Review // The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout

July 28, 2021

The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout

He was the strongest, the deadliest of his kind, and that knowledge did nothing to dampen my appreciation of his masculine beauty.

The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout

A Wicked Trilogy #3.5
Release - August 14, 2018
Genre - Fantasy Romance
Single POV - Brighton
Heat Level - 2.5 / a couple of scenes (one of which didn't involve actual sex)
Format/Source - Kindle purchase
Page Count - 192
Publisher - Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated

Buy it here: Amazon

She’s everything he wants….

Cold. Heartless. Deadly. Whispers of his name alone bring fear to fae and mortals alike. The Prince. There is nothing in the mortal world more dangerous than him. Haunted by a past he couldn’t control, all Caden desires is revenge against those who’d wronged him, trapping him in never-ending nightmare. And there is one person he knows can help him.

She’s everything he can’t have…

Raised within the Order, Brighton Jussier knows just how dangerous the Prince is, reformed or not. She’d seen firsthand what atrocities he could be capable of. The last thing she wants to do is help him, but he leaves her little choice. Forced to work alongside him, she begins to see the man under the bitter ice. Yearning for him feels like the definition of insanity, but there’s no denying the heat in his touch and the wicked promise is his stare.

She’s everything he’ll take….

But there’s someone out there who wants to return the Prince to his former self. A walking, breathing nightmare that is hell bent on destroying the world and everyone close to him. The last thing either of them needs is a distraction, but with the attraction growing between them each now, the one thing he wants more than anything may be the one thing that will be his undoing.

She’s everything he’d die for….

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

Here's the thing... I thought with this book being called The Prince that it would actually be about... you know... The Prince. And while Prince Caden was all over this story, it was really about the idiosyncrasies of a girl named Brighton.

I haven't read the Wicked Trilogy (yet), but this novella gave enough of a hint to make it all pretty understandable. There are Winter Fae (who are evil) and Summer Fae (who are not). Caden is the Prince of the Summer Fae and keeps getting in the way of Brighton finding vengeance for the vicious attack that took her mother and nearly took her own life. As part of The Order, who monitor and protect against the evil fae, Brighton has never been taken seriously. She has no skills, she can't fight, and she has been relegated to desk duty. At least as far as they know.

This girl has made it her mission to find her own justice against the fae who attacked her. She's this close to the ancient one who led it all... too bad Caden's also looking for the same male. And then there's the sexual tension that seems to bleed into every interaction between the two. Can they have some hot sex already???

Wanna know how I know this author can write? I couldn't stand the protagonist, but still found plenty to enjoy about this story. I would have given my left fang for just a taste of Caden's perspective, even if it was just to break up the monotony of Brighton's nonsense. I'm not a fan of single POVs, but I'm interested enough in this story to give The King a chance. I wonder if Brighton will finally act like a grown up and if these two will finally just get it on!!

Irritated that he understood why I needed to do what I had to, but was trying to stop me, I threw up my hands. "You can't stop me."

He arched a brow at that as he sat back. "I can stop you."

Caring and sharing time was so over. "You know what? I don't even get why you care. We barely know each other. You're the Prince, and I'm just... I'm just me. I'm a —" I almost blurted out ghost, but stopped myself.

"You're what?" Curiosity crept into his features.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. I appreciate your concern. I do. It's unexpected, but I appreciate it. It's not going to change —"

"You're what?" he repeated.

Pressing my lips together, I shook my head in frustration.

What were you about to say?" he persisted.

"I'm just a ghost," I blurted out, surprised that I allowed the words to take flight, because once spoken, you couldn't take it back. "That's who I was before the attack and..."

He was watching me intently. "And you're not a ghost anymore?"

"I don't know what I am anymore," I admitted, blinking back the stupid burn of tears again. "And I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I don't even like you."

"You don't even know me."

# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

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Release Blitz // Claimed by J.R. Ward

July 27, 2021

Claimed by J.R. Ward

“This emotional roller coaster does not disappoint.”—Publisher’s Weekly

Welcome to the Lair of the Wolven.
Get ready to be Claimed…

Claimed, the first book in an all new epic series, Lair of the Wolven from #1 New York Times and bestselling author J.R. Ward is now available!

A heart-pounding new series set in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world, with a scientist fighting to save the timber wolves—and getting caught in a deadly trap herself...

Lydia Susi is passionate about protecting wolves in their natural habitat. When a hotel chain develops a tract of land next to the preserve, Lydia is one of the most vocal opponents of the project—and becomes a target.

One night, a shadowy figure threatens Lydia’s life in the forest, and a new hire at the Wolf Study Project comes from out of nowhere to save her. Daniel Joseph is both mysterious, and someone she intrinsically wants to trust. But is he hiding something?

As the stakes get higher, and one of Lydia’s colleagues is murdered, she must decide how far she will go to protect the wolves. Then a shocking revelation about Daniel challenges Lydia’s reality in ways she could never have predicted. Some fates demand courage, others require even more, with no guarantees. Is she destined to have true love... or will a soul-shattering loss ruin her forever?

Grab your copy today!
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About J.R. Ward
J.R. Ward is the author of over thirty novels, including those in her #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling series, The Black Dagger Brotherhood. There are more than 15 million copies of Ward’s novels in print worldwide and they have been published in 25 different countries around the world.
After graduating from law school, Ward began working in healthcare in Boston and spent many years as Chief of Staff of one of the premier academic medical centers in the nation. She lives in the south with her incredibly supportive husband and her beloved golden retriever. Writing has always been her passion and her idea of heaven is a whole day of nothing but her computer, her dog and her coffee pot.

Connect with J.R. Ward

Review // No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

"I don't feel pity for you... I feel anger for you. Passion for you. Need. Desire. Want. I'm pissed you didn't tell me. Sad that I don't get to see you every day. Mad that you keep ditching me because you think that's what I want. But I most definitely don't feel any damn pity for you. Not when you've persevered. When you've turned into this person that overcame a huge obstacle and made you into the woman that I see today."

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

Standalone - Madd CrossFit #1
Release - July 27, 2021
Genre - Romantic Suspense
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / several scenes
Format/Source - eARC provided by the author
Page Count - 208
Publisher - Indie

Buy it here: Amazon

Taos was tired.
Tired of everything that came with living. Not to the point where he was suicidal or anything, but tired enough that he just didn’t give a crap anymore.
He’d seen all the ugliness this world had to offer due to his job as a police officer for way too many damn years of his less than stellar life. After finding a way to sustain his spending habits that didn’t include having criminals point guns at his face, he quits without a backward glance.
Only, he just can’t step away from old habits.
Old habits that have to do with a beautiful young woman that makes his heart feel like it isn’t nearly as broken as it is.
Fran has experienced more than her fair share of crap. After an attack that nearly took her life, she stays hidden in her house, fearful that stepping out of her comfort zone will be the final nail in her coffin.
Then her sister forces her to face her fears, and she joins Madd CrossFit.
There, she meets the man that saved her life a year ago, and realizes rather quickly that he doesn’t even realize who he is to her.
He’s everything she ever thought a man should be and wants nothing to do with her.
Maybe she’ll have to give him a reason to look her way.
And damned if she doesn’t find a way to do it.
She didn’t plan on nearly getting killed for that to happen, though.
At least not again.

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale
No Rep was written in such a refreshing way that I was honestly surprised by the tone this story took. As a long time LLV fan, I. Was. Shook!

While there were plenty of familiar things, such as the light and fun vibe typically found in an LLV novel, it was a touch more serious. And it had to be. Fran survived a serial killer and Taos hunted them. Makes sense. On top of that, there was no rush for the intimacy that was growing between the main characters. It wasn't a slow build, but it did grow organically.

