crunching footage goes viral, and the world is calling for a rematch.
Surely one more fight will be enough. The money means Maddie and I can make a new start.
But my old enemies have noticed my sudden fame. And they want to make sure my career, and maybe even my life, goes nowhere.
Whether I fight them in the cage or in the street, this time I have everything to lose.

Rating - 1/2

I really enjoyed this installment of the series. I liked to see that both Maddie and Parker are willing to make sacrifices in order to be together and make each other happy.

I still have some questions and I'm hoping they get answered soon. Parker made a reference to his parents, indicating that he wasn't close to them. And Maddie mentioned that her father is homeless in L.A.

Once again this book ends on with a cliffhanger because of some douche named Striker. Really wish I had read the series involving Colt and Jo to get a better picture of what a total a**hole this guy is. Seems his sister and his friends aren't any better either.

On to book 3 to find some answers.

Book Three

They took her.

I can’t believe it.

Striker and his thug fighter friends kidnapped Maddie.

I don’t know how, or when, or where, but there will be vengeance.

And there is one thing I can guarantee.

I will be the last man standing.

Rating -

Did Maddie annoy anyone else as much as she freaking annoyed me? She was rescued and then threatened. And instead of going to her boyfriend and his friends, you know, the people who amazingly helped her before, she decided she's savvy enough to handle things on her own. Doesn't Parker have a right to know that there is a threat against their daughter? I'm incredibly aggravated right now. And her wishy-washy ways are extremely frustrating!!

At least I got to read about her dad. Funny how she kept saying that she hasn't figured out a way to help her dad. AA? Rehab? A home perhaps? Dumbass!

Anyway, I'm going to keep reading for Parker and Colt. I have no complaints for either of them.

Book Four

Maddie has left me again, and I can’t blame her.
I failed to protect her.
I don’t even know if I deserve her and Lily.
But I’m determined to make things right.
First, I’m going to find her father. He’s been living on the streets too long. That has to end.
Second, I’m going to give up this career. If she wants me to sit behind some security desk, I’m going to do it. For us.
But when Maddie’s father turns up in the hospital, and she flies into town to see him, I learn something that changes everything.
Someone I used to call a friend has threatened my little girl.
The game has changed, and now the only person who’s determined enough to win is the one who almost bowed out.

Rating -

I think the series on a whole was pretty good, however... I still can't stand Maddie. Here's why: when she met Parker, he was a fighter. She knew this. He lived with 3 other fighters and didn't hide the fact that he was a fighter. She stayed with him, fell in love with him, and got pregnant with his child. She left him because he's a fighter. What?! He didn't wake up one day and become a fighter behind her back. He didn't betray her. He stayed true to himself and she found fault in that. Fast forward 4 years later and she still has a judgmental attitude. She wants him to give up his passion... to work a security guard job. Are you freaking kidding me?! Who does that? It's not like he asked her to give up her passion for fashion because then they'd be even. No, she asked him to stop being HIM!! It made no sense to me. Real love comes without judgment and she should have been supporting him, not trying to change him. She had every right to be concerned about his health and well-being every time he went in the ring/cage, but not to the extent she took it to.

So because I couldn't like Maddie, despite all of my efforts, I couldn't give this series any more stars. I gave this book 3 stars mainly because of Parker, Colt, and Jax. And to be completely honest, this entire series should have been told from Parker's pov only (IMO).

Review // Unholy Vows, Kidnapped by the Krampus, and Somewhere Beyond the Sea

May 19, 2024

Hello and Happy Sunday. I hope your week went well. Tomorrow we're celebrating Victoria Day and I'm excited to see some fireworks.
I usually do a post like this on Wednesdays (and I still plan on having one this week), but why not post today?
I'm sharing three books I read and quite enjoyed and maybe you'll find something here to read too!

Unholy Vows by Mila Kane

Unholy Vows by Mila Kane

Dual POV
Contemporary Romance / Organized Crime
Descriptive heat
437 pages

We never should have met. She wandered like an innocent lamb into my world, and the door slammed shut behind her.
Leaving her alive and free was a risk no capo would take.
I’ll let her live, for a price.
Her freedom.
She isn’t what she seems, but it’s already too late.
I'm obsessed, and nothing, and no one will keep her from me.

Rating -

This was my first time reading from Mila Kane and I'll be back for more. I loved how possessive and almost out-of-control Renato's obsession with Charlie. Honestly, it was the only thing I really appreciated about this book.

Charlie has been taking care of her sister for years. More a mother than anything else, she's constantly cleaning up her messes and trying to keep her in line. When Lucy's latest mishap puts them on the radar of both the mob and a cartel, Charlie doesn't have a clue what to do. And it's very obvious. Lucky for her Renato took such a shine to her.

Charlie drove me nuts. Her sister drove me nuts. They were just too silly to take seriously. Again, I'm thankful for Renato and everything and everyone that had anything to do with him. I wonder if there are books for the side characters because I also liked them. Giada, Elio and Sonny deserve happy endings too.

Kidnapped by the Krampus by Emily Shore

Kidnapped by the Krampus by Emily Shore

Dual POV
Paranormal Romance
Filthy heat
254 pages

Is Krampus real?