Am I a fool for hoping that one day the author ages up baby Vlad to give him his own story? Man, that baby was sooooo cute!

I have digressed...

Fran almost fell victim to a serial killer. Taos was the cop who rescued her. She disappeared from life due to fear until her sister tried to inject some hope inside of her. That's where Taos' crossfit gym came in. Fran came out of her shell and she blossomed. Was it being around other people? Testing and building her strength? Or was it all due to Taos?

I'm going with a huge helping of Taos!

I enjoyed the suspenseful elements of this story. I couldn't figure out who the new serial killer was and it was exciting to see how everything would unfold. I loved what eventually grew between Fran and Taos and the way their happily ever after developed. I also appreciated meeting all of the side characters and I'm looking forward to reading their own stories. Jerk It, the story of Murphy and Mavis, is next!

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

My Notes

It didn't make sense that Fran would avoid Taos after he learned of how they originally knew each other. It was already established that she was into him and that they were building something together. I didn't get the purpose of her hiding anything from him or pushing him away because she was worried about how he would treat her. It was beyond obvious that something had happened to her, and that she lived with fear as a constant companion, even without knowing the details. So why would he treat her differently after knowing the specifics?

I was confused by the whole 'Taos has a biological brother named Greer that Fran is determined to find' storyline. I understand that he was adopted out and that despite Taos being a cop, he couldn't be found. Then by the end of the story (eight years later), Fran and her grandmother have found him. And.... nothing. She didn't even tell the man that she found his long-lost brother! Where would these details be found? Is there another book that will make this clearer?

No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale
Lani Lynn Vale is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. She writes contemporary and romantic suspense, and has a love for all things romance. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world...that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

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Review // Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston

July 26, 2021

Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston

The big tiger shifted back to his human form and Finn Malone stood naked in front of her with all those amazing muscles, covered in the blood of her enemy. And for a Viking female absolutely nothing could be sexier.

Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston

Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston

Honey Badger Chronicles #4
Release - August 31, 2021
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Multiple POV - 3rd person
Heat Level - 4 out of 5 / one scene
Format/Source - eARC provided by the publisher
Page Count - 368
Publisher - Kensington Books

Buy it here: Amazon

It's instinct that drives Finn Malone to rescue a bunch of hard battling honey badgers. The Siberian tiger shifter just can't bear to see his fellow shifters harmed. But no way can Finn have a houseful of honey badgers when he also has two brothers with no patience. Things just go from bad to worse when the badgers rudely ejected from his home turn out to be the only ones who can help him solve a family tragedy. He's just not sure he can even get back into the badgers' good graces. Since badgers lack graces of any kind...

Mads knows her teammates aren't about to forgive the cats that were so rude to them, but moody Finn isn't so bad. And he's cute! The badger part of her understands Finn's burning need to avenge his father's death--after all, vengeance is her favorite pastime. So Mads sets about helping Finn settle his family's score, which has its perks, since she gets to avoid her own family drama. Besides, fighting side by side with Finn is her kind of fun--especially when she can get in a hot and heavy snuggle with her very own growling, eye-rolling, and utterly irresistible kitty-cat...

This book was... wildly entertaining!

I know this story is supposed to be about a honey badger named Mads and a fierce tiger named Finn, but... it was about so much more than them! This book had so many people popping in and out, so many perspectives trying to push themselves out there and make themselves heard, so many action scenes that highlighted the madness of everyone that it was hard to ignore everyone else.

At its core, Breaking Badger was about Finn and his brothers wanting to get to the bottom of who murdered their father and looking to the honey badgers for help. However, those badgers don't like to help anyone else but each other. Then there's Mads, who has been terrorized by her family her whole life and we're all wondering when this girl will finally stand up for herself.

I had a whole lot of love for the absolute absurdity that happened in this story. From the crazy and intense action scenes, the hilarity of the banter, the camaraderie between all of the characters, and the slow burn of the romance, I was hooked! The mystery of how the father of the Black Malones is still unsolved and I'm looking forward to seeing what these people do to find their answers.

Originally from Long Island, New York, Shelly Laurenston has resigned herself to West Coast living which involves healthy food, mostly sunny days, and lots of guys not wearing shirts when they really should be. Shelly Laurenston is also The New York Times Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, creator of the Dragon Kin series. For more info on G.A. Aiken's dangerously and arrogantly sexy dragons, check out her website at

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New Releases - July 18-24, 2021

July 24, 2021

Happy Weekend! It's been an interesting week for me and mine. WE ARE FULLY VACCINATED!!
Check out the amazing books that released this week. Which one(s) are you interested in?

Serves Me Wright by K.A. Linde

A new stand alone fake relationship romance set in the world of the Wrights

I never thought I’d say yes to a fake date.

Let alone with Julian Wright.

But I’m stuck attending my perfect brother’s doctoral graduation, and I can’t suffer through another round of parental disappointment. Julian has to go to a charity function he planned with his ex-girlfriend. We both need a date.

Yes, we shared one kiss in a darkened office to make his ex jealous. But it wasn’t real. Was it?

I’m sure I can get through this. Until we get to the house and there’s only one bed.

I’ve pined for Julian for three long years. More than my body is on the line...I need to guard my heart.

Because if I get hurt in our fake relationship, then it serves me Wright.

Buy it here: Amazon

The Rookie by Kendall Ryan

He has everything a man could want. A lucrative hockey contract. Adoring fans. A family who loves him.

But he’s about to throw it all away. Logan Tate’s name is dominating the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Instead of goals and assists, the talented young defenseman has been racking up fights and suspensions.

I work with athletes who are struggling, but Logan’s different. He’s not just going to blow his season, but his entire career. And now he can’t return to the ice until he deals with his issues, but the stubborn man won’t let anyone get close enough to help.

Which is why I packed up and followed him to his family’s property in the remote mountains of Colorado. He can’t avoid me here.

The only problem?
I can’t avoid him either. He’s chopping wood and building fires, rescuing my car from snowy ditches, and inviting me to Sunday dinners with his loud extended family. He’s a whole lot of man, but beneath all those hard edges is an unexpected tenderness.

Tempted or not, I have to stay out of his bed and get him back to the ice . . . no matter how difficult that might be.

This is a sizzling new romance in the Looking to Score series. Each book can be read as a standalone.

Buy it here: Amazon

Last Guard (Psy-Changeling Trinity #5) by Nalini Singh

Termed merciless by some, and a robotic sociopath by others, Payal Rao is the perfect Psy: cardinal telekinetic, CEO of a major conglomerate, beautiful—and emotionless.

For Canto Mercant, family and loyalty are everything. A cardinal telepath deemed “imperfect” by his race due to a spinal injury, Canto cares for the opinions of very few—and ruthlessly protects those he claims as his own. Head of intel for the influential Mercant family, he prefers to remain a shadow in the Net, unknown and unseen. But Canto is also an anchor, part of a secretive designation whose task it is to stabilize the PsyNet. Now that critical psychic network is dying, threatening to collapse and kill the entire Psy race with it.

To save those he loves, Canto needs the help of a woman bound to him by a dark past neither has been able to forget. A woman who is the most powerful anchor of them all: Payal Rao. Neither is ready for the violent inferno about to ignite in the PsyNet . . . or the passionate madness that threatens to destroy them both.

Buy it here: Amazon

Totally Folked (Good Folk: Modern Folktales #1) by Penny Reid

One unforgettable night leads to an unlikely shared connection, and unlikely connections never go unnoticed by the good folks in Green Valley, Tennessee. . .