That's the question burning in my investigative journalist mind as I sneak into Krampus World to learn the truth about the eccentric CEO who always wears the monstrous holiday costume. I'm definitely making the naughty list for this.

After sharing a drink with the mysterious and quiet CEO, the last thing I expect is waking up with no clothes in the most beautiful winter castle. This horned heartthrob billionaire kidnapped me!

Despite the language barrier, I soon learn that his punishments are hot enough to melt the North Pole. And there are far worse things than being treated like a Christmas princess in a Yuletide-themed castle.

As I unwrap the layers of this hooved and horned enigma, I suspect the monster may be as real as Rudolph's red nose! And I might be falling for him faster than Santa coming down the chimney.

Well.... Monster romance is trending after all!


Don’t show them your tongue.
Don’t growl.
Don’t urge them to check your body for some nonexistent zipper.
Don’t wag your tail.
Don't show them how well you dance in hooves.

After a century of failures to find true love, Twyla is my last chance to break the curse before the clock runs out. I will do whatever it takes to keep my little star, my light in the darkness. It turns out this naughty girl may love my monstrous punishments and the magic of my realm.

It's not long before Twyla tangles around my heart more than twinkle lights. But can she believe a monster is her happily ever after? Will she save me from my icy fate?

Or am I doomed to be the demon of Yuletide with a frozen heart forever?

Rating -

Soooo... that happened. I enjoyed the premise of this book and that the monster didn't magically become a gorgeous male upon finding his true love or being cured of his curse. I didn't like the characters. Something about both of them prevented me from connecting with them or caring about them. Their relationship was absolutely filthy though so that's something. If you enjoy that sort of thing (like I seem to), pick this up and try it for yourself.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune

Excerpt from Somewhere Beyond the Sea

Fantasy Romance / LGBTQ
Approx. 100 pages for the excerpt

A magical house. A secret past. A summons that could change everything.

Arthur Parnassus lives a good life built on the ashes of a bad one.

He’s the master of a strange orphanage on a distant and peculiar island, and he hopes to soon be the adoptive father to the six dangerous and magical children who live there.

Arthur works hard and loves with his whole heart so none of the children ever feel the neglect and pain that he once felt as an orphan on that very same island so long ago. He is not alone: joining him is the love of his life, Linus Baker, a former caseworker in the Department In Charge of Magical Youth. And there’s the island’s sprite, Zoe Chapelwhite, and her girlfriend, Mayor Helen Webb. Together, they will do anything to protect the children.

But when Arthur is summoned to make a public statement about his dark past, he finds himself at the helm of a fight for the future that his family, and all magical people, deserve.

And when a new magical child hopes to join them on their island home—one who finds power in calling himself monster, a name that Arthur worked so hard to protect his children from—Arthur knows they’re at a breaking point: their family will either grow stronger than ever or fall apart.

Welcome back to Marsyas Island. This is Arthur’s story.

Rating -

Should I feel so lucky to have received the first four chapters of this book? Because I'm happy right now and I only got to read a little bit of the story. What I've read so far has me super excited to read on when the book releases. We're getting Arthur's story and I have to say, everything about this male has me intrigued. Learning more about him sounds like an excellent way to spend a day.

Review // House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

May 16, 2024

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

Prince Hunt Athalar Danaan.
He would have hated the last name were it not for the fact that it was a marker of her ownership over his soul, his heart.

You can find it here: Goodreads * Amazon

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

Rating - 1/2
Book 3 of the Crescent City series
Release - January 30, 2024
Genre - Fantasy Romance / fated mates
POV - Multiple 3rd person
Heat - descriptive
Source - library ebook
Length - 951 pages
Previous books in the series - House of Earth and Blood * House of Sky and Breath

Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she's going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that's no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust.

Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he's in the Asteri's dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce's fate. He's desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri's leash, his hands are quite literally tied.

Writing a review for this book has been so hard because everything I've come up with has been pretty spoilery.

House of Flame and Shadow picks up right where the cliffhanger from the last book left us — Hunt, Ruhn and Bax are prisoners of the Asteri; Bryce is in the land of her ancestors; and everyone else is converging on the final showdown. There was so much revealed in this story and while I could appreciate the fact that there was a crossover of characters, I didn't read the other series, so I was meeting these people for the first time, without any preconceptions. I missed all of the Easter eggs and now I'm curious enough to read that series 😊

“I fell in love with you in the depths of my soul, and it's my soul that will find yours again in the next life.”

Without spoiling everything, I'll just tell you my feelings throughout the book. I was so proud of how far Hunt and Bryce had come in their relationship. Remembering where they started out, virtually enemies to allies to everything, I am a true sucker for the love, support and friendship they found with each other. Ruhn was still an absolute sweetheart and I'm excited for his future, especially one he will share with Day. My heart breaks for Bax, but dang that male came so far from where he used to stand. Never thought he would be such a staunch ally. I found this book scary and tense and exciting and incredible and I would not complain if there was another one in the series, despite the threat to their world being gone.

Shoot, just give me an extended epilogue or something!

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas is the #1 New York Times and internationally bestselling author of the Crescent City, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and the Throne of Glass series. Her books have sold more than twelve million copies and are published in thirty-seven languages.

A New York native, Sarah lives in Philadelphia with her husband, son, and dog.

To find out more, visit or follow @therealsjmaas on Instagram.