Jackson James follows the rules. He has to. He’s a sheriff’s deputy in a super small town with a super big personality. However, strict adherence to the law during the day has been enjoyably balanced by rakish rules at night. Jackson, typically happy to protect and serve (and serve, and serve), starts questioning the value of wayward evenings when getting laid starts to feel more like being waylaid. Could it be that Green Valley’s most eligible—and notorious—bachelor longs for something (and someone) real?

Mega movie star Raquel Ezra follows only one rule: always leave them wanting more. Studio execs, reporters, audiences, fans, lovers—no one can get enough of the smart, savvy, and sexy bombshell. But when “generous offers” begin to feel more like excessive demands, years of always leaving has the elusive starlet longing for something (and perhaps someone) lasting.

When Raquel abruptly returns to the quirky Tennessee hamlet, her path crosses with the delectable deputy with whom she spent one unforgettable night. Unfortunately, scandal and intrigue soon follow. Raquel and Jackson must decide which is more important: following their rules? Or, at long last, finding something real.

Buy it here: Amazon

Waylaid by Sarina Bowen

It’s a tale as old as time: the bad boy meets the good girl. He makes a daring proposition. Then the boy gets a mysterious head injury and loses a year of his life…

The first time I meet Rickie, I don’t know what to make of him. The second time we meet, he doesn’t remember the six hours we spent together. Or standing me up afterward.

I’m not the same, either. I’ve got secrets. I’ve told lies. Bad boys aren’t my type, anyway. Even the ones with troubled gray eyes.

But now we’re roommates. Cue the awkward moments in the hallway when he’s wearing only a towel and a smile. He’s determined to win me over, and his talented hands weaken my resolve.

It’s all fun and games until my past rears its ugly head and his secrets come to light, shaking our fragile connection, maybe even breaking it…

Note: this is Daphne Shipley's story. Contents include Vermonty ice cream flavors, nerdy awkwardness, tattoos, and a playboy grandpa.

Buy it here: Amazon

Jett by Sawyer Bennett

Jett Olsson isn’t looking for anything serious and she’s not looking for anything at all, so why does it seem so hard to keep it professional?

I love my life—the thrill of being on the ice as part of the Arizona Vengeance, the rush of winning, the adoration of the fans. And if that adoration means I don’t have to spend the night alone, well even better. I’m content being single and always ready to mingle.

But the day Emory Holland walks into a Vengeance team meeting my attention is caught like never before. I can tell right away she’s full of smarts and sass, and the fact that she’s hot as hell sure doesn’t hurt either. She immediately shuts down my advances, so I opt for the road less traveled—straight to the friend zone.

My approach works like a charm, and when she invites me into her bed for a no-strings, friends-with-benefits arrangement, I vow to give her everything I have. She’s been hurt before, and if I’m able to help her heal while giving her a spectacularly satisfying time *pats self on back*, then I’ll be happy.

Or at least that’s the lie I keep telling myself as the time ticks down on the final buzzer of our “relationship”. Now the real question is, can I score the winning goal in a game neither of us realized we were playing?

Buy it here: Amazon

Isn't It Bromantic (Bromance Club #4) by Lyssa Kay Adams

With his passion for romance novels, it was only a matter of time before Vlad wrote one.

Elena Konnikova has lived her entire adult life in the shadows. As the daughter of a Russian journalist who mysteriously disappeared, she escaped danger the only way she knew how: She married her childhood friend, Vladimir, and moved to the United States, where he is a professional hockey player in Nashville.

Vlad, aka the Russian, thought he could be content with his marriage of convenience. But it’s become too difficult to continue in a one-sided relationship. He joined the Bromance Book Club to learn how to make his wife love him, but all he’s learned is that he deserves more. He’s ready to create his own sweeping romance—both on and off the page.

The bros are unwilling to let Vlad forgo true love—and this time they’re not operating solo. They join forces with Vlad’s neighbors, a group of meddling widows who call themselves the Loners. But just when things finally look promising, Elena’s past life intrudes and their happily ever after is cast into doubt.

Buy it here: Amazon

These Hollow Vows (These Hollow Vows #1) by Lexi Ryan

Brie hates the Fae and refuses to have anything to do with them, even if that means starving on the street. But when her sister is sold to the sadistic king of the Unseelie court to pay a debt, she'll do whatever it takes to get her back—including making a deal with the king himself to steal three magical relics from the Seelie court.

Gaining unfettered access to the Seelie court is easier said than done. Brie's only choice is to pose as a potential bride for Prince Ronan, and she soon finds herself falling for him. Unwilling to let her heart distract her, she accepts help from a band of Unseelie misfits with their own secret agenda. As Brie spends time with their mysterious leader, Finn, she struggles to resist his seductive charm.

Caught between two dangerous courts, Brie must decide who to trust with her loyalty. And with her heart.

Buy it here: Amazon

The Good Lie by A.R. Torre

Six teens murdered. A suspect behind bars. A desperate father. In a case this shadowy, the truth is easy to hide.

Six teenagers dead. Finally, the killer behind bars. But are the games just beginning?

Psychiatrist Dr. Gwen Moore is an expert on killers. She’s spent a decade treating California’s most depraved predators and unlocking their motives—predators much like the notorious Bloody Heart serial killer, whose latest teenage victim escaped and then identified local high school teacher Randall Thompson as his captor. The case against Thompson as the Bloody Heart Killer is damning—and closed, as far as Gwen and the media are concerned. If not for one new development…

Defense attorney Robert Kavin is a still-traumatized father whose own son fell prey to the BH Killer. Convinced of Thompson’s innocence, he steps in to represent him. Now Robert wants Gwen to interview the accused, create a psych profile of the killer and his victims, and help clear his client’s name.

As Gwen and Robert grow closer and she dives deeper into the investigation, grave questions arise. So does Gwen’s suspicion that Robert is hiding something—and that he might not be the only one with a secret.

Buy it here: Amazon

The Second Blind Son (The Chronicles of Saylok #2) by Amy Harmon

An insidious curse is weakening the Norse kingdom of Saylok, where no daughters have been born in years. Washing up on these plagued shores is Ghisla, an orphaned stowaway nursed back to health by a blind cave dweller. Named for a mysterious god, the boy, Hod, is surrounded by prophecy. To Ghisla, he’s a cherished new friend. To Hod, the girl is even more so. For when Ghisla sings, Hod can see.

Unable to offer safe shelter, Hod urges Ghisla onward to become a daughter of the temple, where all the kingdom’s girl children have been gathered. But because of a magical rune, the two cannot be separated, no matter the time or the distance.

Now, subject to a ruthless king, Ghisla enters a desperate world of warring clan chieftains and catastrophic power struggles. Who among them can be trusted is unknowable. So are the sacrifices Ghisla and Hod must make to defeat the cursed forces that could destroy a kingdom and the fated bond between two souls.

Buy it here: Amazon

Travis by Mia Sheridan

Travis Hale has it all. An important role as the chief of police in the idyllic town of Pelion, Maine. Looks that regularly and consistently make women fall at his feet. Two nephews and a niece he adores, and a family who’s mostly forgiven him after a series of unfortunate decisions years before. Perhaps his past is riddled with regrets and misguided choices, but his future looks bright and limitless.

Until the new guy in town crosses him in a way both shocking and indefensible.

A guy who, as it turns out, has a sister who may be equally as disastrous to Travis’s well-ordered plans, though in an altogether different manner. Not that there’s any real risk of him falling for the smoothie-making, birdseed-eating wild woman. She’s not even his type. A plant lady from California with a head of unruly curls and an equally messy past. More than that, she’s only in town for the summer, busy mooning over perfect-in-every-way Gage Buchanan.

And if Travis knows anything, it’s that he refuses to be second best. Ever again.

Haven Torres’s life fell apart. Or more to the point, it burned to the ground. At the time, it seemed like a solid idea to jump in her car, her brother a mostly-willing co-pilot, and embark on a cross-country adventure.

When they land jobs at an exclusive tennis and golf club in a picturesque lake town in Maine, Haven’s hopeful it might prove a summer to remember. Especially if she can catch the attention of the most eligible bachelor in town and her current crush. Even the kindest, most upstanding, perfect of men aren’t opposed to summer flings, right?

But when she meets the local police chief—all swagger and arrogance—and learns of her brother’s scandalous misdeed, she knows that Pelion is just another town where their stay is best . . . short-lived. Still, she and Travis strike up an unlikely friendship and Haven sees that the gorgeous lawman isn’t only easy on the eyes, but he has . . . layers. Not that she’s going to peel any of them. He’s only her friend. A friend willing to scratch her back, if she scratches his.

It seems simple enough. She’ll help him make her brother sweat a little. And he’ll help her win over Gage. But before either Travis or Haven knows it, simple turns complicated, friendship gets flipped on its ear, passion faces down perfection, and they both discover that sometimes you have to lose it all to find exactly what you need.

Buy it here: Amazon

Witches Get Stitches (Stay a Spell #3) by Juliette Cross

Violet Savoie has a plan. A dream, rather. To open her own tattoo shop, which caters to supernaturals in need of permanent charms. As a powerful Seer, she has the potent magic to cast every kind of spell. Except the kind to give werewolves control over their beastly side. And her business partner Nico needs help in the worst kind of way.

Nico Cruz has a secret. A motive, rather. To subtly stalk and seduce Violet until she finally recognizes they are fated to be together. Ever since their heated encounter in Austin on New Year’s Eve two years earlier, he’s been dying to get his hands—and his tongue—back on her body. He knows a woman like Violet can’t be courted in the usual way. Luckily, Nico has no scruples about misbehaving to get what he wants.

But when his former pack roams into town, and an old friend is far too interested in Violet, his focus shifts to the threat venturing into his territory. Nico may come across as the quiet, broody one, but the intruders are about to regret stepping foot in New Orleans. And when Violet goes missing, no charm or spell can keep Nico’s wolf at bay.

Buy it here: Amazon

Inked Obsession (Montgomery Ink: Fort Collins #2) by Carrie Ann Ryan

When men in uniform showed up on Eliza Wilder-Strong’s doorstep, she knew her life would be irrevocably altered. She not only lost her husband, but the future she’d carefully planned. A year later, she’s looking to start over—beginning with a solo healing vacation. Only she never expects to see a familiar, tempting face along the way.

Beckett Montgomery refuses to want his little sister’s best friend—especially because she’s a widow. Yet there’s no stopping the connection between them. As the temptation to give in intensifies between them, so do the reasons they shouldn’t stay together.

Painful ghosts from both of their pasts stand in their way and sometimes it’s the living that can haunt you when you’re not looking.

Buy it here: Amazon

Dirty Ginger (Three Chicks Brewery #3) by Stacey Kennedy

Everyone at Three Chicks Brewery knows that Amelia Carter has the magic touch when it comes to creating the perfect beer. Her ales have customers singing her praises and begging for more. Unfortunately, when it comes to love, the only magic she seems to have is the cursed kind. After being left at the altar by her ex-fiancé, Amelia gives up on the idea of happily ever after to focus on making the Carter family brewery a national success.

Beckett Stone starts to believe in happily ever after the day Amelia's worthless ex bails on their wedding, finally giving Beckett another chance with his high school sweetheart--the only woman he's ever loved. Unfortunately, Amelia's broken heart is just one of the obstacles Beckett needs to overcome if he wants to win her for good. He knows he's not the man Amelia deserves, particularly with his money-pit of a house, a 1975 truck that barely runs, an alcoholic father, and a universe that seems to have a twisted sense of humor when it comes to giving Beckett a break.

But when pressure mounts to make the Three Chicks Brewery's top beer, Foxy Diva, into a huge success, Amelia starts to fall apart, and Beckett swoops in with his gentle reassurances and hard-work ethic. While the last thing Amelia wants is to fall in love again, she can't deny that her heart beats a little faster whenever she sees Beckett walk through the door. Soon, every warm caress and soft whisper of understanding becomes a balm to both of them. As Beckett makes his intentions clear, Amelia must decide if she can overcome her shattered heart and believe in the magic of true love again.

Buy it here: Amazon

Rise (Rise & Fall #1) by Grahame Claire

I have it all.

As a titan of New York City real estate, there’s nothing out of my reach.

Money. Power. Success.

The rise to the top wasn’t easy, but I’ve overcome every obstacle in my way. Including the biggest one.

Then I met her.

She isn’t afraid to put me in my place. Doesn’t tip toe around me because of who I am.

And she’s there to witness the most humiliating moment of my life.

The thing about being on top is there’s a lot further to fall.

Someone wants to see me lose everything.

And they just may get their wish.

Because I can’t focus on anything except my sister’s best friend.

Buy it here: Amazon

The Hunger (The Lycans #3) by Jenika Snow

I had no family, no friends. I was utterly alone and always had been. And once I aged out of the system that had raised me, I decided to find out exactly who I was.

Where did I come from? Who were my parents? What made me… me?

It became the fire in my veins.

And my journey led me to Scotland, the Highlands, and for the first time in my life I had this feeling of… belonging.

What should have been a simple hike through the Scottish countryside led me to discovering that there were things far more mysterious than trying to find out who I was.

There were other things—creatures—lurking in this world, ones who were stronger, fiercer… ones who were not human.

Everything I’d ever known seemed like a fable now.

And it was one of those otherworldly creatures who stalked me—chased me.

And I knew I couldn’t outrun him. I couldn’t escape.

He’s bigger than any man I’d ever seen, stronger than anyone should be. His growls were feral, his fangs animalistic, and when he watched me it was with glowing eyes.

I found myself at his mercy, chained to a bed, and alone with this man who isn’t really a man at all. I asked him why I was there, why he took me, held me against my will.

And all he said was… I was his mate.

Happy Hunting!


Happy Weekend! Every Friday, I'll be bringing you the book deals I've found on Amazon. Let me know if you found anthing to binge this weekend because while I'm off to one-click some of these sales, I need to know I'm not alone. Happy hunting!!

Please Note: All books are listed for $2 or less (prices valid at time of post). I apologize in advance if the sale is over by the time you found yourself here.

A. Zavarelli

  • Crow (Boston Underworld #1)

A.R. Torre

Aleatha Romig

Amo Jones

Amy Daws

Anthology (various authors)

Audrey Carlan

Aurora Rose Reynolds

BB Easton

Brenda K. Davies

Brittainy Cherry

CD Reiss

Chelle Bliss

Dylan Allen

Elle Kennedy

Erin Watt

G.A. Aiken

Gena Showalter

Geneva Lee

Heather M. Orgeron

Helena Hunting

J.T. Geissinger

Jay McLean

Jeaniene Frost

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Julia Kent

  • Hasty (The Do-Over Series

K.A. Linde

K.K. Allen

Kat T. Masen

Katy Evans

Kennedy Ryan

Kristen Ashley

Kylie Scott

L.A. Casey

L.A. Fiore

L.J. Shen

Laurelin Paige

Lauren Blakely

Lauren Landish

Lauren Layne

Lynsay Sands

Max Monroe

Melanie Moreland

Melissa Foster

Penelope Douglas

Pepper Winters

Piper Rayne

Raine Miller

Rebecca Zanetti

S. Nelson

Samantha Towle

Sara Ney

Sawyer Bennett

Shelly Laurenston

Sierra Simone

Stacey Marie Brown

T.L. Smith

T L Swan

T.S. Joyce

Tara Sivec

Tessa Bailey
